Those who are into travel and tourism must be familiar with the term “UNESCO World Heritage”. But do you know what works in Iran have been registered as UNESCO World Heritage? Or even what were the criteria for registering these works? with tourism magazine Fly Today Join us to know the UNESCO world heritage in Iran. Also, we will introduce Iran’s intangible world heritage in UNESCO.
What is UNESCO World Heritage and what are the criteria for global registration of works?
UNESCO world heritage refers to works that are under the legal supervision of the UNESCO committee. These works are distinguished from other places due to their cultural, historical, natural, scientific or any other characteristic. To register works in UNESCO World Heritage List Having at least one of the 10 global registration criteria is required.
You can read these criteria, which are categorized into two categories, cultural and natural criteria.
Cultural criteria of the UNESCO World Register
I. To display a masterpiece of human ingenuity and creativity.
II. Show the exchange of human values in a period of time and in a cultural region that has led to advances in architecture or technology, urban planning or landscape design.
III. It is a unique or exceptional document that proves the existence of a cultural tradition or a living or lost civilization.
IV. It is an outstanding example of architecture or technology that represents an important phase of human history.
V. Show the interaction between humans and the environment or represent a culture.
VI. Be directly or concretely related to events or traditions of life, thoughts and ideas or important works of art and literature in the world.
Natural criteria of the UNESCO World Register
VII. It is a unique natural phenomenon with exceptional and aesthetic features.
VIII. It is an outstanding example in the field of showing the stages and changes of geological history.
IX. It is a residual effect of environmental and biological processes that have had an impact on the evolution and development of land, coastal and marine ecosystems, and communities of plants and animals.
X. Be one of the valuable natural habitats that have biological diversity and the habitat of endangered species.

With 24 works in the UNESCO World Heritage List, Iran ranks 10th in terms of registered world works among the countries of the world. In the following, we will introduce Iran’s world-registered works in two sections: historical works and natural works:
Historical and cultural monuments of Iran in UNESCO
Most of Iran’s internationally registered works are historical and cultural works of the country, although two natural works of Iran are also registered in UNESCO. Registered works of Iran in UNESCO as follows:
Persepolis | Fars
One of the UNESCO world heritage sites in Iran is Persepolis. Persepolis can be considered the most significant historical work and attraction of Iran, which has a familiar name for many people around the world. This work is actually an ancient city and a collection of palaces that was founded by Darius Achaemenid and was used as the ritual capital of Iran. This work is important both in terms of architecture and provides good information about Iran’s history to experts and archaeologists.

World registration date: 1979
Registration criteria: i, iii, vi
Naqsh Jahan square Esfahan
Naqsh Jahan square It is one of the works of the Safavid period, which contains a collection of buildings and is known as the heart of Isfahan. Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Imam Mosque, Sardarghisariya, Isfahan Bazaar and Aali Qapo Palace are the works that were formed in this square and its surroundings and attract many visitors from inside and outside the country.

World registration date: 1979
Registration criteria: i, v, vi
Chaghazanbil Khuzestan
Chaghazanbil prayer house, also known as Chaghazanbil ziggurat, is an ancient building near the city of Shush, which dates back to the Elamite era. This building is considered to be the only remnant of an ancient site that was used as a place to worship gods and was built in praise of the guardian god of Susa, Inshushinak.

World registration date: 1979
Registration criteria: iv, iii
Takht Suleiman | Western Azerbaijan
Takht Suleiman is a collection of a spring lake in the center and buildings around it, which is famous for its stories, legends and mysteries. The existence of Achaemenid Cyrus’s treasure, Prophet Suleiman’s ring, etc. in Takht Suleiman Lake are part of the mysteries of this collection. Takht Suleiman is known as the largest religious and social center before Islam in Iran and is very important in terms of archaeological research.

World registration date: 2003
Registration criteria: ii, iii, iv, v
Bam Citadel | Kerman
Bam Citadel was a huge complex that was known as the largest clay structure in the world until the Bam earthquake. A citadel with an area of more than 180,000 square meters, which was a big city and everything was complete with two governmental and serf parts. This city was located on the Silk Road and was used from the 5th century BC to 1850 AD. The long residence of man in this citadel has caused many artifacts to be discovered and many historical facts to be obtained from them.

Global registration date: 2004
Registration criteria: i, ii, iii, iv, vi
Pasargad Fars
The historical complex of Pasargad, which these days is known as the tomb of Cyrus, is a vast historical city with parts such as Pasargad Garden, Darwaza Palace, Baraam Palace, Exclusive Palace, fountains, etc. The beginning of the construction of this complex goes back to the era of Achaemenid Cyrus and the 6th century BC, and it is referred to as the first capital of Achaemenids. Pasargad is another UNESCO World Heritage Site in Iran. This collection in List of the best places to see in Shiraz contract.

