The ISNA Scientific and Academic Service on Tuesday, April 5, hosted a variety of news in areas such as science, research, space, knowledge, technology, artificial intelligence and academic, which we are going to take a look at a summary of these news.
According to RCO News Agency, The Iranian Student News Agency’s scientific and academic service, on the day that passed, has come up with a variety of news that we are going to review the news today that you can click on the Blue News headline to read the full version of each of them.
“Cosmic Tornado” in the new image of “James Web”
A new and remarkable image of the James Webb Space Telescope has recorded a cosmic event in the best possible time.
Iran on the Spaces of Space; From Chamran 1 to the development of international private sector cooperation in the space industry
In year 4, Iran has taken important steps in the space industry by performing several successful launch. From the launch of research satellites such as Chamran 2 to the entry of the private sector with the Kosar and Hadda satellites, these advances have drawn a new perspective on the country’s spatial self -sufficiency. The stabilization of native launches such as “Qaem 2” and “Simorgh” also shows the growth of Iranian orbital technologies.
SpaceX celebrated its 19th anniversary by launching satellite
Spacex, founded by Ilan Musk, the richest person in the world, sent a US spy satellite on the 19th anniversary of the company’s first launch.
Apollo 10 and Soyuz Capsule go to a new space museum
The Apollo 10 spacecraft, the Soyuz capsule and some other memorable space artifacts are moving to a new space gallery in London.
Dealing the issue of reducing road damage in the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution
The Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, while praising the efforts of the Red Crescent staff and volunteers, emphasized the importance of strengthening the driving culture in the community and stated that in the form of a work group in the social-cultural headquarters, it would be seriously addressed the issue of reducing road damage.
The platform for transformation in the role of women in the knowledge -based economy
The Office of Women’s Affairs, Science, Technology and Economics Affairs, last year (1403), has designed and implemented a series of policy, executive and development measures to enhance women’s participation in the country’s innovation and technology, and implemented the necessary areas for the development of women in the economy.
Holding the 4th International Conference on Knowledge and Mission of Hosseini with the participation of the Jihad Cultural field
The 4th International Conference on Knowledge and Mission of Hosseini, entitled “Theology of Arbaeen”, will be held on April 19 with the participation of Jihad Cultural Department and the cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq.
Citizenship participation; The key to efficient urban governance
In recent decades, the concept of citizen participation in urban planning and management has become increasingly important. Modern cities face a variety of challenges that are difficult to solve without people’s presence. In this regard, a new study has been attempted to provide a specific model for increasing citizenship participation in urban processes.
Re -emphasis on “production” in the slogan of the year; The key to improving the country’s economy
Student and Islamic Student Activist and Law of Imam Sadiq University (AS), referring to the slogan of the year by the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, “Investing for Production”, re -emphasized production as the key to improving the country’s economy, and said: “This year’s naming is in the name of investing and reaffirming our production issue.”
Making biodegradable detergents with wood and corn
Scientists have succeeded in developing biodegradable detergents produced from wood and corn. This herbal detergent is made by mixing cellulose nanofibers of wood and a protein from corn that works better than chemical cleansers.
Orientation of investment in production and prioritization to remove barriers and strengthen trust
The head of the Humanities Transformation and Promotion Council, focusing on the slogan of year 2, “Investing for Production”, explored the requirements, barriers and strategies for enhancing national production.
Quantum calculations for the development of the aerospace industry
With the advent of quantum calculations, the aerospace industry enters a new world, and the design of aircraft and spacecraft in the near future can benefit from the increasing development of quantum computing.
(tagstotranslate) ISNA Scientific and Academic News package