Google recently unveiled a new chatbot called Bard to compete with ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence, which is scheduled to be available to the public in the coming weeks. However, this tool did not experience a very successful start because its first preview version had errors in providing scientific answers.
To demonstrate the power of the Bard chatbot at its event, Google asked it scientific questions, and apparently the artificial intelligence gave the wrong answer to one of them. This was enough to reduce the market value of the Internet search giant by about 100 billion dollars overnight. Investors apparently worry that Bard’s AI will underperform Microsoft’s new ChatGPT-based Bing.
Google and Microsoft have recently started a very heavy competition in the field of artificial intelligence and each is trying to use this technology in their products and services, especially in search engines. Now we have to see where this battle will end in the future and which company can win the field.
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