Qeshm Stars Valley is one of the natural wonders of Iran and the world, which amazes every viewer with its strange shapes of rocks and soil. It is not for nothing that this valley has been registered as a part of the Qeshm Geopark in UNESCO and is included in the list of seven wonders of Qeshm.
Star Valley Qeshm has few similar examples in the world and with its huge columns and high walls, it attracts many travelers. It is enough to see the photos of this amazing attraction once to be eager to travel to this area and visit it; Therefore, we have this article from tourism magazine fly today We have dedicated to introducing this spectacular valley and the information you need to know about it. Stay with us until the end.
Where is Stargaran Qeshm Valley?
Setargan Valley is located in the southeast of the beautiful Qeshm Island and near Barke Khalaf village. To reach this amazing natural attraction, move from Qeshm towards Barke Khalaf village. After traveling about 5 kilometers from the city of Qeshm, you will reach the signpost of Star Valley and Barka Khalaf village.
Visiting hours of this valley in the first six months of the year are from 8 am to 7 pm and in the second six months of the year from 8 am to 8 pm. Of course, to visit this tourist attraction, you need to buy a ticket, the price of which will be around 5000 Tomans.
Star Valley Qeshm on Google map
When is the best season to visit Star Valley?
The best time to visit Star Valley, like other attractions in the south of the country, is autumn and winter. In these seasons, the weather is milder and less humid; Therefore, you can safely walk through this valley and enjoy its beauty without worrying about heat and humidity. Of course, the weather in April and early May is moderate and makes for a good trip.
The heat and humidity in summer may be annoying and sometimes unbearable for tourists and travelers, and traveling to Qeshm in this season is not recommended. Although, if you have a high resistance to these conditions, in the summer season you can encounter the most secluded state in Qeshm and take a leisurely tour among its sights.
How was the valley of stars created?
Now let’s see where all this beauty and wonder came from? The story of the creation of Qeshm Star Valley is a story two million years old! According to geologists’ research, this beautiful valley was formed over millions of years due to the heterogeneous erosion of soil, rock and sand, as well as due to wind, rain and heavy rains. The powerful forces of nature have carved the stones and made them into strange shapes and turned the valley of stars into a unique natural museum.
What factors have contributed to the formation of Star Valley?
The first factor in the creation of Qeshm Stars Valley is wind and rain. Strong winds and long-term rains have caused the erosion of rocks and soil over time. Sudden and intense showers hit the rocks with great force, crushing and breaking them and creating strange and asymmetric shapes. Also, climate changes over millions of years have played an important role in the formation of this valley.

Why do we see various walls with different shapes in Star Valley?
The walls of Qeshm Stars Valley are made of two main materials, each of which played an important role in forming and creating a unique appearance in this valley. The lower layer is thicker and softer and its color is usually cream to light gray. This layer is composed of softer sediments such as sandstone and shale, and due to its softness and low resistance, it is quickly destroyed against erosion factors; While the upper layer is thinner and harder and its color is usually white to dark gray. This layer is made of natural lime and cement, and because of its hardness and high resistance, it acts like a protective shield for the bottom layer.
Precisely because of the difference in the material and resistance of these two layers, erosion has been done differently in different parts of the valley. The lower layer wears out quickly and deep holes and cracks are created in it, while the upper layer is more resistant and remains as ridges on the walls. The same difference in erosion has created strange shapes and long columns in the valley.
Legends and beliefs of natives about Star Valley
Various stories and legends are told about the Valley of Stars and the reasons for its existence among the native people of the region, which cannot be addressed to this tourist attraction without saying anything about them. In the following, we explain some of these stories and beliefs about the Valley of Stars in Qeshm.

