According to the Mehr news agency, citing the Presidential Vice-Chancellor for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the National Science Foundation of Iran, with the aim of supporting interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research to solve problems and respond to the country’s needs, announced a call for support for multi-specialty research clusters. In this evaluation, it is considered to address the needs and topics of current and transformative research and the quality of scientific activity of the researchers in the last 5 years.
It is expected that 5 to 7 clusters will be formed in this period of call and this number will gradually increase in the 5-year period. The conditions of presentation and management of a multi-specialty research cluster are different from other domestic and international group research projects. The head of the cluster should provide an outstanding service in solving the country’s problems by leading several scientific teams in different but converging specialties, based on research and applying scientific methods, or open a new, transformative and opportunity-creating front of research in the country.
The conditions of the head of the multispecialty research cluster are stated in Article 3 of the guidelines for the formation of clusters. Researchers who consider themselves subject to Clause 7 of the conditions of the cluster supervisor must send their documents for review and approval through the foundation’s system within the first two weeks of the announcement of the call for proposals. It will be possible to send the final proposal of the researchers only through the foundation system.
Priority areas
This call has 12 priority areas, for complete information about them, they can refer to the website of the National Science Foundation of Iran. The outputs that are expected from this project include the management of the polio eradication project, the scientific management of the corona vaccine production and commercialization project, local production SIM cards for mobile phones, manufacturing of chips used in smart cards, management of the satellite construction project, production and propagation of the local breed of broiler, local production and supply Insulin medicine, the production of induced stem cells, the research and development of wireless battery charging technology.
Applicants have until 30th of February 1403 to declare their readiness for this project while registering. The announcement of the final results of the projects will be at the end of Farrudin 1404 and the research projects will start from May 1404. For each cluster, a credit amounting to fifty billion rials (based on current conditions) is allocated for a period of 3 years. The continuation of support in the following years will be based on the evaluation of the previous year. Extension is possible after the third year, up to the fifth year in special circumstances and after evaluating the achievements. The maximum amount of support for each cluster in the first year will be 16.66 billion Rials and in the following years with some adjustment based on inflation conditions.
How to register and send an application
To register, applicants can refer to the Kuiper system at and apply through the applicants or researchers section. Applicants, after entering the new project submission section, can send the project from the multispecialty research cluster folder. After reading the description of the call, if researchers have any doubts or questions, they can contact the working group of multispecialty research clusters through ticket or e-mail [email protected] (Khanem Doost).