Scientists expressed concern over the increase in sunspots, which broke records in June.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, according to scientists, the record number of sunspots has caused them concern. Because according to scientists’ predictions, the number of these spots is more than expected. Also, an increase in the number of spots can indicate that the sun is moving towards a much stronger cycle.
Sunspots are regions with very strong magnetic fields that can temporarily stop the convection process. As a result of this phenomenon, the temperature has dropped and that is why this part looks darker.
Also, as a result of this phenomenon, solar flares and intense eruptions of electromagnetic type and coronal mass ejection will also be created. In fact, sunspots are associated with intense magnetic activity at the time of their appearance. Scientists have used these sunspots to predict solar activity and cycles since many years ago. According to scientists, these spots can show the behavior of the sun in its 11-year cycle in which the sun’s pole rotates. The increase of these spots has caused scientists to worry because it misrepresents the performance of their observations of the sun.