At the same time as the pre -sale of Nowruz trains tickets from March 1 to April 5, the capacity of these trains has increased by 5 %.
The pre -sale of Nowruz trains for the period of March 1 to April 1 (the routes went to April 5 and the return routes to April 5) began at 9am this morning.
These tickets are expected to take place within three days and every day from 9 am to 9:00 pm, from 9:00 am to 6 pm in person at ticket sales offices at 9pm.
Ticket sales will also be that today (Tuesday) all routes tickets will be offered except the routes leading to Holy Mashhad, Khawaf, Tabas and vice versa.
On Wednesday (March 8th), all routes will be offered along with the routes leading to Mashhad and vice versa except Tehran – Mashhad, Tehran – Khawaf and Tehran – Tabas.
Also on Thursday (March 6) tickets will be offered all the trains and trains of Tehran – Mashhad, Tehran – Khawaf, Tehran – Tabas and vice versa.
The capacity of these Nowruz trains for the peak of Nowruz, equivalent to 2 percent, as the railway officer reported. According to the official, there have been 2 million and 6,000 seats for travelers, up from 5 % to the same period last year.