According to RCO News Agency, citing Interesting Engineering, the ExoMars Gas Detector Orbiter (TGO) has recorded extraordinary images of Mars that show its flat surface.
These images helped European Space Agency researchers find billion-year-old chloride deposits on the planet in the form of smiling emojis. The European Space Agency wrote about this: Sometimes the salt deposits on Mars smile at you.
Researchers have long been trying to find signs of life on the Red Planet and beyond. Now, new evidence, including images of past water-filled Mars, indicates the existence of rivers, lakes, and oceans on Mars 2 to 3 billion years ago.
In this regard, they recently published pictures of glowing minerals in the craters of Mars on Instagram. Normally, these features are not visible to the naked eye, but the orbiter’s CaSSIS system was able to observe signs of salt on the Terra Sirnum crater.
These indicators are from the watery past of Mars and probably represent the last time the region was full of water.
The purple halo also follows this theory.