ISNA/Isfahan Climate change, inaccurate resource management and human interventions have created major challenges for environmental sustainability. Reviewing water policies, optimizing energy consumption and modifying development patterns are essential solutions for a sustainable future.
World Meteorological Day, which is held every year on March 5, is an opportunity to address scientific achievements and new technologies in predicting climate status and climate change. This day is commemorated by the establishment of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in the year 2 as an international institution to synergize global efforts in the field of weather and meteorological sciences. The purpose of this day is to raise public awareness of the effects of climate and climate change on human life and the environment.
In today’s world, where climate change has become one of the biggest human challenges, World Meteorological Day provides an opportunity to take into account the role of precise meteorological information in crisis management, natural disasters, water and agricultural resources conservation, and improvement of quality of life. The topics of this day usually deal with new technologies in predicting the status of climate, advanced climate models, and the impact of climate change on ecosystems and human societies.
In addition to introducing scientific achievements in this field, this day emphasizes the need for international cooperation and information exchange between various countries and organizations to deal with climate and natural challenges. As a result, World Meteorological Day not only promotes public knowledge in predicting the atmosphere, but it also paves the basis of global actions to deal with climatic crises and protect the planet.
Dariush Rahimi, Faculty of Geography and Planning of Isfahan University In recent years, topics such as new technologies for reducing air pollution, cloud fertilization, artificial intelligence in predicting weather conditions, satellite use and remote measurement, and understanding the effects of climate change on human life have been of paramount importance, but what are the causes of these questions? Perhaps one of the most vital components of the ecosystem that affects human life in various dimensions, whether life, economics and society, is the air. In newer definitions and in the long run, this concept is generalized to climate. Climate has extensive liaison with other parts of the earth, including watershed, stone, and biodiversity, with complex interactions and reciprocal reactions between these systems.
He added: In the past, up to about 1 or 2 years ago, the climate was considered an unchanged factor that was mostly defined by geographical algebra or environmental determinism. That is, every region had its own climatic characteristics and man could not change it and was heavily influenced by it. This algebraic view is as old as the history of human civilization and civilization.
A member of the Faculty of Geography and Planning of the University of Isfahan, stating that if we look at the texts and works that are excluded from ancient times, the Middle Ages and the New Age, we will see that this has always been addressed: for example, in ancient Iran, the traces of these concerns will be traced. One of the most prominent signs is the sentence in the works attributed to Darius the Achaemenid: “God forbid my country from hypocrisy, lies and drought.” This expression reflects the historical depth and root of these issues in human life. Therefore, the Iranian people throughout history have always sought ways to deal with climate challenges, especially drought and floods.
Rahimi says: This need has led to new technologies in this area. Iran is one of the countries in the field of water structures, prominent and global works. This historical background, along with contemporary scientific and technological advances, has paved the way for the development of new strategies to counter climate change and reduce its effects. These phenomena, in addition to environmental degradation, also have economic and social damage. For example, the decline in drought water resources leads to a decrease in agricultural production. If this trend continues, it will lead to immigration, social unrest, and regional conflicts, as well as extensive fires as a result of rising temperatures and the growth of rangeland coverage that occurs in the productive years, causing irreparable damage to the ecosystems. In recent years, widespread fires in Canada, the United States (such as Los Angeles) and Iran have been examples of these risks.
Managing climate change and reducing its risks
“Human beings are trying to manage and control them,” he said. Managing these risks is a risk management type, meaning that appropriate steps are taken in three stages before risks, at risk and after risks. In this regard, several ways to predict, reduce damage and manage these phenomena have been developed. The accuracy of these predictions is very important because large decisions are made at the level of societies and countries, but the prediction essence is associated with a percentage of error, and no one can predict climate conditions with certainty, so scientists and researchers seek to reduce forecast errors. For this purpose, modern technologies such as artificial intelligence, remote sensing and complex prediction models are used.
“These tools help to more accurately analyze the data and increase the level of confidence,” said a member of the Faculty of Geography and Planning at the University of Isfahan. With the advancement of these technologies, it will be possible to better manage climate change and reduce their destructive effects.
Continuity of human interventions in climatic and climatic management
Rahimi continues: One of the most famous water resource management technologies in Iran is the aqueduct, which has played a key role in the civilization of this land. In addition to the aqueducts, the construction of dams, various straps and techniques of artificial water supply of groundwater are other ways to manage water resources. These technologies are evident throughout Iran’s geography, both in the current political borders and in the field of Iranian cultural geography. Including Tabas, Amir Band, numerous dams in Fars province, Shooshtar water structures and extensive agents in the Iranian plateau, all show the root of water resource management knowledge in this land, but in the last few centuries new developments have taken place.