The story of the star landing in the valley of stars The reason for naming this valley
Many local people believe that once a star landed in this area, hit the ground and created strange and wonderful shapes in the valley of stars. For this reason, this area is called “Stale Kafteh” or “Star Kaftideh” which means “fallen star” and we also know this area by the name of Star Valley. The strange shapes of the rocks and walls of the valley also strengthen these stories and legends; At the same time, as a result of the wind hitting the rocks and its echoes, strange sounds and a mysterious atmosphere are created, which fuels the legends of the native people.
The story of Stargaran Valley Cemetery, Qeshm A fascinating and mysterious legend
Since humans have always sought to find explanations for mysterious and unknown issues, various and many legends are told about the valley of stars with its mysterious image. The story of the Star Valley Cemetery in Qeshm is one of the most fascinating and famous legends that are told about this amazing natural phenomenon. According to this legend, a strange creature similar to a dragon is buried deep in the valley, and the burial of each new corpse in the cemetery of this valley causes a terrible earthquake.
This belief was so strong that many local people refused to bury their dead in this place for years. Although these days we know the scientific and logical reasons for the formation of the Star Valley; But these stories, with their charms, are an important part of the collective and cultural identity of the people of this region and cannot be ignored.

The presence of genies in the valley of stars An old legend among the locals
Another popular story about the valley of stars is the existence of elves and ghosts in the valley of the stars of Qeshm, which is also rooted in the local culture and legends of the people of the region. The native people of this area believe that the strange sounds and the strange shapes of the rocks in this valley are due to the presence of otherworldly beings and demons, and they believe that you should not visit this valley at night. Of course, we know that the mysterious sounds flowing in the space originate from the movement of the wind in small and large holes in the rocks and have nothing to do with jinn or other supernatural beings; But maybe these old beliefs and legends have given double mystery and charm to this attraction.
Valley of stars at night The experience of watching the galaxy!
Although the local people believe that you should not visit this valley at night, an unforgettable experience awaits you in the nights of Star Valley of Qeshm. Away from the light pollution of the cities, a stunning starry sky surrounds you and reminds you of the desert. At this time, away from the noise of the city, you can clearly see the Milky Way galaxy with millions of bright stars. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to see a meteorite pass by. Visiting Star Valley at night is an experience that allows you to enjoy the wonders of the night sky and the natural beauty of this area. With a little planning and the right equipment, you can spend an unforgettable night in this beautiful place.

What are the entertainments in the Star Valley of Qeshm?
Star Valley of Qeshm, with its amazing nature and ancient history, is a place that, in addition to the opportunity to see the geological beauty, also provides a variety of entertainment conditions for travelers. In the following, we will mention some of these entertainments. To get to know each other Sights of QeshmThere is an article with the same title in Flytoday tourism magazine.
Walking and adventure The opportunity to discover the unknown
One of the main entertainments in Qeshm Stars Valley is walking among natural pillars and statues. This walk can be an exciting adventure to discover the unknown corners of the valley. Just keep in mind that the layers that make up the valley of stars are very sensitive and even the weight of a human can destroy them. So while visiting this valley, one should be very careful and avoid walking on layers. Of course, the passable paths in the valley are marked with pebbles, and it is enough to gather your attention and not leave these paths.
Photography Special and stunning subjects
Due to the unique scenery and different lighting during the day and night, Star Valley is a paradise for photographers. From natural landscapes to the strange shadows of the rocks; In every corner of this valley, there is an attractive subject for photography and recording unique and lasting frames.

Camel ride A different and exciting experience
There are a limited number of camels in the area of Star Valley, and travelers and tourists will have the opportunity to ride camels with them for a fee. Camel riding in the semi-desert atmosphere of the valley is one of the popular pastimes that many tourists are interested in.
Visiting the surrounding villages Familiarity with local customs
After visiting Star Valley, you can visit nearby villages such as Barke Khalaf village and learn about the culture and customs of the local people. Maybe you want to stay in the ecotourism residences of the region and spend more time with the warm-hearted people of Qeshm. It is interesting to say that Barka Khalaf village is known as the cleanest village in Iran and every day the people of this village clean it.
Visiting the Stone Museum An opportunity to learn about the stones of the region
In recent years, a small museum has been opened in the building of the valley of the stars of Qeshm and the stones, minerals and fossils of Qeshm Island and surrounding islands have been collected in it. Visiting this museum and learning more about the rocks of the region is a must for those interested in geology.
Hotels near Star Valley A charming and unique stay
If you want to stay near Star Valley during your trip to Qeshm, you have a variety of options to choose from. In the following, we will get to know some of these hotels and residences briefly.
Setareh Khalaf ecotourism residence Experience the native life in Qeshm
This residence, which is located in the village of Barka Khalaf, is only 547 meters away from Star Valley in Qeshm. This traditional residence welcomes Qeshm travelers with 4 simple and peaceful rooms and sends them away with good memories.
- Address: Qeshm, Barkeh village, not reaching Star Valley.

