For the first time, the James Webb Space Telescope was able to take a direct image of carbon dioxide outside the solar system. The HR 2 poem is a very young planet that is only 5 million years old.
According to RCO News Agency, The powerful space telescope James Webm reveals the hidden complexities of extrasolar planets as before.
For the first time, James Webm has managed to hunt direct images of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of an extravagant planet that is about 5 light -years away from us.
The HR 2 poem, a multi -planetary system, has long been the focus of research in the field of planets.
The discovery provides strong evidence that the giant planets in the HR 2 system are very similar to customer and Saturn’s planets by increasing the nucleus. The planets are formed by the accumulation of solids and then gas absorption at the nucleus event.
Researchers in the study say that we have shown that there is a significant portion of heavier elements such as carbon, oxygen and iron in the atmosphere of the planets, which is likely to be formed by increasing the nucleus, which is an exciting conclusion for the planets we can see directly.
James Web’s infrared capabilities
The HR System is a very young planet that is only 5 million years old compared to our 1.5 billion years. Its young planets, still emit heat as a result of their formation, emit severe infrared light.
Direct imaging of extrasolar planets is challenging because of their weakness compared to host stars. The James Web Telescope has the potential to capture direct images at specific infrared wavelengths, which can lead to the identification of key molecules such as carbon dioxide.
This feature allows planetary astronomers to distinguish between giant planets and brown dwarfs that are star -nuclear -free and non -mass dwarfs for nuclear fusion.
This achievement has been made possible by James Web’s crowning. These devices block the stars’ blocked light and allow us to see the poor shine of the planets circulating around them. It is like creating a small solar eclipse that reveals the hidden worlds.
This method allows scientists to record and analyze infrared light in the range of 1 to 2 micrometers. The data showed the presence of specific gases and precise atmospheric information about those extrasolar planets.
Observation of the innermost planets
They found that the planets of the HR ۱۹۹۱ system have heavier elements than previously thought, supporting the idea that they were formed like our solar system gas giants.
For the first time, James Web’s observations directly showed the innermost planets of this poem called “HR ۱۳۹۷ E” in the 1.5 micrometer spectrum and “Eridani B” at the wavelength of 1.5 micrometers.
These observations show the exceptional sensitivity of the telescope in the absorption of weak planetary signals, even when they are close to their brilliant host stars.
The study proves that James Web can directly analyze the chemical composition of the atmosphere of extrasolar planets, which goes beyond the inference of the light of stars.
Scientists intend to use James Web crowns to read more giant extrasolar planets and their composition.
The findings are published in the journal Astrophysical.
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(tagstotranslate) James Webb (T) carbon dioxide (T) extra extravagant planet