New York Times: Americans put the country at risk by electing Trump
The American publication wrote that by returning Trump to the White House, American citizens are “on a dangerous and unpredictable path.”
According to Isna, after the end of the US presidential elections and the victory of “Donald Trump”, the candidate of the Republican Party and the former president of the United States in these competitions and his return to the White House, many Western analysts and American publications paid attention to “dangers” and threats. 78-year-old Trump is drawn against America.
In this regard, the editorial board of the American newspaper New York Times wrote in an analytical report: “American voters chose to return Trump to the White House. With this choice, they have put the country on a dangerous and unpredictable path.”
The American publication added: “The founding fathers of the United States had realized since the formation of this country that one day the voters might elect an autocratic leader and they wrote measures into the Constitution, including the powers granted to the other 2 branches of the government to be able to replace the president. to control In this regard, they established a set of rights, including the First Amendment of the American Constitution, so that citizens can hold protests against the actions and actions of their leader.
The New York Times continued: “It cannot be ignored that millions of Americans voted for a candidate who, some of his closest supporters acknowledge, Trump is flawed. But according to his supporters, Trump can manage the country’s immediate problems, including inflation, the issue of immigrants and other issues.
In the continuation of its article, the American publication warned about Trump’s “abuse of power and settling scores with opponents” and called on the citizens of this country to be vigilant against the future administration of Trump.
In this regard, the New York Times wrote: “All Americans, regardless of their party or politics, must insist that the basic pillars of the country’s democracy, including constitutional checks and balances, fair federal prosecutors and judges, an impartial electoral system, and basic civil rights against the invasion that It can be maintained.”
Trump’s victory speech
Breaking the rules by Trump
Referring to the first round of Trump’s presidency and his “ignoring the rules”, the American publication wrote: “Now there is no illusion about who Donald Trump is and how he intends to rule. During his first term as president and in the years since he left office, he has shown us that he does not value or respect the law, values, norms and traditions of democracy. When he takes charge of the most powerful government in the world, his only motivation is to try to gain power and maintain his cult of personality. “These clear assessments are remarkable in part because they are held not only by his critics, but also by those who have worked most closely with him.”
The New York Times added: “Mr. Trump and his movement have completely taken over the Republican Party. Remember, however, that Mr. Trump cannot run for another term. From the day he enters the White House, he will actually be in the last round of his presidency. The constitution has limited him to 2 terms. “Congress has that power, and there may be a political incentive for some ambitious Republicans to chart a course away from Mr. Trump’s anti-democratic agenda.”
This American publication also wrote: “Regarding American social structures and institutions, including the Freedom of Speech Act, we must hold Trump responsible for his actions.”

Trump at the NATO summit
The world has no illusions about Trump
The New York Times continued to look at the world view of Trump and wrote: “The rest of the world is under no illusions about the leader who will soon represent the United States on the world stage again. NATO member states were shocked during the first term of the Trump administration by his willingness to undermine this long and valuable partnership. But European countries, defying Trump’s predictions, not only united with the United States in the face of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, but also extended their ranks to the Russian border.
This American publication also pointed to the defeat of Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris in the presidential election and the party’s “weak” performance during the election, and wrote that “being a political opposition is no longer enough for the Democrats, they must examine the reasons for their failure.” “They took too long to recognize Biden’s inability to win the election.”

Harris’ speech after the defeat
America’s lost faith in the political establishment
The New York Times went on to emphasize that “American citizens have lost faith in the political establishment and both American political parties” and wrote: “The recognition that many parts of the Democrats’ progressive programs alienate voters, including some of their party’s most loyal supporters, It took a long time. Democrats have struggled for three elections now to come up with a compelling message that will resonate with Americans of both parties who have lost faith in the system. “Improving the lives of all Americans and responding to the concerns that people have about the direction of the country and how to change it.”
This American publication also asked the US Congress to prevent the presence of extremists approved by Trump in his cabinet.
But the New York Times wrote in the end: “The ultimate responsibility for ensuring the continuation of enduring American values rests with voters. Those who supported Mr. Trump in this election should closely monitor his performance as president to see if he lives up to their hopes and expectations, and if not, express their disappointment and if Trump tries “The world will be watching as he uses government power to retaliate against critics.”
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