There is no athlete in the world who does not know the king of vegetable proteins, soy protein. But every day, talks and results of conflicting studies about this plant are published in magazines and bodybuilding sites.
Some people are in favor of soy because it is natural and organic, and some people reject it completely because it is estrogenic. Finally, which of these statements is true? In this article, we are going to answer all the questions about soy protein.
What is soy protein?
Soy is obtained from the one-year soybean plant and is a member of the legume family. The history of its use in human nutrition goes back to about 5000 years ago. Maybe if you talk to the mummies, they will say that they used soybeans for their cooking!
Soy protein is known as the best and highest quality vegetable protein in the world and contains 9 essential amino acids needed by the body throughout the day, but in general, compared to animal proteins, it is not a complete protein.
Table of nutritional value of soy protein
Soybeans are a source of vegetable protein rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals. But the most important reason for the importance of soybeans is its high protein content and at the same time its fat content. Soybean protein content is much higher than other oilseeds (almost twice) and its oil percentage is lower than other oilseeds!
Nutritional value of soy protein 100 grams consists of:
calories | Protein | carbohydrate | fat |
338 | 81 grams | 7 grams | 3.4 grams |
In addition to these sources, soy protein is rich in the following minerals:
- sodium
- potassium
- Calcium
- magnesium
- iron
- Vitamin B6
Is soy protein good or bad?
Soybean is one of the most controversial proteins in the world, some approve and recommend its use, and some believe that you should be cautious in consuming soy. Here we want to clarify our homework with soy protein. Read the advantages and disadvantages of soy and make a decision accordingly.
What are the benefits of soy protein?
- Consuming isolated soy increases thyroid secretions, this is very good news for athletes who plan to burn fat along with muscle building.
- Vitamin B9 is abundant in soy. This vitamin improves mood and spirit;
- It is rich in vitamin D and is suitable for those who lack this vitamin;
- Soy protein can be effective in inhibiting colon cancer;
- Soy helps reduce bad cholesterol in the body;
- Soy protein helps fitness and weight control through the control and management of hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hyperinsulinemia;
- It also plays a role in regulating and controlling blood sugar and can be useful for diabetics;
What are the disadvantages of soy protein?
- Soy has incomplete protein and alone cannot meet your protein needs;
- Some studies refer to the phytoestrogens in soy and claim that this type of estrogen will cause an unwanted decrease in testosterone and an increase in estrogen levels. This issue can completely disrupt the balance of testosterones and estrogens in your body.
- Soy has relatively low biological value.
Comparison of soy protein with other proteins consumed by athletes
Now that we are familiar with the content of soybeans, it is better to take a look at the biological value of common proteins for athletes and bodybuilders and compare soy protein with other items.
- Whey protein: 104
- Whole eggs: 99
- Egg white: 88
- Casein: 77
- Soy: 74
If you look carefully, the biological value of soybean protein is lower than other cases. “Biological value of protein” is the best option to measure the quality of a protein. In general, the higher the protein’s BV number, the better and more valuable the protein is, and it will have more anti-catabolic properties.
What method is used to increase the quality of soy protein?
Unfortunately, the anti-nutrients in raw soy protein prevent protein absorption. Because of this, the producers of this protein material thought of reducing this problem by producing isolated soy.
In the process of soybean isolation, methionine is added to soybeans, which increases the BV or the biological value of the protein in soybeans and improves the nutritional value of soybeans. However, soy will not reach whole eggs or whey protein.
Types of soy protein
There are different types of soybeans, including the following:
- Soy protein concentrate: This type is obtained as a result of soybean purification and all the moisture in it is taken. In this case, at least 65% of the obtained product is protein and the rest is carbohydrate.
- Soy protein isolate: As whey protein isolate is the purest type of whey protein, the protein of this product is also more pure and completely refined. The amount of protein in this case is at least 90% and the carbohydrates in it have been completely removed.
- Textured soy protein: This type of soy is made from soy protein concentrate, and with it, various products such as pseudo-meat or chicken, steak and turkey substitute products are produced for vegetarians to use.
Why should be careful in soy consumption?
If you are a strength athlete, be aware that although; Thyroid hormones are considered as catabolic hormones, in fact most of their catabolic aspect is on fats and carbohydrates and they stimulate protein synthesis if the person has consumed enough calories and the amount of thyroid hormones is not excessive. By complying with the above, soy will help fat burning and protein synthesis to a great extent.
How much soy protein should be consumed per day?
The amount of soybean consumption varies greatly in different countries, for example, in extensive research, it was found that people in East Asia use this product more; For example, adults consume about 15-25 grams per day.
Studies conducted on teenage girls show that this protein is useful and effective in reducing the risk of breast cancer, and it is recommended that young girls eat at least one serving of soybeans per day. Meal means food products made from soy. Products such as: soybeans, soy milk, tofu.
You can consume up to 25 grams of soy per day; unless you are allergic to soy; Which of course is rare in adults. Symptoms of soy allergy vary from person to person and include a runny nose, sudden drop in blood pressure, or inflammation of the digestive tract.
Also, soy can interfere with some medications, for example, people who take blood thinners, as well as those with anemia, thyroid disorders, or diabetes, should consult their doctor about the amount of soy they consume and use it with caution.
How to consume soy protein for bodybuilding
If you want a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you need to consume the right protein at the right time. Yes, there is a right time to consume any type of protein; For example, whey protein is a great choice for a post-workout meal because it delivers protein to hungry, workout-weary muscles.
Likewise, soy is ideal for a post-workout meal. Since soy is rich in EAA, it helps to repair muscles and prevents their breakdown.
To get the best bodybuilding results with soy, you need to take it at regular intervals; Instead of consuming a lot of it in one serving. Consuming too much soy in one meal may cause problems for your health. It is better to divide soy into 4-6 parts and eat it during the day.
If you take soy supplements, you can take them 30 minutes before your workout. Again, we say that consuming only soy as protein is not enough at all, and you should benefit from other sources (especially animal sources). You can’t eat soy all the time and expect to bulk up.
Methods of using soy protein in foods
Soy is not just a nut and can be used in many ways. But despite this, we rarely see this substance in the food basket of athletes. In the following, we have brought you the best soy cooking recipes that you will fall in love with.
- Thai Cup of Soy with Cabbage
In this cup with bean sprouts, soybeans, onions and cabbage, you can taste a delicious oriental flavor and protein. - Zucchini with soy
Zucchini stuffed with soybeans is a great protein snack idea! - soy dinner
This dish is very popular and delicious. Just use ground soybean instead of meat in dinner. - Pasta with soy
Pasta is delicious and protein; But be sure that pasta with soy is just as hearty and delicious! - Soy Pancakes
Judosar and soy pancakes. This is a great protein idea for breakfast. You can also use soy flour in your morning pancakes. - Halim Soya
Vegetarians can make Halim with soybeans instead of meat. This halim is prepared with soybeans, wheat and special spices.
final word
Soy has positive effects on the heart and blood vessels, reducing bad cholesterol, weight control; But on the other hand, it is considered an incomplete protein and you should also use complete proteins such as animal protein. In general, it is better to use soy protein for bodybuilding in a balanced way according to your physical conditions and goals.
References: health.harvard – bodybuilding