What are the best hot and cold foods for camping? Food and snacks are inseparable from short-term trips, picnics and camps. Foods, in addition to providing the energy needed by the body during trips, can also multiply the pleasure of the trip. Suggested food list for camp and party, it is a full deal and you can use a variety of foods in summer and winter camping. In this article from the service life style At Cyrus magazine the list Suggested foods for camping breakfast, lunch and dinner We have prepared for you.

The tools you need to cook in nature
If you want to start cooking and make your favorite food in the camp, first of all, you should take cooking and serving equipment with you. These devices help you to taste the taste of homemade and delicious food in nature.
- Spoons and Forks: Try to use titanium spoons and forks that are light in weight.
- Mug: Use lightweight (titanium) or disposable mugs for travel.
- Pots and pans: Pans are very useful for frying or heating food while traveling.
- Knife: It is needed for slicing or cutting food.
- Bowls and plates: try to use plastic or steel bowls and plates when traveling. Because they are lighter and you won’t have to worry about breaking them.
- Flask: In the flask, you can pour soup and stews that you have prepared at home for the camp. You can also use them to store drinks.
- Kettle: A light kettle is necessary to prepare boiling water for cooking food and hot drinks.
- Water bottle: It is necessary to drink water, cook food and wash hands while camping.
- Small gas stove: If you start a fire using wood, there is no need to have a gas stove. (Of course, take care of the environment.)
- Matches or lighters: Do not forget to bring matches or lighters to light the fire.
you can disposable tablecloth And Disposable dishes, mineral water And Kitchen appliances Contains Lighter And a match You can buy it from the stores of Ofek Korosh in the following ways by phone, in person And internet buy
Suggested foods for camp at breakfast

In the following, we present you a list of the best recommended breakfast foods in the camp.
1-Omail: To make otmail as Suggested food for camp at breakfastBoil water or milk and add some cracked oats to it and stir. Add some honey or grape juice to it and stir the oatmeal for 2 minutes until it thickens, then add nuts and fruit (dry or fresh) to it and serve it. You can also add peanut butter to your oatmeal.
If you would like Lion, Flaky oats, honey, juice And peanut butter You can buy from Oghet Korosh stores by phone, in person or online.
2- Boiled eggs: Boiled eggs are nature’s breakfast. But it is better to boil them beforehand. When you reach your destination, just season the eggs with black pepper and salt and serve.
3- Omelet and bread: Omelettes are usually a staple of travel breakfasts. Take the eggs with you in closed containers without boiling or washing them. Separate the onion, ham, sausage, spices, salt, etc. in plastic and cook your own omelette at the campsite. for education How to prepare omelettesClick on the article link.

To buy omelet ingredients like egg, Black pepper, Sausages and sausages, tomato paste, Salt and types Bread You can order from the stores of Oghet Korosh by telephone, in person or online.
4- Breakfast cereal: Breakfast cereals are delicious, nutritious, light and filling. To use, just mix this cereal in milk and serve.
To shop breakfast cereal You can order from the stores of Oghet Korosh by telephone, in person or online.
5- Kinds of simple and cold sandwiches: Simple sandwiches such as bread and cheese, tomato, cucumber, apple and walnut, sugar halvah, dates and walnuts, ready-made ham sandwiches and all kinds of clubs… are delicious and nutritious for a travel breakfast. It is better to store juicy vegetables such as pickled cucumbers and tomatoes in a separate container from the sandwich so that they do not spoil the sandwich.
Types if desired breakfast cheese, Date, walnut And A sweet breakfast food in Iran Buy from Oghet Korosh stores by telephone, in person or online.

Suggested foods for camp at lunch
1- Noodles: Noodles are a type of light and fast food. You can make noodles with vegetables, meat or different sauces and spices.
types of noodle You can buy by telephone, in person or online from Oghet Korosh stores.