He said: Since the Industrial Revolution, and especially since the 1980s, climate change has accelerated. Formerly influenced by the climate, man, with industrial development and extensive development, became a “climatic man”; That is, it became a factor in changing climate processes. A study of monuments, such as writings attributed to Aboureihan, shows that climate change has long been considered, but in the past, these changes were considered a natural and repeatable cycle, after the industrial revolution, the process of developing and increasing fossil fuel consumption changed the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. Increasing greenhouse gases density led to phenomena such as rising temperatures, increased pollution and other changes.
Isfahan University of Geography and Planning Faculty member stated that from the 1980s, concepts such as climate change, ozone layer damage, prolonged droughts, increased greenhouse gas concentrations and temperature rise were discussed in world scientific literature, saying that these changes were natural cycles.
Rahimi adds: In the past, the climate prevailed over human life, but in the last five years, man has become an influential factor in the climate. For example, the increase in fossil fuel consumption and the production of greenhouse gases increased the ground temperature. These changes have led to a set of consequences that are nowadays referred to as “climate change”. The more precise definition of climate change is part of the changes of climate elements that have been directly or indirectly caused by human activities. This definition does not include natural changes such as changing the angle of sunlight, the amount of energy input from the sun, and geological processes, but rather the changes caused by human interventions.
He says: From year 3 onwards, the term “anthropocene” or “anthropocyne era” entered scientific literature. This concept refers to widespread human changes in climate and the environment. Humans have affected climatic elements by unnecessary consumption of fossil fuels, forest destruction, rangelands, water and air pollution, land use change and other factors. These changes have increased temperature, air pollution, rainfall changes, and phenomena such as increased urban settlements, industry growth and increased vehicles, one of which is air pollution.
A member of the Faculty of Geography and Planning of the University of Isfahan adds: In Iran, the trend of temperature rise has accelerated over the past 5 years. Although the whole world is experiencing temperatures, in land -like areas such as Iran, this rise in temperature is more severe and fragile. Iran, as a country with a dry and semi -arid climate, has fragile environmental thresholds and climate change can accelerate the destruction of its ecosystems.
Climatic hazards and efforts to manage them
Rahimi continues: These changes have led to phenomena that are referred to as “climate hazards”. Climate hazards are risks that result from climate change and affect human societies. Examples of these risks include long -term droughts that reduce water resources, destroy agricultural products, migration and even social insecurity, increase heat waves that damage human health and wildlife, severe capital that can threaten sensitive biomass, floods, floods. Droughts occur, drying up rivers, wetlands and marshes that cause environmental changes and decreased diversity, and the melting of polar snow and ice that leads to the rise of ocean water levels and the risk of floods in coastal areas.
Prevention, more effective solution to environmental pollution
Pointing out that there is a fundamental principle in health issues, which is always less expensive and a better option than treatment, he says: This principle can also be used in the environment. Instead of developing new technologies to reduce pollution, we need to improve the production resources of pollution, change the thinking and modify the practices and technologies that cause these contaminants. For example, if we are to fertilize the clouds, we must first do a cost -benefit analysis and examine the multiple applications of this method. In the field of air pollution reduction, new technologies have been developed, mainly in the field of chemical and mechanical engineering, but before we look at contaminating technologies, it is better to focus on contamination resources and factors.
Understanding and managing pollutant resources, a more effective way than controlling the consequences
Isfahan University of Geography and Planning Member adds: There are two basic issues in the discussion of pollution: resources and their identification techniques. The best way to manage pollution is to prevent it, that is, instead of focusing on pollution control technologies, we need to manage pollutants. The first step in this path is to identify the thinking that has increased fossil fuel consumption and contamination. Today’s world is plagued by a cycle of production for consumption and consumption for production. This cycle must be broken and the economic and industrial structures move to a point where the need for polluting products is reduced.
Rahimi continues: After modifying this thinking, you have to go to pollutant sources. There are various ways to control resources here. One of these methods is the optimal use of geographical conditions. For example, in Isfahan, there are three main sources of air pollution; First, the power plant and refinery industry, based in the west of Isfahan, are known as the constant sources of pollution. Second, cars are moving sources of air pollution. Third, inefficient heating and heating systems that contribute to energy loss.
He adds: In the management of fixed pollutants, the principles of land preparation should be used. The dominant wind direction in Isfahan is from west to east, so we should not have settled polluting industries in the west of this city. If these industries were stationed in eastern Isfahan, the pollutants would be directed to the desert areas and less affected by the city’s air. This is a planning error that unfortunately has not been addressed.
Increase energy productivity, a solution to reduce pollution
Another key solution is to increase energy productivity. For example, in home heating systems, the gas heaters used today have low productivity. Some experts estimate the efficiency of these heaters to be around 2 % to 5 %, meaning that their energy is wasted by 5 % to 5 %. As a result, in order to reduce pollution, the productivity of the heating industry must be increased, the architecture of the buildings can be improved to reduce energy losses and use renewable energy, especially solar energy. By implementing these strategies, not only reduces energy consumption, but the source of pollution in general disappears.
