Yellowstone National Park is the world’s first national park to be located in the US and is known for its unique natural landscapes and geographical features. The park, which has been expanded in the three states of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho, has an area of ​​more than 1.5 million hectares and includes waterfalls, spa springs, lakes and wide forests. One of the most famous features of Yellowstone is the famous waterfall of Old Faithful, which regularly erupts and attracts many audiences. The park is also home to various species of wildlife, including deer, brown bears, wolves and buffalo.
Yellowstone National Park is not only naturally valuable, but also a rich history and culture. As a natural reserve, the park hosts more than 2.5 plant species and 2 species of animal species, and many research projects are carried out to protect this biodiversity. Yellowstone is also known for his volcanic activities; Because the park is on a great large volcano.
Below we watch a video of Yolston National Park.
Cover Photo Source: SEVENNARALWONDONDERS.ORG; Photographer: Unknown