Global registration date: 2004
Registration criteria: i, ii, iii, iv
Soltanieh dome Zanjan
The Soltanieh dome is a historical building belonging to the Ilkhanid period and is located in the city of Soltanieh, Zanjan. This building was built to be the tomb of El Jaito, the eighth patriarchal king. Soltanieh dome has 8 doors and 8 minarets as a symbol of the 8 doors of heaven. It is said that this building was built after the church of Santa Maria del Fiore Hagia Sophia Mosque, IstanbulIt has the third dome in the world and is considered the most magnificent architectural work in Azeri style in Iran.

Global registration date: 2005
Registration criteria: ii, iii, iv
Biston stone inscription Kermanshah
When we talk about Biston stone inscription, we are referring to a unique work from the Achaemenid period, which was created on a limestone rock. This inscribed stone is known as the first known Iranian text and is considered one of the most important and famous documents in world history, especially in the Achaemenid period. twenty of The best places to see in Kermanshah It is considered that you should not miss visiting it during your trip to this city.

World registration date: 2006
Registration criteria: ii, iii
Collection of Armenian churches of Iran West and East Azerbaijan
The collection of Armenian churches of Iran or the collection of Armenian monastic works of Iran is a title related to the collection of 3 historical works of the Christian world in Iran, which includes the Church of San Stepanos or the Church of Holy Stephen in Jolfa, the Church of Holy Thaddeus in Chaldaran and the Church of Zor Zor in Mako.
Each of these churches has distinctive characteristics and has a high historical, social and cultural value. Qara Church is the most important Armenian church in Iran. St. Stephen’s Church is known as the second Armenian church in Iran, and Zor Zor Church is the smallest Armenian church.

Global registration date: 2008
Registration criteria: ii, iii, vi
Shushtar water structures Khuzestan
The water structures of Shushtar are a unique set with 13 sections that were used to guide and use water from the Achaemenid era to the Sasanian era. This complex includes bridges, dams, canals, waterfalls and mills, and it is known as the largest industrial complex in the world before the industrial revolution and a masterpiece of ancient Iranian engineering.

Global registration date: 2009
Registration criteria: ii, i, v
Tabriz market East Azarbaijan
The Grand Bazaar of Tabriz is known as one of the largest indoor markets in the world and it can be considered the largest covered brick complex in the world. This market has about 6,500 cells and 40 guilds operate in it. In addition to the cells, several baths, caravanserais and mosques have also been built in this market, each of which has great importance in terms of history and architecture. This market is another UNESCO World Heritage Site in Iran.
For more information, we recommend the article The best places to see in Tabriz also read in Fly Today tourism magazine.

Global registration date: 2010
Registration criteria: ii, iii, iv
Tomb and Khanqah of Sheikh Safiuddin Ardabili Ardabil
The tomb of Sheikh Safiuddin Ardabili is one of the important historical and architectural works in Iran, whose decorations and tiling are unparalleled. The following people are buried in this place:
- Sheikh Safiuddin Ardabili Ancestor of the Safavid dynasty
- Shah Ismail I The first Safavid king
- Mother of Shah Ismail
- Chaldaran war martyrs
- Sheikhs and elders of the Safavid era
This building includes several parts, such as the Khanqah, Chaleh Khanah, Mosque, Chinese Khanh, etc.

Global registration date: 2010
Registration criteria: i, ii, iv
Collection of Iranian gardens
Iranian Gardens is a title related to 12 gardens in the countries of Iran, India, and Pakistan, which have been registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List due to their structure and importance, and include gardens that have a specific and identical geometric structure, and water, trees, and middle pavilions as elements. They are inseparable.
9 of these gardens are located in Iran and they are:
- Pasargad garden Pasargad
- Eram garden Shiraz
- Chehelston garden Esfahan
- Finn’s garden Kashan
- Bagh Abbas Abad to city
- Prince’s garden Mahan
- Daulat Abad garden Yazd
- Pahlavanpur garden Mehriz
- Akbariyeh garden Birjand

World registration date: 2011
Registration criteria: i, ii, iii, iv, vi
Isfahan Jame Mosque | Esfahan
Jame Mosque of Isfahan, which is also known by other names such as Jame Atiq Mosque and Juma Mosque of Isfahan, is a historical and valuable building at the end of the Grand Bazaar of Isfahan and is known as one of the oldest mosques in Iran. The construction of this mosque dates back to the second century of Hijri, but throughout history, it has been destroyed and changes have been made in its structure. Isfahan Jame Mosque is a mosque with four porches and it is considered one of the most influential mosques on the architecture of other mosques.

