Exploring a building that has nearly 2.5 million visitors a year can arouse the curiosity of tourists interested in monuments! This large, popular and well -known building is called the Kunarc Sun Temple and is located in one of the oldest lands in South Asia. The Sun Konarak is the widespread non -Vegetable monument in India with a completely different architecture and is engraved with thousands of images of gods, people, birds, animals and mythological creatures. If you are encouraged enough to know about this temple, we invite you to read more.
The Temple of the Sun in the thirteenth century was built by King Narasimha Deva I from the Eastern Ganga dynasty (whose grandfather rebuilt the Jagannath Temple in Puri) and dedicated to Syria Sun, as his huge cosmic chariot with seven pairs drawn by seven horses.
It is believed that the temple was inaugurated to celebrate the glory of the Ganga dynasty and the king’s victory over the Bangal Muslim rulers. The presence of many statues depicting the scenes of the king’s war and activities confirms this.
However, how the temple was built until the 1980s, when an old manuscript of date leaf was discovered, remained a mystery. The old manuscript discovered was a complete set of 1 leaf, which comprehensively describes the temple planning and 2 years (from 1 to 2).
The greatness and glory of the temple had remained unknown for years until British archaeologists became interested in the temple in the nineteenth century and explored and rebuilt parts of it in the twentieth century. Subsequently, Indian archaeologists continued to explore after taking over the responsibility of the temple in year 6. The Temple was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Another round of extensive restoration work began in year 6 and continued. Today, the Temple of the Sun has become one of the most famous tourist attractions of India.

How to visit the Sun Temple
The temple complex is open from sunrise to sunset. To see the first dawn (sunrise) that brightens the main entrance of the temple and a magical scene, it is best to plan early in the morning to see the Temple of the Sun Konarak.
The ticket price for the Indians is rupees and for foreigners; Children under the age of 5 are not paid. Tickets can be purchased online or online at the entrance to the monument or online.
Read more: The legends of the Golden Temple of India Nagin Derakhresh Amritsar
The best time to visit the temple of the sun
The drier months from November to February are the best time to visit the Temple of the Sun Konarak. The Odisha area is very hot in summer from March to June.
Since the Temple of the Sun has many places to discover and every corner of the story we suggest you join a experienced guide to visit it. Government -licensed guides are expensive and you will find a list of them near the ticket booth at the temple entrance.
Before visiting the temple, you can go to the collection’s explanation and interpretation and get amazing information about the construction and legends of the temple. The entry fee to this collection is 2 rupees.

The sights and attractions of the Sun Temple
The Kunarark Sun Temple Collection consists of two main parts: a dance hall (Natya Mandapa) and Jagamohana Hall with the Pidha Deula ceiling, which is located on the same platform for the remains of the Rekha Deula Temple. There is also a separate dining room (BHOGA Mandapa) on the left side of the complex and two smaller temples at the rear.
The main entrance reaches the dance hall, which is protected by two magnificent stone lions that crush war elephants. The 8 -engaged columns that show dance gestures are among the highlights of this part.
The audience’s hall is still preserved and dominates the temple collection. Of course, the entrance of the seal is stamped and the inside with the sand to prevent it from falling.
The audience, along with the chariot shrine, form two important parts of the complex, with wheels and horses engraved on both sides of their platform. The wheels are all the same size, but each has different motifs. The edges are decorated with nature scenes, while the blades have women with mainly erotic modes. It is noteworthy that the wheels act as a sunny clock and can accurately calculate the time.

