Chinese researchers have converted a safety response to the rejection of organ transplants into a treatment for cancer at a success rate of 5 %.
According to RCO News Agency, In a pioneering moment in the field of cancer treatment, Chinese researchers changed the immune response from organ transplants to combat the main cause of mortality around the world.
According to the Colombia University Surgery Department, 5 % to 5 % of patients undergoing organ transplant surgery experience at least once “transplantation” or so -called “rejection”. However, Chinese researchers, by directing this powerful reaction to attacking cancer cells, made this negative, cleverly becoming a positive event.
A new study published earlier this year in Cell’s magazine, called Tumor to Pork, showed a significant success in viral engineering that deceived the human body to believe that cancer cells are pigs’ tissue, resulting in excessive inflammatory response.
The virus began to attack the tumor with a stunning 2 % success, until the patient with advanced cervical cancer treated.
Therefore, a new and completely genius path has been opened in the way of cure for cancer in the world. However, the researchers noted that further research is essential because cancers are intelligent diseases. However, a mechanism can be manipulated to attack a disease with the same passion and heat of a completely external factor, such as pigs.
Change the face of cancer as a pig gene
Professor Zhao Yongxiang, Director of Targeted State Oncology Laboratory at Guangxi Medical University, led the inspirational study.
In an innovative move, he examined the immune response to the transplant and engineered a virus that hoped to stimulate the body to destroy cancer cells.
Professor Zhao and his colleagues work on a relatively benign virus, the Newcastle (NDV) virus, which causes little damage to humans, engineered a pig gene to create a new virus called NDV-GT.
By infecting cancer cells with the virus, this pig gene effectively inform the body of an external creature that inspires the complete rejection of the transplant. So they destroyed cancer cells by changing their face.
Cancer may be clever, but Xao has designed a special cape that makes the human body differently and more aggressive.
They first conducted a set of animal studies, including on monkeys. The results allowed them to go to human tests. Miraculously, even if more work on the new approach, human patients took incredible steps in the recovery path.
Have we found cure for cancer?
The researchers treated three patients with various untreated cancers (liver, ovarian, cervical, lung, etc.) and reportedly conducted intravenous and intravenous injections weekly for 1 to 2 weeks.
These patients experienced a range of stunning results, including relative recovery, durable clinical treatment, and tumor growth.
Statistically, these clinical trials showed a 2 % success rate with little negative effects.
Professor Zhao says clinical experiments are entering phases 1 and 2, which transmits treatment to the next stages of the experiment, which aims to evaluate its potential and safety specifications.
“We can be on the verge of failure of cancer, and this was born of an idea to guide a powerful response to an invincible enemy,” he said.
The end of the message
(tagstotranslate) Cancer (T) Cancer Treatment (T) Transplantation