Reduce vehicle emissions, an important factor in improving air quality
Rahimi adds: Vehicles are one of the most important sources of air pollutants, so the fuel productivity of the vehicles needs to be increased to reduce pollution. Instead of producing cars that consume 2 liters per 100 kilometers, cars with five liters or less should be produced. In many developed countries, this has happened, as well as public transportation to be expanded to reduce the need for personal cars. In addition, modern filtering technologies can also be used. In the field of mechanical and chemistry engineering today, smart filters have been developed to reduce the pollution of vehicles and industries that can play an important role in improving air quality, but remote sensing must adapt to ground and station data to increase their error and precision forecasts. Artificial intelligence is also one of the most powerful tools in this field that can increase prediction accuracy. For example, climate change models today can make relatively accurate predictions for the next year using 5 -year data, but due to the complexity of the climate system, climate forecasts still have a high error percentage. At present, no one can predict that next year will be drought or bear, but these predictions are based on past probabilities and data.
He says: Fruitting clouds is an idea that has been raised almost after World War II. In various countries around the world, especially Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom, this method has been taken into consideration against droughts, but it has never had the desired results, as cloud fertilization can respond in laboratory conditions and local environments, but not responsive on climatic, regional or planetary scale. The main reason for this is that the climate system is very large and complex. For example, a small cell of the system can be one million square kilometers. In such a system, it is not possible to influence the entire climate by making limited changes. For this reason, the fertilization of clouds on a large scale is a rejected theory.
A member of the Faculty of Geography and Planning at the University of Isfahan says: In Iran, the most important condition for the creation of rainfall and cloud formation is the amount of moisture. Our country is geographically located in an area that lacks extensive domestic water zones. For this reason, the water vapor pressure in the atmosphere usually does not have the necessary conditions to form a cloud. On average, the moisture content per kilogram of air in Iran is about seven grams, which is not enough to form a cloud. Except for the Caspian coast and the Oman Sea, there is not enough moisture to form the cloud in other parts of the country, so there is no cloud in many parts of the country.
Rahimi continues: Our main problem in water is the reduction of resources and drought. This issue has been recorded in Iranian history since the Achaemenid era. In the past, Iranians have increased water productivity to manage this challenge and have observed balanced population distribution. In the past, Iran had 6,000 villages, meaning that there were 6,000 water sources scattered throughout the country. These villages have acted as a technical and humanities faculty. Each village consumes water and did not exceed the permitted amount of water and water resources. For this reason, people have come up with aqueducts, water storage in underground dams and exploitation of floods and adapted their lives to climatic conditions, but unlike the country’s nature and geography, laws that have disrupted this balance and have created current problems with water, and thereby causing water problems.
He acknowledges: About 5 % to 5 % of the country’s water resources are consumed in the agricultural sector, but the efficiency of this consumption is very low. On average, the amount of agricultural dry matter per cubic meter of water in Iran is about 2 to 5 grams, compared to 2 to 5 grams worldwide. In other words, water productivity in Iranian agriculture is approximately one -third of the global average, so we must solve the problem instead of searching for uncertain methods such as cloud fertilization. Increasing irrigation productivity, developing new agricultural methods, and reducing water loss are measures that can play an important role in resolving the water crisis.
A member of the faculty of Geography and Planning at the University of Isfahan adds: To deal with climate hazards, we need to rely on more accurate predictions. Although predictions always have a percentage of error, they can increase their accuracy using new techniques. Climate forecasts are based on a key principle that the future is equal to the past plus the present. That is, to predict the future, historical data must be analyzed alongside the current conditions. The longer the historical data is, the more accuracy of the prediction models will be. For example, in Isfahan, about 5 years of climatic statistics have been recorded. If we look at this data, it is observed that in every 2 -year period, there has been about 2 consecutive droughts: 1 to 2 and 2 to 2 and 2 to 5. If these data were taken into consideration, we could have been planning more accurately for water resources and preventing the crisis, but unfortunately these drought patterns have been ignored.
Rahimi adds: Water resource policymaking was based on relatively humid periods of the 1980s and 1980s, and when droughts occurred 1 to 2, the country faced a severe water crisis. Under these circumstances, unnecessary harvesting of groundwater was implemented as an emergency solution, while these resources are hardly renewed.
He said that for more accurate analysis and reduction of forecast errors, satellite data and remote sensing can play an important role: These data provide long -standing regional information and can help analyze climate models and examine the effects of climate change.
The end of the message
(tagstotranslate) Provincial-Scientific and Educational (T) World Meteorological Day (T) Climate (T) Climate Change (T) Artificial Intelligence (T) Air Pollution (T) Pollution Industries (T) Climate Change (T) drought