If you suffer from fatty liver disease, you probably don’t know it What should we eat to treat fatty liver? And what not to eat? Stay with us until the end to find the answer.
What should I eat and not eat to treat fatty liver?
Fatty liver is a common disease in people who consume alcohol, are obese and inactive. This is one of the main causes of liver failure. However, fatty liver disease can be treated with dietary changes. In this article from Alamo, we are going to answer the question, what should I eat to treat fatty liver and what should I not eat? And let’s talk about useful and harmful foods for fatty liver.
There are two types of fatty liver: alcoholic fatty liver and non-alcoholic fatty liver. The main cause of alcoholic fatty liver is excessive alcohol abuse, which damages the liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is diagnosed in obese and sedentary people.
One of the ways to treat fatty liver disease in general is to change the scientific diet. In general, a scientific diet for patients with fatty liver should have the following conditions:
Eat plenty of fiber-rich fruits, such as legumes, whole grains, and limit sugar, nutrients, and fat can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of fatty liver disease. Eat slowly and say no to alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer.
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What should I eat for fatty liver?
Here are some fatty liver foods to add to your diet:
1. Coffee
Coffee can lower liver enzymes Studies have shown that people who regularly drink coffee with fatty liver disease have less liver damage than people who don’t drink coffee. Caffeine helps reduce abnormal levels of liver enzymes in people at risk of liver disease.
2. Vegetables
Green vegetables help prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. Vegetables in general and broccoli in general prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. Eating lots of green vegetables like spinach and kale can also help with weight loss.
3. Tofu
Tofu reduces fat accumulation The protein in tofu helps reduce fat accumulation in the liver. Plus, tofu is low in fat and high in protein.
4. Fish
Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids improve the level of fat in the liver.
5. Oatmeal
Carbohydrates in whole grains like oatmeal not only provide energy, but the fiber in them helps you stay full longer and keep your weight off.
5. Nuts
Nuts and walnuts in general are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Many studies show that people with fatty liver disease who eat walnuts regularly have improved liver function tests.
6. Milk and other low-fat dairy products
Milk, especially low-fat milk, which is rich in whey protein, can protect the liver from damage.
7. Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds help with antioxidants Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E – an antioxidant that can protect the liver from damage.
8. Olive oil for weight control
Olive oil is known as a healthy oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Olive oil helps to reduce the level of liver enzymes and control weight.
9. Garlic
Garlic is not only a flavoring that helps to make food more attractive and delicious, but many studies show that garlic helps reduce weight and body fat in people with fatty liver disease.
10. Green tea
Green tea can reduce fat storage in the liver and improve liver function. In addition, green tea has other health benefits such as lowering cholesterol and helping you sleep better.
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What should I not eat for fatty liver?
Fatty liver is a condition in which excess fat accumulates in the liver. Therefore, foods to avoid are foods that contain unhealthy fats or alcoholic beverages. These foods cause weight gain and increase blood sugar.
1. Alcoholic beverages
Alcohol is the main cause of fatty liver disease as well as other liver diseases.
2. Sugar
Foods containing a lot of sugar such as candy, cookies, soft drinks, fruit juice… are foods that fatty liver patients should avoid. Because they increase blood sugar and cause fat accumulation in the liver.
3. Fried foods
Avoid eating fried foods and fried foods with a lot of fat.
4. Salt
Eating too much salt can cause water retention.
5. White bread, rice and pasta
Excessive consumption of these foods can increase blood sugar more than whole grains.
6. Red meat
Red meats such as beef and cabbage should also be limited because they are high in saturated fat.
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What should we eat fasting to treat fatty liver?
1. Coffee
Coffee is a useful drink for treating fatty liver. Its properties are due to antioxidants and caffeine. These compounds help to treat fatty liver and also prevent liver cirrhosis.
2. Citrus juice
Citrus fruit juice is useful for the liver due to the presence of vitamin C and antioxidants in it. Including orange juice and…
3. Green tea
Green tea can be useful in improving the condition of the liver due to its compounds such as catechin. This drink is effective in cleaning the liver by having antioxidants.
4. Oatmeal side dish
This is also a good option for breakfast that can be used as a filling.
5. Eggs
Eggs are considered to be healthy proteins and if you plan to eat them in the form of nimro for breakfast, it is recommended to eat them with a small amount of olive oil.
6. Muffins or wholemeal breads
These breads are useful for liver health due to their fiber and complex carbohydrates.
7. Greek yogurt
Considering that it belongs to the dairy family, it is recommended for breakfast due to its high properties.
Harmful fruits for fatty liver
Some fruits that have a lot of fructose, such as raisins and other dried fruits, are harmful for fatty liver. Because their excessive consumption leads to an abnormal rise of fat in the blood. Also, the consumption of fruit juices may damage the liver, and again, the cause is fructose.
The best vegetable for fatty liver
1. Green leafy vegetables (chalipai)
Spinach, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and some other vegetables that have sulfur in their tissue are effective in detoxifying the liver.
2. Beet
It is a high antioxidant vegetable that contains important elements for liver health such as: fiber, folate and pectin. Pectin can also help cleanse toxins that have been released from the liver, allowing them to leave the system instead of being reabsorbed by the body. Studies have shown that beetroot juice reduces oxidative damage and inflammation of the liver and also increases natural detoxification enzymes.
3. Carrot
Carrots contain carotenoids and beta-carotene and are converted into vitamin A in the body. A study found that beta-carotene may prevent liver damage caused by alcohol.
5. Vegetables with bitter leaves
Bitter leafy vegetables like chicory are great for promoting liver health. The bitterness of these vegetables helps stimulate the flow of bile in the liver, which promotes detoxification.
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Fenugreek is the enemy of fatty liver
Fenugreek is the enemy of fatty liver and one of the most important causes is the diuretic property of these small seeds. More urine production is associated with detoxification of the body, which is a very beneficial process for the liver.
For this purpose, it is better to put it in the breakfast and consume it boiled in the fasting state. Consuming fasting is also effective in absorbing more. In addition, in combination with whey, it is medicinal with anti-soda, anti-bile properties and is also useful in cleaning the liver.
last word
We hope this article from Alamo with the titles of what to eat to treat fatty liver is good and what not to eat? Harmful fruits for fatty liver, the best vegetables for fatty liver, sorghum, the enemy of fatty liver, etc. may be useful for you.