What does incomplete repetition training system mean? What is the benefit of this training system? Probably, seeing or hearing an incomplete word does not create a good feeling. We have learned that everything is good in its entirety and anything incomplete is useless in our eyes. But some rules are made to be broken. A rule that we are sometimes allowed to break is: “Perform every movement through its full range.”
In this article, we are going to talk about the incomplete repetition training system and see how an incomplete training system can be beneficial for us.
What is meant by incomplete repetition training system?
We have always been told that “every movement should be done in full range of motion”, but the incomplete repetition training system is exactly the opposite of this statement. The incomplete repetition training system, as the name suggests, means repeating a movement in half its range of motion.
You can stop a movement at quarter, half, or three-quarters instead of going full. An important benefit of the incomplete repetition training system method is that it allows the use of heavier weights. A simple example for an incomplete replication system is:
- Lower the squat only 20cm or don’t lower the bar all the way when you press.
The difference between complete and incomplete repetitions in bodybuilding exercises

Full reps, as the name suggests, means complete the movement. But incomplete repetition (Partial Reps) means movement in its incomplete range. These are two different methods of performing exercises and each has its own advantages and characteristics.
Research has shown that while both partial and full repetitions can increase muscle strength, full repetitions are ultimately more effective at increasing strength because they more effectively induce muscle hypertrophy (muscle growth).
If the choice is between incomplete and full range of motion, full range wins, but there are some undeniable advantages to incomplete reps. Combining both types of range of motion can lead to bigger and stronger muscles as well as increased calorie burn. So, although Full repetitions are still considered the standard of exercise performance, but partial repetitions can also have benefits.
How to implement the training system of incomplete repetition or a quarter?
In the incomplete repetition method, you should perform the training movement only in the range of its initial quarter, for example, if you are going to do a squat; Just go down a little bit. In this case, since you don’t have to sit up completely, you can choose a heavier weight.
Benefits of the imperfect replication system
You may think that the incomplete repetition training system is wrong and has no benefit; But it is not so! The incomplete repetition is a clever way to stimulate more muscles, which has a series of special benefits of its own. We will explain further.
1. The effect of incomplete repetition on the process of muscle building
The incomplete repetition method can help build muscle for several reasons. First, when you perform a movement in its incomplete form, you put concentrated and double pressure on a certain part of the muscle. Also, since you don’t have to complete the movement, you can lift a heavier weight. Heavier weight and concentrated pressure will help stimulate muscle growth. Get your own special program from vitamin trainers to build more muscle.
2. The effect of incomplete repetition system on muscle strengthening
The incomplete repetition system can also have a good effect for strengthening muscles, provided that it is used correctly. In incomplete repetition, you focus on a specific part of the range of motion and put more mechanical pressure on the muscles; The same issue is the challenging point of training that strengthens the muscle better and more.
Partial repetitions can build strength in weak areas of the movement and help improve overall performance of full range of motion. This method, especially when combined with full-range exercises, can help increase strength and muscle mass.
3. Improve form and technique
Partial repetitions can build new neuromuscular pathways for the hardest part of a movement. This will eventually make the move automatic (and easier!). If you’re having trouble completing a full squat like a goblet squat, just focus on the part that involves lifting the weight off the floor and opening your hips.

Helping recovery and recovery after injury
If you are injured, see a doctor first. If recommended by a physical therapist, using incomplete repetitions in exercises can help your recovery. Doing half squats after a knee or ankle injury can put less stress on the joints.
An important point about the incomplete replication system
Always and always prioritize with execution Complete a move and the incomplete repetition method is used as a supplement. So never replace complete repetitions with incomplete repetitions.
Partial repetitions should be used alongside full range of motion exercises, not as a substitute.
The incomplete repetition method is actually a professional technique that is used for professional weightlifters and bodybuilders; So, if you are a beginner or semi-professional athlete, it will not hurt you and you must perform the movements in their full and correct form.
final word
The incomplete repetition training system, as the name suggests, means repeating a movement in half its range of motion. Although you may be surprised, sometimes this method can have many benefits for you and lead you to better muscle building and recovery. In this article, we explained in detail about the incomplete repetition training system and told about its benefits.
Sources: barbend – paragontrainingmethods – shape