Barracuda Hotel A hotel on the shores of the Persian Gulf
If you are a fan of staying in a hotel, you can stay at the four-star Barracuda Hotel, 4 km away from Star Valley. This hotel with 18 rooms and having a beautiful view of the coast of the Persian Gulf can be one of the best options for staying in Qeshm.
- Address: 15 km south coast of Qeshm, between Star Valley and Naz Islands.
Qeshm Golden Beach Hotel A complete set of water activities
This four-star hotel is only 8 km away from Dera Setargan and with 58 suites for rent, it is one of the large accommodation complexes near the valley. Golden Beach Hotel is located next to the shores of the Persian Gulf and with a complete set of marine activities such as jet skiing, water skiing, boat and fishing pier, it is considered as one of the most popular options for staying in Qeshm.
- Address: Qeshm, South Coast Road, in front of Shah Shahid Shrine.

What are the places of interest near the Star Valley of Qeshm?
If you want to visit other tourist attractions in Qeshm after cycling in Star Valley, you should know that you have several options. In the following, we will briefly introduce some of Qeshm’s sights that are located near Star Valley.
Kharebs cave A natural cave in the heart of the mountain
Khorbs Cave is a natural cave at the 11th kilometer of Qeshm South Road, which is located in the heart of the mountain and has beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. Also, this cave is considered one of the important tourist attractions of Qeshm due to its small waterfalls and water pools.
- Address: 15 km south of Qeshm, Qeshm-Khorbs road.

Rock of crabs Watch the life of crabs
Crab Rock is located on Qeshm Geopark Street and is known by this name because of the presence of many crabs. Crab Rock is a beautiful and spectacular place that you can use for swimming, diving and fishing.
- Address: Qeshm, Valiasr Blvd, Resalat East Street.
Rigo Beach A destination for marine recreation
This beach is located in the west of Qeshm and is a popular tourist attraction due to its clear waters and white sand. Swimming, diving and fishing are popular pastimes that are available on the Rigo beach and attract many people.
- Address: 20 km west of Qeshm, Rigo village.
Nice islands The wonder of the tides
Naz Islands are located in the southeast of Qeshm and consist of two islands with a rocky coast. These islands, which are called Do Kurd in the dialect of the local people, part of them goes under water with the sea tide. Many tourists visit this island to see the view of the Persian Gulf and off-road or motorcycle riding to have a day full of fun and excitement.
- Address: 22 kilometers south of Qeshm.

Valley of stars The meeting place of the mysterious legends of Qeshm
If you have searched about travel to Qeshm and its tourist attractions, you may have seen photos of sharp cones, blades and high walls of Star Valley and you have been influenced by its Mars-like atmosphere. Of course, we must say that the magnificence and wonder of the valley of the stars is many times more; At the same time, the existence of legends and mysterious beliefs about the eerie atmosphere of this valley has added to its charm.
In this article, we visited this valley, walked through its huge walls and delved a little into the local stories of Qeshm. We also tried to answer all your possible questions about this unique attraction. you with Qeshm ticket reservation You can see this attraction up close.
If you have ever visited Star Valley, write us about your experience in the comments section.
Frequently asked questions about Star Valley Qeshm
Where is the address of Dera Stargan Qeshm?
This valley is located in the southeast of Qeshm and in Barka Khalaf village.
How far is it from Darghan to Dera Stargaran?
Darghan is about 20 kilometers away from Star Valley.
What is the phone number of Dera Stargaran Qeshm?
To contact Qeshm Geopark, you can call 00987635242282.
How much is the entrance fee to Stargaran Qeshm Valley?
The entrance ticket price is 5000 Tomans.