Iceberg A23a, which is twice the area of ​​Greater London and weighs nearly a trillion tons, is now moving after more than 30 years grounded on the seabed. This iceberg, which has been fixed in its position north of the South Orkney Islands for years, has recently broken free and started moving in the Southern Ocean.
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) experts have confirmed that A23a has finally moved out of position and is embarking on a new journey, according to Tecna Technology News Media Environmental Service. This resumption after long periods of inactivity is exciting for researchers. BAS Oceanographer Dr Andrew Myers said of the change: “It’s exciting to see the A23a moving again after so much downtime. We are eager to see if this iceberg follows a similar path to other large icebergs that have broken off from Antarctica. “Also, the impact of this movement on local ecosystems is very important.”
A23a, which broke off from the Filchner Ice Shelf in 1986, remained stationary on the seabed in the Weddell Sea and began its slow northward journey in 2020. In February 2024, the iceberg was caught in a phenomenon known as the Taylor plume, where swirling water above seamounts traps objects in place. This caused delays on the fast northbound A23a.
However, satellite images have now confirmed that the iceberg has completely dislodged. BAS experts predict that the iceberg will continue its path towards the Southern Ocean and follow the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. This motion may extend to South Georgia Island in the sub-Antarctic, where warmer conditions may cause it to break into smaller pieces and melt them.
Along with satellites, the iceberg is being studied by researchers on board the Sir David Attenborough research vessel. Laura Taylor, the ship’s biogeochemist, hopes to study the iceberg’s effects on local ecosystems. “We know that these giant icebergs can transport nutrients to the waters they pass through and create ecosystems in less fertile areas,” he said. What we don’t know is what effect the scale and origin of these mountains might have on this process. “We have taken samples of surface ocean water from different locations to better understand the effects of this iceberg and understand how this movement could affect the balance of carbon in the ocean and atmosphere.”