Tag: intelligence

Application of artificial intelligence in the Internet of Things; A transformation in various industries

At the second Pandora startup gathering, Hamid Haeri, CEO of Aran Touch

4 Min Read

Apple and Meta refuse to accept the “Artificial Intelligence Treaty” of the European Union

The European Union's AI Pact is a voluntary agreement aimed at guiding

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New York Times: US intelligence agencies fear a “fatal confrontation” with Russia

New York Times: US intelligence agencies fear a "fatal confrontation" with Russia

3 Min Read

From artificial intelligence to product management; Sharara Ezzatnejad’s speech at the Pandora startup meeting

Sharara Ezzatnejad, the CEO and founder of Product Road Company, discussed the

5 Min Read

Artificial intelligence bypassed Google captchas in 100% of cases

ETH Zurich researchers used artificial intelligence to bypass Google's "reCAPTCHAv2" security system

3 Min Read

The future of data analysis is in the hands of artificial intelligence

"Pegah Badaghi", Snap's data analyst, discussed the developments and challenges of data

5 Min Read

The creator of the world’s first artificial intelligence lawyer has been fined by the FTC

company DoNotPay which claimed to offer "the world's first artificial intelligence robot

2 Min Read

Tips for new startups in the golden age of artificial intelligence

"Mohammed Fazouni" presented important and strategic points about the challenges of new

6 Min Read

The role of artificial intelligence in the success of products; From idea to reality

"Mehkameh Taheri", the product manager of artificial intelligence, discussed the role of

5 Min Read

The claim of European intelligence sources about the secret project of the production of Russian drones in China

The claim of European intelligence sources about the secret project of the

6 Min Read