Before releasing the next generation of processors, Intel made changes in the branding and naming of the products.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, according to previous rumors that have now become reality, Intel has officially removed i from the names of its processors such as Core i7 and Core i5 and… The company plans to release its next chips with the names of Intel Core, Intel and Intel Core Ultra.
According to the words of the branding expert of this company with Verge, in the previous names, Intel’s name was in a state of oblivion. On the other hand, the release of new processors named Meteor Lake created a good opportunity for this change.
Christopher Hirsch, from Intel, says in this regard: When we looked at how journalists, retailers, manufacturers and other people sell, we realized that only letters and numbers are used to name these processors.
According to Intel’s research, the Core brand created an association with Intel, not letters and numbers. According to Hirsch, this naming made many people unaware that Core i7 or Core i5 processors belong to Intel.
Hirsch did not give further explanations about the changes made in the naming department and it was only pointed out that the Ultra series has some features such as larger, the presence of integrated Arc graphics or artificial intelligence and can provide better performance. So far, it was not offered in any of the models of this company.