Alexander was a character who, in a short time, was able to conquer most of the world’s well -known world and give the world a new form.
Alexander the Macedonian of King Macedonia came to power in the fourth century BC at the age of five and was able to conquer the greatest power of the Achaemenid monarchs within about five years. The achievements of this historical character were so enormous and impressive that fictional and mythical narratives were formed around his personality and inspired his lovers. In this article, you will learn more about Alexander, its achievements and the effects it has on your time today.
Knowledge of Alexander the Great:
Alexander’s territory
About more than 2.5 years ago, Alexander discovered on three continents and dominated the lands whose range of Egypt to present India. She was only 5 years old when she died; But it was able to open the map of the North Hemisphere.
Since the year BC, Alexander died, the world is amazed at his actions. At the age of eight, he rose from the kingdom of the Macedonian (in the present Greece) to conquer the powerful Achaemenid king. Alexander, before died in Babylon in the present Iraq, went to the present Sindh River in the present Pakistani country, and even passed on to India.
After more than 2.5 years, tourists can still see his legacy in remote countries such as Egypt, Türkiye and Pakistan. In the year 9, archaeologists opened the royal palace of Aigai in Greece to tourists. The Palace was the center of the Macedonian royal dynasty. After the assassination of Philip II, Alexander’s father was coronated there. In addition to the Aiga Palace, there are numerous other sites in the world where tourists can visit Alexander and his legend.
The remains of the Greek Iiga Palace; Photo Source: AP News, Photographer: Giannis Papanikos
Alexander’s mysterious death
Alexander made a unique achievement in his six -year life. His father, Philip II of Macedon, always had diplomacy first; But Alexander had nothing to do with diplomacy, and by using force, he painted the map of the world.
In the year 5 BC, Alexander became King Macedonia at the age of five. He remained in Europe just two years after Philip’s assassination, during which time he reinforced his government and suppressed the uprisings of southern Greece and the Balkans. Then, in the year 5 BC, Alexander made his army to Asia to fulfill his father’s wishes to conquer the Achaemenid Imperial. The Achaemenid Empire was the greatest power of the time.
Over the course of five years, Alexander fought in present -day Türkiye, the Middle East and remote areas such as Afghanistan and Pakistan, and was able to defeat Darius III, the Achaemenid king, and defeated the empire. At a time when he was only 5 years old, his territory was extensive from the Adriatic Sea to the River.
Asus’s battle; Photo Source: Britannica, Creator: Unknown
Alexander then rushed to the Indian continent and the Punjab state in today’s Pakistan and conquered more areas in India until its tired army rebelled. They went back; But it was on the way to Macedonia that Alexander fever for two weeks and died in Babylon.
Few characters in history were able to close Alexander’s achievements
As a result, Alexander’s body was taken to Egypt and was placed in a coffin in Alexandria. His tomb was respected by everyone, from Cleopatra to Julius Caesar until it disappeared in the fifth century and was never found.
Alexander died without defeating a war. His Empire broke out very soon; But the official administrative language in that area remained Greek for centuries; For this reason, the Greek language was written throughout the Middle East and the New Testament written in Greek.
Many of the Athenians who believed in democracy hated the monarchy or the Alexander Empire. Some Zoroastrians also call him cursed; Because he destroyed old documents in Persepolis. However, after his death, Alexander the Great reached a quasi -godly position. Alexander was unique and few characters in history were able to get closer to his achievements; It may be possible to compare the Mongol Genghis Khan.
Photo Source: Historynet, Photographer: ZU_09; Picturer: Unknown
Alexander overwhelmed everything
Alexander’s legacy is not a historical dry lesson; In fact, it is the story of a young man of Macedonia who crossed the boundaries of the world and had fans from the beginning. In the Roman period, writers such as Arrian and Plutarch wrote Alexander’s biography. Then, the story of Alexander Romance became very famous. This story was first written in Alexandria, Egypt, in the third century AD.
The story of Alexander was basically a novel based on Alexander’s life that was translated into different languages of the world, including Arabic and Persian. In the year 9, Ferdowsi wrote the Shahnameh, in which Alexander was portrayed as Sander Iranian and the half -brother of Dara or Darius. In this narrative, Alexander preserves the Zoroastrian Iranian religion. This book was recognized in the near East and the Far East, even in Indonesia.
Photo Source: The British Library, Opinion: Unknown
Today, cities such as Alexandria in Egypt and Kandahar in Afghanistan are named Alexander. His young age, the great things he did before his death, and the long distance he traveled are all amazing and unique. He rose from Macedonia and moved to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. His path was tough in some places; But he overcame all obstacles, such as mountains, rivers, war elephants, and chariots. He overwhelmed whatever he came to him.