World registration date: 2012
Registration criteria: i, ii, iv
Qaboos dome tower Golestan
Qaboos Dome Tower is a building with a height of 72 meters (including the foundation), which is located in the city of Qaboos Dome, and it has the title of the second tallest all-brick tower in the world. The construction of this building dates back to the year 375, which coincides with the reign of Kavus bin Vashamgir, the fourth ruler of Al-Ziyar dynasty.
The use of this structure is still in an aura of uncertainty. Some consider this tower to be the tomb of Kavus bin Vashmgir, but they have never found a burial in it. Some believe that this building was an observatory or a guidepost that prevented travelers from getting lost, and others consider it only a sign of the king’s glory and do not consider it a special use.

World registration date: 2012
Registration criteria: i, v, vi
Golestan Palace Tehran
Golestan Palace that it Golestan Palace Museum They also call it a unique and masterpiece collection with about 13 parts and more than 440 years old, which was laid by Shah Abbas Safavi and many changes were made in it until modern times. The oldest work left in the Golestan complex belongs to the Karimkhan Zand period, and after that, the Qajar built many buildings and expanded the complex. Currently, this collection is famous for its architectural decorations, including tiling and mirror work, and a lot of research has been done on the designs and patterns in it.

World registration date: 2013
Registration criteria: i, ii, iii, iv
Burnt city Sistan and Baluchestan
Shahr Sokhteh is the name of a collection of remains of an ancient city, whose area reaches 280 hectares, and contrary to its desert appearance today, in five thousand years BC, it was a green and prosperous area and was considered an advanced city-state. This ancient complex is famous for its amazing structure and the discoveries made in it. Among the discoveries in this ancient site, we can mention an artificial eye, backgammon game, brain surgery works, etc.

Global registration date: 2014
Registration criteria: ii, iii, iv
Cultural landscape of Meimand village Kerman
Maimand village is a village built in the heart of the rocks, whose age is estimated to be 12,000 years. The houses of this village are stilts and formed in the rocks, and for this reason, they have high strength. 400 houses have been built in this village, which are called kiche, and the area of each of them is 90 square meters. Maimand is considered one of the few rocky villages in the world where people still live, and this is why it is important.

Global registration date: 2015
Registration criteria: v
The ancient site of Susa Khuzestan
Another UNESCO World Heritage site in Iran is the ancient site of Susa. The ancient site of Susa is a collection of remains of a city that is known as one of the oldest cities in the world and traces of habitation in it date back to 7000 years ago. This city is known as the meeting place of two civilizations, the Elamites and the Middle Rhodians, each of which had great importance in the region, and the remains of them provide experts with good information about the history of ancient Iran. The ancient site of Susa includes works and remains such as Shapur Palace, Apadana Palace, Hadish Palace, Eastern Gate, Susa Grand Mosque, Acropolis Hills, French Castle, etc.

Global registration date: 2015
Registration criteria: i, ii, iii, iv
Iranian aqueduct
Iranian aqueduct is a title dedicated to a collection of 11 aqueducts in Iran, each of which is special in terms of age, architecture, length, etc. and has unique characteristics. According to statistics, there were 36,000 active aqueducts in Iran and their remains remain today.
11 internationally registered Iranian aqueducts are:
- Aqueduct of the town Gonabad (the deepest aqueduct in Iran)
- The village aqueduct Ferdows
- Zarach aqueduct Yazd (the longest aqueduct in the world)
- Qanat Mun | Ardestan (the world’s only two-story aqueduct)
- Hassan Abad aqueduct Mehriz
- Qanat Wazwan | Wazwan (with underground dams)
- Aqueduct of Mazdabad Mimeh (with underground dams)
- Jopar aqueduct Jopar
- Qanat of Ibrahim Abad Arak
- Qasim Abad and Akbar Abad aqueducts Bam (twin aqueducts)

Global registration date: 2016
Registration criteria: iii, iv
The historical city of Yazd
The historical city of Yazd is one of the metropolises of Iran, which is known as one of the oldest cities in the world and the first adobe city in the world. One of the reasons for the fame of Yazd is its windmills, which have made this city known as the city of windmills. Among the significant works of this city, we can mention Yazd Grand Mosque, Khan Bazaar, Amir Chakhmaq Square, etc., all of which are located in the historical context of this city. These characteristics have caused Yazd to be registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Iran.
We suggest to get more information The complete list of places to see in Yazd Read in Fly Today tourism magazine.