Sculptures and exhibitions of the Sun Temple
A collection of sculptures of the Sun Temple of Kunark is displayed at the Museum of the Collection, run by the Indian Archaeological Organization. The museum is located in the north of the temple complex and is only closed on Fridays. The entry fee to the Museum is Rs.
Konark has five galleries with interactive exhibitions and multimedia shows. The galleries are dedicated to the history, culture and architecture of Odisha as well as the temples of the sun around the world. There is also an interesting film about the Kunarc Sun Temple in the Hall.
Displaying light and sound in the temple of the sun
Every evening in front of the temple complex (except when it rains) the show of sound and light narrates the historical and religious importance of the Sun Temple. The first show begins at 9:30. The starting hours of the show are as follows:
- From November to February at 9:50 pm
- From March to October at 9:50 pm
- Running time: 1 minute
- Visiting Cost: For each person, Rs.
The story of the temple is available with wireless headphones and you can choose if you want to hear the narrative in English, Indian or Odia. The English version uses the bad voice of the Bollywood actress, while the actor’s Suman Shura speaks in Hindi. The Odia version with the voice of the famous actress Odia Bijay Mohanty. In this part of high -resolution projectors with the most advanced 3D mapping technology, it is used to display images on the monument.

Sun Kunarak Festivals
If you are interested in Odysian classic dance, don’t miss the Konark Festival, held in the temple in the first week of December. The International Sand Art Festival will be held at the Chandraga Beach near the temple. In late February, a classic music and dance festival will be held in Konarak.
Legends and erotic in the temple of the sun
The temples in Madia Pradesh are well known for the presence of their erotic sculptures, but the Temple of the Sun Kunarak also has many of these statues. If you want to see them in detail, it is best to bring binoculars, as many of them are located on the walls of the audience and their precise roles are distorted. Of course, some of these sculptures are not recommended for people under the age of 5.

Why the presence of erotic sculptures in the temple
The most famous explanation is that erotic art is a symbol of the integration of the human spirit with the divine that is achieved through excitement. It also highlights the delusions and temporary world of pleasure. Another explanation is that the erotic figures have been to test the restraint of visitors to God, or that these faces were inspired by the Tanotric rituals.
Another story says that the Temple of the Sun Kunarak was built in Odisha following the emergence of Buddhism, encouraging people to monotheism and declining the Hindu population. Therefore, erotic statues were used by the rulers to reconsider sex and reproduction.
How to access the Temple of the Sun Kunarrak
Ordinary shuttle buses between Puri and Konark along the Marineh Road drive you to the Temple of Kunarc. The fare of these buses is 2 rupees. Otherwise you can get a taxi for about 2 rupees. This rate includes up to five hours of waiting time and you stop on the way to the Chandraga and Ramchandi coast. A slightly cheaper option is an automatic reciprocal reciprocal recipient.
Odisha’s tourism also holds cheap bus tours, including visiting Konark.

The location of the Sun Temple
The Kunarrak Temple is part of the Bhubaneshwar-Konark-Puri triangle located on the Odisha Beach, about 5 minutes east of Puri and 1.5 hours southeast of the capital of the capital of the Bobanshvar.
Where to stay?
If you do not stay in PURI, there are a few appropriate options in this area. The best option is the Lotus Eco Resort on the Rama Beach, about 5 minutes from Konarak. A Ricky takes you to the temple with about 2 rupees. If you prefer a cheaper hotel, the Nature Camp Konark Retreat Hotel is a good option for staying.

Entertainment near the temple of the sun
The beautiful road passes through the Bellendar Wildlife Refuge and crosses the Rama and Chandragaga coasts. So you can enjoy water sports and also visit the temple of the local god. Also close to Kunarark, Chandragaga is a Hindu pilgrimage place, where Lord Krishna’s son prayed to the god of the sun and healed from leprosy.
You can spend a few days in Puri and visit the Temple of Jaganat and the Raghujarajpour Crafts Village. Grass Routes offers an attractive hiking tour and the old city of Puri.

Final speech
Visiting the Konarak Sun Temple will be one of the most memorable parts of your trip to India. This place is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is literally amazing and legendary. Here, in addition to visiting the temple, you can experience a variety of Indian delicacies, visit other monuments in the area, and enjoy a variety of waterfalls.
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