Alexander’s tours in Greece and Türkiye today represent Alexander’s campaign route
Even today, Alexander affects people’s lives; Alexander’s travel map inspires tourists who want to follow this route or make many eager to study ancient history and archeology. Today, there are tours with Alexander that represent the move and the campaign path of Alexander in both Greece and Türkiye; Interestingly, many men and women are eager to participate in these tours. Some really love Alexander and want to tell him in the morning and night; So it can be said that Alexander’s attraction is still going on.
Since Alexander probably had homosexual tendencies, there is no report of rape of women during her victories; Therefore, with the look of the 21st century to women, it is interpreted as Alexander behaved well with women. In an interesting story, Alexander arrested the Achaemenid royal family after Darius’s defeat in the Battle of Asus, which was also among the detainees.
Instead of slavery, Alexander treated them with respect. The story is that Sisygambis, the mother of Darius, loved Alexander as his second son, and when Alexander died, Alexander’s death died. These stories can be very tangible and attractive to today’s reader.
Painting Pars Queens against Alexander; Photo Source: CNN, Picturer: Unknown
One of the fascinating things about Alexander is how he was able to do all this by age 6 The biggest military campaign to launch history and lead up to about 2.5 forces. His charisma must be great. For Alexander’s lovers who are still affected by him today, traveling along Alexander’s campaign path can be a memorable and effective experience.
Alexander’s Tour only includes moving in Greece and Türkiye; But some of Alexander’s lovers continue this trip in the hearts of Iraq and Iran and cross the Zagros Mountains. In the meantime, if the sandy storm from the Mesopotamian, it will more evoke the mood of the Alexander Corps. Travelers, when they reach Central Asia, just realize the vast dimensions of the trip and find that they could never move at the speed of Alexander’s Corps.
The statue of Alexander in thessaloniki; Photo Source:, Photographer: Unknown
The journey along Alexander’s journey is very different to studying it. It is very memorable and reflective to see the scenery and passages that Alexander took.
Fantasy Fantasy About Alexander
Alexander has joined a group of often mythical personalities whose characteristics are transformed by beliefs and desires in society. History is constantly changing. Over time, the sometimes different narratives are written about Alexander. He is like the characters in the Renaissance that is constantly interpreted. People spend their dreams, desires and nightmares on great characters.
Great characters are not always good; But their achievements are far beyond the achievements of ordinary humans. Alexander was a good sum in addition to his extraordinary achievements. 2.5 years have passed since that time; But the story of his faction is still popular. He even connects himself to the mythical hero of Homer, Achilles, and thus gives a romantic aspect of his legacy.
Alexander in Achilles’ tomb; Photo Source: The Walters Art Museum, Giovanni Paolo Panini
The massacre that Alexander did, especially in the late campaign, is a stain on his skirt; However, some still praise him. He was very brave and charismatic and had a prominent characteristic; But at the same time, he did completely.
Alexander; Racist heritage?
Some interpret Alexander and his actions a little different; For example, the claim that Alexander achieved an unprecedented achievement is called into question, and consider the existence of the Achaemenid empire to be an example of this claim. Critics say Alexander is talking as if we are talking about a supernatural person and far from the historical context.
Photo Source: National Geographic, creator: Jean Simon Berthelemy
One of the critics is Pierre Brian, a professor of the Colege de France and a specialist in the history of Achaemenid and Alexander, who says:
If we want to talk about Alexander’s conquest, we must first look at the Achaemenid king. The Achaemenid king had conquered all these areas five years ago; Therefore, Alexander had to conquer an organized government. Alexander was not the first person. In fact, there is a simple reason for we have been talking about Alexander for 2.5 years; But we say nothing from the founder of the Achaemenid Imperial Empire in the year BC, Cyrus the Great, and that is the reason for racist.
He continues:
We are historians, European. From ancient times to the modern age, Alexander has found a huge place in European thinking. He was the first conqueror of the East and the precedent to the European conquerors. Some historians of the eighteenth and nineteenth century saw Alexander’s victories as the vanguard of European troops over the Ottoman troops. Alexander’s victories have become a political myth for Europeans and are very important for European thinking about Asia and the Middle East.
Photo Source: Warfare History Network, Picturer: Unknown
One of the Bryan books on the concept of Alexander is the “first European”. He says the Greek and Roman writers were not interested in the Achaemenid monarchs, and from the outset, they were beaten from history. When we ask researchers today, especially American researchers in Alexander, why are you not interested in the Achaemenid history? Say it’s very difficult and another world; While both are in the same context and historical world.
