DigiKala Group (DigiKala and DigiKala Next) invested in the startup Segmentio, which is one of the startups in the field of artificial intelligence. Digikala stated that the purpose of this investment is to use this new artificial intelligence technology to analyze user behavior and offer suggestions for more effective interaction with customers.
Segmentino is a marketing automation platform that helps businesses to better understand their audience. This platform creates effective communication between audiences and businesses by using multiple communication channels and in-program SMS – Push Notification messages. By using Segmentino, businesses can deliver their message through the best communication channel of each user in a personalized way, which leads to increased engagement rates and improved audience acquisition rates.
Ali Samar, the founder of Segmentino, completed his studies in the field of artificial intelligence at the University of Malaya and the University of Technology Malaysia, and with more than 9 years of experience in the field of artificial intelligence and technology in Southeast Asia and Canada, he manages the Segmentino team. Also, Behzad Lotfi, the senior manager of Segmentino’s technical team, is a graduate of software engineering and an expert in the field of technology with more than 8 years of experience.
What are the benefits of Segmentio?
Various performance indicators of each business, such as the return rate and the conversion rate of users, are among the indicators that are more efficient in smart campaigns. Digikala invested in this area with the aim of accessing these capabilities. Segmentino strives to ensure that businesses using Segmentino can have Segmentino support experts on hand to benefit from more efficient and effective campaign execution. The ability to conduct smart campaigns using artificial intelligence and manual campaigns is one of the main programs of Segmentino, which is unique in this field.
Segmentino is a comprehensive and intelligent marketing automation, in the sense that it fully implements all the needs of businesses to design, execute and analyze digital campaigns. All the needs and tools used in campaigns with different technologies can be seen centrally in Segmentino. For example, there are very famous e-mail services outside of Iran that are limited to only one service, while in Segmentino, the e-mail service is only one of Segmentino’s tools and communication channels.
The ability to design landing pages and form builders, SMS service and personalized messages along with the product proposal system makes every business unnecessary to use multiple services.
Running advertising campaigns and analyzing campaigns, along with identifying and grouping audiences according to common characteristics, is always one of the most important challenges of online businesses. Segmentino identifies and resolves all these concerns well, taking into account the field of activity of each business. Segmentino’s strategy is to balance growth between both sides of product development and business. Due to the maturity of Segmentino’s product, the growth potential from the business side is fully ready, and due to the market demand and the high potential of Segmentino’s product, business development is in the next step.
Segmentino pursues several short-term and long-term goals in different dimensions of technology and business development in different countries. Segmentino’s product has been designed and built to enter global markets and meet the needs of large international companies, considering its competitive ability in the field of supporting all the channels required by online businesses and using the latest technologies.
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