According to the Mehr news agency, citing the Islamic World Science and Technology Citation and Monitoring Institute (ISC), Dr. Ali Naibi said: The fourth and fifth industrial revolutions can be considered one of the biggest events in recent decades, which can bring many benefits to businesses. , industries and people of society. These industrial revolutions are based on intelligence, and for this reason, smart equipment and technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 3D and 4D printing, new generation communication technologies (5G), robotics, collaborative robots, big data, blockchain and drone technology and… take the lead in this industrial revolution.
Naybi said: Islamic World Science and Technology Citation and Monitoring Institute (ISC) with the mission of monitoring science, technology and innovation at the national and international level, tries to provide informed policy and decision-making in the fields of science, technology and by providing accurate data and information. Help innovation in Iran and Islamic countries.
He added: Presenting thematic reports on the state of key technologies, as one of the main strategies of this institute, has received the attention and welcome of the country’s scientific community.
According to this report, the global position of the products of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Islamic countries in scientific products related to 3D and 4D printing technologies has been investigated. In 3D printing technology, a piece is produced layer by layer as a 3D volume, but in 4D printing, it is programmed in such a way that after the product is made with the help of 3D printing, it gradually changes shape. And the part geometry and material properties change.
Referring to the importance of 3D and 4D printing technologies, Naybi said: “Reviewing and analyzing the scientific position of the leading global and Islamic countries in these fields over a 10-year period is of great importance.” Based on this, in this report, the global position of the scientific productions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Islamic countries in the field of 3D and 4D printing technologies has been investigated.
He added: Chart 1 shows the general trend of scientific publications in the field of additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies in the period from 2010 to 2023. According to this graph, the scientific productions of both technologies have grown significantly in this period of time. In the early years, 3D printing technology accounted for a larger share of publications, but from 2016 to 2019, additive manufacturing technology has overtaken it, which can be attributed to the technology’s wider technical applications.
Chart 1: The trend of publications in the field of additive manufacturing and 3D printing Based on Web of Science database 2010-2023
The figure provides an overview of the top trends and innovations in the field of additive manufacturing. This figure shows the innovation map that was extracted from the analysis of a sample including more than 1,356 startups and companies active in the field of emerging technologies of the 3D printing industry.
In this figure, the top 10 additive manufacturing trends impacting companies around the world are highlighted, along with 20 startups leading the way in the development of emerging technologies.
Figure one. Top 10 trends and innovations in the field of additive manufacturing (Source: StartUs Insights 2024)
Table 1 shows the ranking and number of scientific productions of the world’s leading countries in 3D and 4D printing technologies in a 10-year period. According to the data of the Web of Science database in 3D printing technology, American countries with 13,320 degrees; China with 10859 degrees and Germany with 3572 degrees are in first to third place. In 4D printing technology, China countries with 516 degrees; America with 332 degrees and England with 141 degrees are ranked first to third.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has a relatively good rank in 4D printing. Iran ranks 11th in the world in this technology and ranks 22nd among countries in the world in 3D printing.
Table 1. The position of the scientific production of 3D and 4D technologies in the world’s leading countries in the period of 2014-2023
rank | Technology | |
2023-2014 | 3D printing (3D Printing) | 4D printing4D Printing) |
1 | America 13320 documents | china 516 degrees |
2 | china 10859 documents | America 332 degrees |
3 | Germany 3572 documents | England 141 documents |
4 | England 3405 documents | India 128 degrees |
5 | South Korea 2678 documents | 98 degrees |
6 | 2372 documents | 97 degrees |
7 | Australia 2,250 documents | 82 degrees |
8 | India 2035 documents | Germany 80 degrees |
9 | 1879 certificate | Italy 77 degrees |
10 | 1723 degrees | South Korea 77 degrees |
Naybi noted: Table 2 shows the rank and number of scientific productions of leading Islamic countries in the field of 3D printing and 4D printing technologies. According to the data extracted from the Web of Science database, in the field of 3D printing technology, the countries of Turkey with 779 degrees, Islamic Republic of Iran with 606 degrees, and Malaysia with 543 degrees are ranked first to third, respectively.
Also, in the field of 4D printing technology, the Islamic Republic of Iran ranks first with 65 degrees, Malaysia ranks second with 20 degrees, and Egypt ranks third with 14 degrees.
Table 2. The position of scientific productions related to 3D and 4D technologies by leading Islamic countries in the period of 2014-2023
rank | Technology | |
2023-2014 | 3D printing (3D Printing) | 4D printing (4D Printing) |
1 | Türkiye 779 documents | Islamic Republic of Iran 65 degrees |
2 | Islamic Republic of Iran 606 documents | Malaysia 20 documents |
3 | Malaysia 543 degrees | Egypt 14 documents |
4 | Saudi Arabia 503 documents | 14 documents |
5 | United Arab Emirates 268 documents | Pakistan 13 documents |
6 | Egypt 252 documents | Türkiye 9 documents |
7 | Pakistan 173 documents | Indonesia 7 documents |
8 | Indonesia 138 documents | Nigeria 3 degrees |
9 | Iraq 75 degrees | Iraq 2 degrees |
10 | Nigeria 63 degrees | Kuwait 2 degrees |
According to Table 3, the most scientific productions in the 10-year period in 3D printing technology were related to Tehran University, Amir Kabir University of Technology, and Tarbiat Modares University, and in 4D printing, they were related to Tehran University, Tarbiat Modares University, and Tabriz University.
Table 3. The status and scientific productions of the country’s universities in 3D and 4D technologies
rank | Technology | |
2023-2014 | 3D printing | 4D printing |
1 | University of Tehran 83 degrees | University of Tehran 27 documents |
2 | Amirkabir University of Technology 83 degrees | Tarbiat Modares University 5 degrees |
3 | Tarbiat Modares University 40 documents | University of Tabriz 4 degrees |
4 | Tehran University of Medical Sciences 37 degrees | Isfahan University of Technology 4 degrees |
5 | Iran University of Science and Technology 36 degrees | Amirkabir University of Technology 3 degrees |
6 | Sharif University of Technology 36 degrees | Iran University of Science and Technology 3 degrees |
7 | Iran University of Medical Sciences 32 documents | Sharif University of Technology 3 degrees |
8 | Isfahan University of Medical Sciences 28 documents | Urmia University 3 degrees |
9 | Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences 24 documents | Birjand University of Technology 3 degrees |
10 | Isfahan University of Technology 23 documents | Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi University of Technology 3 degrees |
For information on the report on the global position of the scientific productions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Islamic countries: 3D and 4D printing technologies, refer to this address.