Greek and Roman writers were not interested in the Achaemenid king
Oliver Stone’s film “Alexander” is completely stupid; Because it has not been paid attention to the Iranian texture. Bryan even rejects the idea of Greek East after Alexander, when Greek became the official language; Because not only did the local culture disappeared, but on the contrary, everyone used their language from the Egyptians to the Babylonians.
Pierre calls the East to visit the cultures. Alexander wore Iranian clothing in the east, married a woman from today’s Afghanistan and brought Iranian soldiers into his army; So Alexander himself probably confirmed this claim. Today, this behavior seems to be multicultural; But in fact it was a political decision. Alexander was fighting for five years; His main concern was the preservation of the IRGC.
Goghmal Alexander’s battle with the Achaemenids; Photo Source: Warfare History Network, Picturer: Unknown
Finally, the majority of the Corps was formed by the Iranians, and perhaps Alexander had a cultural concern; But the main point was to maintain the military. Marriage to Roxana should also be considered a political decision and put it alongside Alexander’s treatment of the royal women; Because Alexander wanted to be accepted into the new territory and place courtiers in the new order.
Conquest of Alexander led to a cultural transfer between Iran and Greece
Although Alexander’s intelligence in the battlefield cannot be ignored, it should be borne in mind that Alexander has acquired a land that had previously been conquered. He conquered the Achaemenid Empire and reached its borders. That was his primary purpose; For this reason, awareness of the Achaemenid empire is important. Without understanding Darius, the last Achaemenid king, one cannot get enough understanding of Alexander. The book “Darius in the Shadow of Alexander” was also written.
Pierre Bryan says that instead of Alexander or even Darius III, he should praise Darius I, the conqueror and the main organizer of the Imperial. Thousands of mud tablets are found in Persepolis and are finally translated, referring to the importance of Darius I. Darius was a powerful king who treated other religions. Darius I formed the Empire and Alexander conquered it. Fatah Alexander led to a cultural transition between Iranian culture and Greek culture.
Photo Source: Peter Sommer Travels, Photographer: Unknown
Follow Alexander’s foot
Tourists who come to Iran can see the remnants of the Achaemenid Imperial in Persepolis, Susa and Pasargad. Tourists in northern Greece can also view the ruins of the city of Pella where Alexander was born, the tomb of Philip and other Macedonian kings in the underground museum in Vergina, or ancient iiga. A little lower to the south, at the foot of the Olympus (Olympus, the most sacred area in ancient Greece), the village of Dion is located, where Alexander sacrificed to the God of Zeus before moving to Iran.
To the east of Iiga, after the thessaloniki, who is named Alexander’s half -sister, is the city of Philippi, which the Macedonian Philip named after the conquest of the city. There, there is an inscription in the museum containing Alexander’s sentence about a border dispute. At the Istanbul Archaeological Museum, two statues of Alexander, as well as the coffin of Alexander, downtrow the fourth century BC, are found in Lebanon and have delicate engravings of his life.
Photo Source: Furman University Scholar Exchange, Photographer: Specialist
Myths as well as unproven views are linked to other sites in the Northern Hemisphere. The ancient city of Perperikon in Bulgaria is said to be the legendary place of Hatef of Dionysus, where Alexander was told before moving to Iran to conquer the world. Some even suspect that the Venetians kidnapped Alexander’s bones from Alexandria to take it to the St. Mark Cathedral. Now the question arises whether the bones of Alexander are in the Cathedral of St. Mark Venice?
Cathedral of San Marco Venice; Photo Source: Tuscany Now, Photographer: Irina Demenkova
End of the Rainbow of Alexander
No one knows what Alexander had at the time of his death. He is thought to be looking at the Persian Gulf and North Africa. The legend of Alexander remains alive. Despite the flaws, we may all have a little bit of Alexander. He did not seek the opportunity, did not seek long -term goals and tried to gain the most possible achievement in the shortest time; Maybe he knew he would soon die.
Alexander has been inspired by his lovers for centuries. He was a person with a strong inner motivation and specific goals. He moved to the end of his rainbow and never doubted it.
Photo Source: Business & Leadership, Photographer: Unknown
What do you think about Alexander? Do you consider Alexander an inspirational person in human history or a cursed person who left nothing but destruction? Share your view with us and other companions.
Cover Photo Source: CNN, Photographer: Unknown
Frequently asked questions
What areas did Alexander include?
About more than 2.5 years ago, Alexander discovered on three continents and dominated the lands whose range of Egypt to present India. She was only 5 years old when she died; But it was able to open the map of the North Hemisphere.
Why has Alexander become a mythical personality?
Alexander was able to launch the largest military campaign in history by the age of eight and lead to up to about 2.5 forces. His charisma was very great, and his achievements to this day still seem amazing.