Researchers say that men who scored higher on the IQ test had children later than others.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, new research by scientists shows that people with higher IQ have children later and have more children. This study was conducted on about 900 Norwegian men born between 1950 and 1981. In this research, the information related to the intelligence tests of these people in the army and also the data related to the birth of the first child in these people were used. The results of this research and collected data show that people with higher IQ have children later and instead have more children. Also, people with the lowest IQ scores were among people who had no children.
Dr. Ole Rajberg, one of the researchers of this study, says: People above 20% of tests related to cognitive ability had children for the first time at the age of 30. People whose score in this test was in the lower 20% of people became fathers at the age of 27. Also, the number of their children was less.
According to the researchers, in the current Nile, having children under the age of 30 and over 35 is less common. This is also seen in many famous people and billionaires in the world. For example, Mark Zuckerberg had a child at the age of 31. This person has an IQ score of 152.