The reaction of media and personalities of the world to Durov’s arrest – Mehr News agency RCO News Agency
According to Mehr news agency, after the arrest of Pavel Dorf, the founder and CEO of “Telegram” in France, there were many reactions. Reputable media and well-known figures of the world have also reacted to this action of France.
The Fox News TV channel wrote about this: It is about suffocating the voices of the opposition and controlling information. They want to turn the web and the internet into another branch of their advertising machine. We are facing an attack on freedom of speech!
Elsewhere, the New York Times reflected the reaction of Elon Musk, the owner of X (formerly Twitter). Musk used the FreePavel hashtag on his X account and wrote: “In 2030 in Europe you will be executed for liking a meme!”
The Washington Post also wrote: In an interview with Tucker Carlson, a famous American presenter, Durov said that “he is under pressure from the American government to allow law enforcement officers to access Telegram’s encrypted data!” We are closely monitored every time we come to America!”
Tucker Carlson also wrote in this regard: It was not Putin who arrested Durov for allowing people to exercise freedom of speech; It was a Western country, an ally of the Biden administration and a NATO member, that detained him.
Edward Snowden, a former employee of the US National Security Agency, who fled to Hong Kong in 2013 due to the release of a large number of classified intelligence and security documents of this country, also said: Durov’s arrest is an attack on basic human rights, which is the freedom of interaction. I am deeply shocked and offended that French President Emmanuel Macron has stooped to the level of using hostage-taking as a tool to gain access to private communications. This action degrades not only France but also the world.
Paul Dorf was arrested at midnight on Saturday at Le Bourget airport in the suburbs of Paris. French judicial authorities had previously issued an arrest warrant for him.
The Russian embassy in France issued a statement announcing that it submitted a request to the French authorities to state the reasons for Durov’s arrest and to guarantee his rights and access to the Russian consulate, but Paris rejected this request!
The Guardian newspaper also announced in a news today that the French judicial authorities have extended Durov’s arrest. The arrest warrant of the founder of Telegram in France has been extended while some claims indicate that Israel is involved in this arrest.