Tag: treat

How to treat flatulence in pregnancy?

Why do we get abdominal bloating

10 Min Read

What is hallux valgus and how to treat it with exercise?

Bowing of the big toe, also

11 Min Read

Researchers hope to use light and sound at specific frequencies to treat Alzheimer’s

Recent research by researchers shows that it will be possible to treat

3 Min Read

Is it true to treat snoring with exercise?

Is it true to treat snoring

12 Min Read

What is the cause of chicken skin? and how to treat it

Is the term chicken skin (keratos

11 Min Read

What should I eat to treat fatty liver and what should I not eat? + Fasting treatment

If you suffer from fatty liver disease, you probably don't know it

11 Min Read

What is mesotherapy and how does it treat the skin?

What is mesotherapy? Introducing types of mesotherapy and their applications mesotherapy It

18 Min Read

What should we eat to treat heatstroke? Quick fix of heatstroke at home

The summer season has arrived, and knowing how to treat heatstroke quickly

8 Min Read