Global registration date: 2017
Registration criteria: iii, v
Perspective of Sassanid archeology Fars
The Sasanian archaeological landscape is a collection of eight ancient sites located in Firozabad, Bishapur and Sarvestan regions in the southwest of Fars province. In these ancient sites, structures, palaces and remnants of cities can be seen, which were left from the Sassanid era and date back to 224 to 658 AD. The sites related to the Sasanian archaeological landscape are:
- Girl’s Castle
- The petroglyph of the kingdom of Ardeshir Babakan
- The petroglyph of Ardeshir’s victory over Ordavan
- Ardeshir Khoreh (Grave City)
- Ardeshir Babkan Palace
- Bishapur city
- Shapur Cave (Shapur I statue)
- Sassanid palace of Sarvestan

Global registration date: 2018
Registration criteria: ii, iii, v
Iran national railway
Iran National Railway is the name of the railway line that extends from the north to the south of Iran and connects Tehran from one side to the north and from the other side to the south of Iran. This railway stretches in Golestan, Mazandaran, Semnan, Tehran, Qom, Markazi, Lorestan and Khuzestan provinces and is 1394 kilometers long. Among the prominent sights of this railway route is Versak Bridge, which is considered one of the engineering masterpieces of the Pahlavi era.

Global registration date: 2021
Registration criteria: ii, iv
Cultural landscape of Oramanat
Oraman or Horaman or Oramanat is the name of a mountainous region in the west of Iran, which is characterized by terraced houses and resemblance to Masuleh Step Village, Gilan It is famous for a thousand masoles. This region is located between the two provinces of Kurdistan and Kermanshah and includes more than 700 villages. Oraman is also famous for its rich culture of people and their beautiful clothing and customs, and the famous ceremony of Pir Shaliar is also held in this area.

Global registration date: 2021
Registration criteria: iii, v
Iran’s natural monuments in UNESCO
In addition to historical monuments, Iran’s natural monuments have also entered the UNESCO World Heritage List, which include:
Loot desert
Dasht Lut is a desert region in the provinces of Kerman, Sistan and Baluchestan and South Khorasan, which constitutes 10% of Iran’s area and is known as the 27th largest desert in the world. This desert contains unique monuments such as Klot Shahdad, the world’s largest clod city, and hosts the world’s sand pyramids with a height of more than 450 meters. Other wonders of this desert include the Pashtri desert, basaltic lavas, polygons, etc.

Global registration date: 2016
Registration criteria: viii, vi
Hyrcanian forests
Hyrkani forests refers to a forest area with an area of 55,000 square kilometers, which is located in Golestan, Mazandaran, Gilan, North Khorasan and Semnan provinces and parts of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This area is 25 to 50 million years old and is considered as one of the most valuable forests in the world to the point where it has been called a natural museum. This forest hosts more than 3,200 plant species and about 120 species of animals and birds, including the Iranian leopard, also live in it.

Global registration date: 2019
Registration Criteria: ix
What is UNESCO Intangible World Heritage?
UNESCO’s intangible world heritage are the cultural and spiritual works of different countries of the world, which have been preserved side by side from past generations until today. These cultural heritages are not like ancient works that have a specific place, but they represent the culture of different societies.

Iran’s Intangible World Heritage in UNESCO
In general, Iran’s registered works in UNESCO are 45 works. Among these, 24 works are related to tangible works and 21 works are related to intangible works. The intangible world heritage of Iran in UNESCO are:
- The art of making and playing oud
- Traditional production of silk for weaving
- Turkmen style needlework
- National program to protect the traditional art of calligraphy
- The art of miniature painting
- Thaddeus Pilgrimage
- The art of making and playing dotar
- The art of making and playing the fiddle
- Music of parts of Khorasan
- polo
- The art of baking lavash bread
- Nowruz ritual
- Carpet washing ceremony in Mashhad, Ardahal
- Persian Gulf barge building knowledge
- The ritual of wrestling and wrestling sports
- The performing art of Ta’ziyeh
- Persian carpet weaving skills
- Kashan carpet weaving skills
- Rows of Iranian traditional music
- Naqali ritual
Iran ranks tenth in the world in terms of the number of world works
It is not bad to know that Iran ranks 10th in the world in terms of tangible works registered in UNESCO with 24 works registered worldwide. It is interesting that the name of Spain is at the top. It does not matter to watch these valuable works Airfare Shop, book a hotel or prefer road and rail travel, just add these historical and natural attractions to the list of places visited by Bazdi.
Which of these absorbents are you?e Have you seen Iran’s World Cup? Which of them attracted your attention more than other works? Let us know in the comments section.
Frequently asked questions about UNESCO World Heritage in Iran
How many UNESCO world heritage sites are located in Iran?
More than 24 of the world works registered in UNESCO are located in Iran.
What is the rank of Iran in UNESCO?
With 24 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Iran is one of the 10 countries with the most cultural heritage in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Which Iranian gardens are registered in UNESCO?
Pasargad garden, Eram garden of Shiraz, Chehlston garden of Isfahan, Fin Kashan garden, Abbasabad garden of Behshahr, Shazdeh Mahan garden of Kerman, Daulatabad garden of Yazd, Pahlwanpur garden of Mehriz and Akbariyeh garden of Birjand.