2- Kinds of coco, cutlet and onion: If you want to have a light meal for the trip, make coco or cutlet in advance at home and take it with you. Wrap these foods in aluminum foil and put them in the fire or coal heat while heating and then serve it. to study How to prepare two onions, How to prepare a variety of cutlets with minced meat, Kookoo sabzi And Potato coco Click on the article link.
3- Alveh salad sandwich: If your camping time is short and you probably have a refrigerator with you, Alweh salad is a good option for camping lunch and food for the forest and one-day hiking. How to prepare Aloyeh salad do you know
To shop Olivier salad You can apply over the phone, in person or online from the stores of Afogh Korosh.
4- Mirza Ghasemi: This is one of the easiest foods on our list of recommended camping foods. It is enough to take tomatoes, eggplants, eggs and spices of your choice with you and grill the eggplants and tomatoes on charcoal and fire (or in foil) and a Mirza Ghasemi Have a delicious drink. Grilled charcoal You can buy over the phone, in person or online from Oghet Korosh stores.
5- Cold chicken sandwich: To Preparation of chicken sandwich Cold, pre-boil and flavor the chicken and use it in a sandwich with vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuce, etc.
Suggested foods for camp at dinner
1- Pasta: If you want to take a filling meal with you that is semi-prepared but homemade, pasta is a great choice. Prepare the pasta sauce in advance, mix salt, pepper and olive oil with the prepared pasta. Wrap pasta with parmesan cheese, basil and chopped tomatoes in foil for one serving. Put the foils directly on the fire to melt the hot macaroni and cheese, about 10 minutes is enough for this.
If you would like Canned pasta sauce, pasta, olive oil And parmesan cheese You can buy from Oghet Korosh stores by telephone, in person or online.

2- Types of canned fish and tuna: Canned food is one of the most convenient and simple foods that are recommended for camping and hiking. According to your taste, you can buy various canned vegetables, chicken, tuna and semi-prepared canned foods, canned beans such as hot beans And Lentils Prepare and take with you to the camp. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the canned goods and boil the canned goods for 20 minutes before consumption.
To buy all kinds Prepared food and canned goods And Tuna You can order from the stores of Oghet Korosh by telephone, in person or online.
3- Types of snacks: Snacks are very simple and fast foods that you can make at home and take with you. You can even cook these dishes in a pan while traveling. Sausage snack And Minced meat snackare among the most popular snacks for camping.
4- Packed ham and sausage: Sausage can be grilled and cooked on fire or with sausage. Port sausage food and sandwich make it. Ham is also a good option for use in all kinds of cold sandwiches.
5- Mashed potatoes: including satisfying foods in camping and one-day nature trips, mashed potatoes Is. It’s enough, during the trip or before the trip, boil and mash the potatoes and put them in a sandwich with vegetables and serve.
Read more: List of travel essentials for summer camping
Grilled food for camping (suitable for one-day camping)

If you are interested in grilling in nature and want to make a fire and grill on a grill or wood, you can use these grilled foods for One day camp lunch or dinner make it.
1- Pounded kebab: One of the most popular travel foods. kubideh kebab Is. Take the minced meat prepared for preparing pounded barbecue with you and start skewering and grilling them in nature. Eating barbecue in nature is one of the most enjoyable travel experiences.
Mince Meat You can buy it from the stores of Afogh Korosh by phone, in person or online.
2- Grilled chicken: To Making grilled chicken, you can season the chickens in advance or if you have a lot of time, season the chickens at the destination. Then grill the chickens on charcoal.
types of Fresh grilled chicken You can buy from Oghet Korosh stores by phone, in person or online.
3- Potato Camper: The main ingredient of this dish is potato, and it is basically a type of stuffed potato that originates from Turkey. You can make kampir with vegetables or minced meat. To How to prepare Turkish kempirClick on the desired article link.
4- Grilled mushrooms and grilled potatoes: Grilled mushrooms and potatoes, and even grilled corn or cobs, are inseparable parts of camps.
To shop mushroom You can order from the stores of Oghet Korosh by telephone, in person or online.
Characteristics of food for camping
In order to choose the right foods for the camp and take them with you, you should first pay attention to where your destination is, what kind of weather awaits you and how many days you are going to stay on the trip.
If you are traveling with your own car, your hand is more open to take food and groceries, but if you are going to camp with a backpack and light, you should try to take food and items that do not take up much space and do not have problems to carry them. In addition, you need to know that you need cooking equipment that you must prepare before camping.
In general, food and snacks for travel, especially travel food in the summer, should be chosen so that the food can be easily packed and stored. Use non-perishable or non-perishable foods. You can also use ready, semi-ready or canned foods. The only problem with these foods is that they may weigh down your backpack. In general, suitable camping food should be nutritious and filling enough to carry out activities required in camping, such as walking, cycling, etc.
Read more: List of snacks for a family picnic for two
Frequently Asked Questions
Travel foods with Durability What should we take up?
In addition to the foods mentioned above, you can take a variety of soups, dried fruits, mutton, especially for the cold season, and all kinds of chocolate and biscuits as a snack or breakfast.
What are non-perishable foods for travel?
If you are traveling in the hot season, take summer travel food with you. These foods should have a long shelf life and preferably be dry. Foods that spoil quickly must be stored in the refrigerator. Canned foods, cold sandwiches, grilled foods, etc. are among the travel foods suitable for summer.