According to the Mehr Reporter, the scientific rank of countries in terms of the number of articles published in international scientific bases is one of the criteria for evaluating research activities globally. This index indicates the amount of research activity in each country and its role in expanding global knowledge. Although the “number of articles” alone is not a complete criterion for measuring the quality of research, it can provide an overview of countries’ scientific participation and their growth or decline in various scientific fields.
Most scientific articles published by researchers are indexed on the Squopus and Webwheel (WOS) sites. With indexing or indexing, scientific articles are recorded and made available to others. Although the two bases formally do not form the ranking of countries based on scientific publications, But analyzing their data enables the scientific status of countries. Countries rating according to scientific publications are officially performed once a year by Scimago and based on scopus data.
In recent years, the trend of Iranian scientific publications has undergone changes, and last year Iran’s scientific rank has declined. Accordingly, with the start of the new year, we will examine the scientific status of Iran in terms of scientific publications in Scopus and Webwanic bases and Iran’s latest scientific rankings at the Sakmago base.
What is the place in Iran in the world?
Based on the latest data; Iran is ranked 17th at the Squopus Base in Year 2 and the 17th in the world at Webmas.
Iran’s scientific publications at the Scopus base declined in year 2. The first news about the decline in Iran’s scientific rank in Scopus has been released in spring.
Iran has been in a growing trend since the articles published at the Scopus base; It was able to reach the 15th place in the world. The rank of Iran was reduced from year 1 to 2, and in the year four years, Iran’s scientific rank in Scopus dropped one rank.
Reduce the same as the number of articles decreases
This drop in scientific rank has also been associated with the decline in Iranian scientific publications. Throughout the history of Scopus, the process of publishing Iranian scientific articles, sometimes with high slope and sometimes with a slight slope, has always been upward and rising; But in the first year, Iran’s scientific publications declined for the first time, and Iranian researchers published more than 2,800 articles less than year 2. The number of articles in Iran in the year was about 2,800 articles, which reached about 2 thousand articles.
This shows that the decline in Iran’s rank was not just because of better performance and more investment in competing countries; Rather, Iranian researchers have published less articles in the Scopus base in the year.
When the first place in the area was lost
Iran was ranked first among the countries of the region from year 2 to year 2, but lost its first place in the region after about five years in the region and years after increasing its distance with Turkey as its traditional rival in the region, and in the second place in the Squoposic base.
Currently, the ranking of Skmago in the year based on scopus data shows that Turkey ranks 15th in the region and Iran with the 16th place in the second place. Saudi Arabia, which has accelerated its number of scientific publications and scientific rank in recent years, has reduced its distance from regional competitors and has reached the world’s rank in year 2.
Iran’s three -year stability in Webwheel
Iran’s scientific rank in the year 3, with one step down from the 16th place in the world, and has remained in the 17th place for three consecutive years.
A review of the number of articles published in Webwells in recent years shows that in this year’s database, the number of published articles in Iran has declined, and Iranian researchers have published about 6,000 lessons less than year 6.
Investigating the position of the regional countries in the Webwell Base in recent years shows that the main competition between Iran and Turkey has been ongoing, and for some years Turkey and some years Iran was in the first place in the Webwheel published articles. But Saudi Arabia, which was in the fifty world in year 2, has reached the world in the fifty world with unprecedented growth in publishing scientific articles at the base.
The current state of Iran’s scientific publication and forecasting future
The scientific ranking of countries is always done at a time because the process of publishing articles is long and many journals take months to publish it. It is also time consuming to index in scientific bases. For this reason, despite the end of year 2, we examined the publishing statistics in the year that was finalized.
However, in order to have a prospect of the country’s scientific publishing situation, we will examine the data of the two websites and scopus. It is important to note that data from 1 to the coming months will change (though little).
One another reduction in scopus
A review of the scientific publication of the Scopus base in the year 9 until the writing of this report shows that Iranian researchers have published 1,800 articles.
Although this rate is about 1,800 more articles compared to year 2, the sharp decline in the number of articles in year 2 has not yet been offset, and Iran is in the 17th place in the world with a steps. Türkiye is also in the 15th place and Saudi Arabia is eighteenth in Iran.
Let’s go back to the first place in the area?
The trend of increased scientific publications in Turkey and Saudi Arabia continues, and so far Turkey has published nearly 2,800 articles, and the number of published articles by Saudi Arabia has been about 2,500 articles more than 1. So Iran seems to be unable to reach the first place in the year.
Maintain the 17th Webwanic Rank for the Fourth Year
A review of articles published on Webwells in the year also shows that Iran has been in the 17th place in the world with the publication of nearly 1,800 articles. However, Türkiye and Saudi Arabia rank 14th and 16th respectively.
The decline in the number of Iranian articles at the Webwan Science base is still ongoing, and in 5 Iranian researchers, nearly 5 articles have published less than 2. So far, Türkiye has published 2,800 articles and Saudi Arabia has published about 2,800 more than year 2. This is the first time in history that Saudi articles have increased from Iran’s articles and Iran has declined to third place.
Why did Iranian articles decrease?
The decline in the number of Iranian scientific articles in recent years has been influenced by several factors. Financial constraints and reduction of research budgets, rising exchange rates and inflation, and exhaustion of research equipment have made the path to scientific research more difficult. Alongside these issues, it seems that academic migration, the reduction of researchers’ motivation, and the restrictions created in international scientific cooperation have also played an important role in this downward trend.
Along with these challenges, the country’s scientific space has also changed. In recent years, negative criticism and advertising about “writing” has increased.
Some believe that over -emphasis on writing has no use to the community, and we need problem -based scientific research to solve society’s problems. However, the quantity and quality of scientific publications are not in conflict. In many countries, the number of scientific articles has been increased with improving their quality. Therefore, reducing scientific publications can be a sign of a general decline in research activities.
It is true that the number of scientific publications does not provide a complete image of the country’s scientific status, and the decline or increase in the number of articles alone does not have a direct impact on people’s daily lives, but the downward trend of scientific publications reflects deeper developments under the skin of the country’s scientific community; Developments that require careful examination and effective policies to reform the country’s scientific path.
(Tagstotranslate) Scientific Rank (T) Scientific Production (T) Scientific Research (T) Scopus (T) Türkiye (T) Saudi Arabia (T) Iran