Peskov: There has been no meeting between Putin and Durov
Kremlin spokesman said today (Friday), Putin and Telegram founder never met.
According to RCO News Agency, on August 24, Pavel Durov, the founder and manager of Telegram messengers, was arrested at an airport in the suburbs of Paris on charges related to the criminal use of these messengers, including terrorism, child pornography, drug trafficking, money laundering and fraud.
This 39-year-old billionaire, who is a citizen of several countries, including France, was released under judicial supervision and bail of five million euros, on the condition that he does not leave France.
According to the Sputnik News agency, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters: “There has been no meeting between Durov and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “Durov had no dialogue with the Kremlin and there was no agreement.”
The Kremlin spokesman also said about Serbia’s decision to purchase military aircraft from France: “Belgrade’s decision to purchase French military aircraft is Serbia’s choice, as each country is guided by its own considerations.”
Belgrade has signed an agreement with France to buy 12 new Rafale fighter jets with a logistics package worth 2.7 billion euros, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Thursday.
“This is the choice of our Serbian friends,” Peskov said. Naturally, every country is guided by economic considerations and other matters when making such decisions.
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