The reason for men’s genitals not rising or loosening during sex
Elevation or straightening of the male reproductive system, which is also known as erection, is a very important and vital thing to show the health of their reproductive system and sexual health, or even a very important and vital thing in their reproduction. If any disorder or problem occurs in it, it can affect the life and health of every man and it can be very annoying for every man.
The occurrence of any disorder in the erection or straightening of the male penis can cause the dissatisfaction of their sexual partners and even the sick person himself through not being satisfied or not completely satisfied, and the person suffers from many physical and mental problems. to be Today, in Alamo, we are going to examine this topic more thoroughly under the title of the cause of the male genital tract not being erect or its loosening during intercourse and treatment. We hope that this article will be of interest to you and will be useful for you.
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What is the reason for not erecting the male reproductive system?
The cause of the disorder in the male reproductive system can be found in different factors, some of these factors can be due to lifestyle or mental and psychological problems, or even due to the side effects of taking some drugs and pills for a person. have arisen and cause erectile dysfunction or failure to fully erect the genital system in men, which we will mention here to examine some of these causes and causes, such as:
1. Fracture or rupture of the erectile tissue of the male penis, which is associated with a change in shape, severe pain and swelling for the patient, and can cause the male penis to not be erect or so-called not erect.
2. In some cases, being in mental and psychological problems or being in severe anxiety and stress and stressful situations in life can also cause such a complication in men, and their penis is completely intact during sexual intercourse. They don’t get up or even don’t get up at all, and because of this, they are unable to perform sexual movements and have problems.
Note that men, like women, need to be mentally and psychologically prepared to perform sexual movements, and due to mental preoccupation or mental stress, they cannot gather their minds to lift their penis, and this is the reason. The main reason is that their penis is not erect.
3. Indiscriminate consumption of tobacco causes disorders in the blood supply in the body of people, and this causes the blood supply to the reproductive organs not to be carried out properly and completely, and this causes disorders in the matter of erection in men. becomes
4. As mentioned above, the use of some drugs can also cause side effects such as erectile dysfunction in men through blood supply disorders in their bodies, in which case you should consult your doctor and avoid arbitrarily stopping the medication. These drugs should also be avoided.
Among these drugs, we can mention chemotherapy drugs, central nervous system stimulating drugs such as codeine or diazepam, and CNS stimulating drugs such as cocaine.
5. The incidence of diabetes is also considered to be one of the most important reasons for men’s penis not being erect. In addition to erectile dysfunction, this disease can also have significant effects on the occurrence of sexual disabilities or even a decrease in men’s sexual desire.
6. As you know, MS disease can cause problems in the sexual affairs of people due to the damage to the nerves of the brain and spinal cord and make their sexual movements difficult. have a punishment
7. Obesity in men is another cause of male penis not being raised.
8. Note that chronic kidney diseases have also played an important and essential role in the occurrence of sexual problems in men, especially in their penis not being erect or erect.
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The cause of male genital relaxation during sex
Many different factors can play a role in the relaxation of the male reproductive system, and in this way, it can disturb the sexual relationship or the complete satisfaction of both parties during the intercourse. We mention reasons such as:
1. Fatigue is one of the important and significant factors in the occurrence of men’s penis falling asleep during sexual intercourse. Because sex itself is considered as an aerobic exercise for men, and in case of fatigue, their desire to have sex is reduced and they are not physically ready to have sex, and it is possible that they suffer during sex Loosening or falling of your penis.
2. Getting addicted to porn movies or photos and performing self-masturbation is one of the factors that can cause problems and disturbances in the erection or pricking of the male penis and cause their penis to fall asleep sooner.
3. Consuming alcohol or drugs can cause men’s penis to fall asleep during sex, and also cause disturbances or problems in the sexual or emotional process of people.
4. Having stress and anxiety or psychological pressure is another important factor in the relaxation of men’s penis during sexual intercourse.
5. The side effects of taking some drugs can also cause such disorders in people, such as anti-depressant drugs or drugs related to the prostate, etc.
6. With age, it is possible that the power of blood vessels in pumping blood to the body parts of a person decreases a little, and this can also lead to erectile dysfunction or straightening of the male penis. Of course, you should also pay attention to the fact that with age, the level of testosterone hormones in men also decreases, and this can also play an important role in causing such disorders in their bodies.
7. The use of tobacco also causes damage or problems in the blood vessels of men, and this causes the blood supply to the genital organs to be inadequate and causes the penis to become loose during sex.
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Treatment of erectile dysfunction in men
As you know, to treat impotence or erectile dysfunction in men, it is better to see a doctor first, so that the doctor can first search and find the reason for this in you, and then prescribe the basic treatment for this condition. or advise.
In these cases, the doctor may give you recommendations such as:
1. Quitting smoking or quitting and not using alcohol or drugs
2. Modifying the diet and creating a healthy lifestyle and losing weight in case of obesity
3. Regular and stable exercise
4. Reducing stress or not being in stressful environments
5. If you have cholesterol or high blood pressure, basic treatment of these complications and reduction of cholesterol and blood pressure
6. Having complete and sufficient sleep during the day
In addition to these recommendations, the doctor may also prescribe medicines such as:
Avanafil, vardenafil, tadalafil and sildenafil should also be prescribed to you, taking into account that the dosage of these drugs should be under the supervision and diagnosis of a doctor, and you should avoid taking them arbitrarily.
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last word
We hope that the content that we have prepared for you today in Alamo under the title of the cause of the male genital tract not being erect or its loosening during intercourse and treatment has been useful and beneficial, and if you wish, share it with your other friends.