Serbia returned his vote on anti -Russian resolution
Serbia retained its vote in support of the anti -Russian resolution at the UN General Assembly.
According to RCO News Agency, Serbia announced that it was mistaken by a positive vote on the anti -Russian resolution on the Ukrainian war at the UN General Assembly.
Serbia’s deputy prime minister Alexander Wolina said during a meeting with Russian Security Council secretary Sergei Shivigo in Moscow on Saturday that Belgrade officials recognized the error because they did not want to annoy their friends.
“As you know, the mistake that took place during the UN General Assembly has been amended,” he said. It is much easier for us to confess to our friends.
Wollen also noted that Serbia did not join the Western sanctions against Russia and would continue to do so.
“As you know, we do not join the West’s sanctions against Russia and we will continue this line,” said Serb’s senior official.
The end of the message
(tagstotranslate) Russia (T) Serbia (T) Ukrainian War (T) UN (T) UN General Assembly