According to the , citing the National Elite Foundation, the ceremony of welcoming the incoming students of 1403 with the title “Sharif Salam” with the presence of Saeed Khodaygan, the deputy of the National Elite Foundation, the president of Sharif University of Technology, some of the vice-chancellors and administrators of the university, new students and their families. They were held at Ostad Jabari Hall of Sharif University of Technology.
In this ceremony, Saeed Khodaygan, the vice-chairman of the National Elite Foundation, said: “I am very happy to be present next to dear newcomers and bright stars from the future of the country!” As someone who has spent half of his life in Sharif University of Technology, I would like to say that you have entered a big family. You have successfully taken the first step in the emergence of elite works in the breathtaking competition of the national exam, but this step is the first step in the path of eliteness and growth. And then everything depends on you.
He continued: In the new chapter of the National Elite Foundation, we are determined to actively and accurately identify top talents and provide meaningful support to the country’s elites. The doors of the National Elite Foundation are open to all the country’s elites as the home of the country’s top talents and elites! Consider us as your companion and partner on the path to excellence.
Khodeigan continued: We owe the honor and authority of the country today to the noble and cultured teachers who dedicated their precious lives to science and education for future generations. Appreciate these valuable treasures and make the most of their existence, learn from them and teach others, and be the continuation of the way that “light is not extinguished!”
The deputy official of the National Elite Foundation continued: Dear students, today I want to point out a complication that talented and elites may be exposed to at the beginning of your student journey, and that is one-dimensional growth! Sometimes elites pay more attention to one aspect of the personality dimension than other existential dimensions due to their interest and talent. Although they have a lot of talent in other dimensions, but due to lack of attention in those aspects, they grow less. Of course, experience shows that talented people always pay attention to those aspects, they grow significantly in that branch, and they appear outstanding and brilliant.
In the end, he said: I believe that a perfect human being has four main aspects, and it is necessary to pay enough attention to all four aspects for complete development: the intellectual aspect, the spiritual aspect, the cognitive aspect, and the physical aspect. The food of the intellectual side is reading the works and books of the elders, and the food of the spiritual side is spirituality and getting close to the Almighty God. Also, the source of knowledge is the orientation of at least one of the branches of art and the source of physical aspect is sports, and I recommend that you do not forget any of these four aspects in the path of eliteness, growth and excellence, so that the light of one aspect of your personality does not dim.