Dr. Alireza Rai at a meeting of artificial intelligence applied in engineering issues pointed to the activities of the university in the field of artificial intelligence and said: “We have a broad program of using artificial intelligence in the field of armed forces, or engineering and manufacturing sectors.” An agreement has been exchanged in the past.
He further stated: In today’s session, the use of machine learning algorithms in decision -making and strategies for seismic improvement is also examined as the subject of artificial intelligence and passive defense.
Rahagi added: In previous sessions, a discussion also discussed the use of high quality lightweight concrete that could be used in different areas and fields. It was assumed that a series of lightweight concrete panels would be needed and could be used as protective walls in different locations. The lighting of the panel will also make it easier to transport so that it can be used in other places if needed.
The head of Amir Kabir University of Technology added: “When it comes to freight on lightweight concrete in the country, more attention should be paid to light aggregates.” These aggregates are available in two types of natural and artificial.
He noted: In the artificial sector of the aggregates in the world, there has been a lot of work in the world, with good quality, high quality aggregates.
The president of Amir Kabir University of Technology added: “In the general category based on the needs that are raised in general modes. Lightweight concrete can be structural and non -structural with conventional resistors or with high resistance and high quality.
According to him, the production of various aggregates could be the first study project at Amir Kabir University of Technology. Natural aggregates are also available in nature, which can be used in different parts based on sex, quality and mechanical resistance.
“Lightweight aggregate materials play an important role in the mechanical properties of concrete, which should be of particular interest,” said Amir Kabir University of Technology. Accordingly, if there is a demand, the university will be willing to do research.
Rahman continued: The suggestions made to improve the quality of the aggregates are in order to produce the appropriate aggregate to achieve better quality and its effect on concrete resistance.
At the end, he noted: Partners have studied a series of numerical studies on different loads on lightweight concrete panel for use in lightweight protective systems as a wall that wants to resist explosive load, which is currently in the process of starting the research and will be completed in accordance with the need for the development industry.
(tagstotranslate) Amir Kabir University (T) Concrete (T) Scientific Research (T) Alireza Raha