New studies show that the combination of strength and aerobic exercises along with therapeutic drugs will be one of the important combinations for the treatment of anxiety and depression symptoms in the future.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, in a recent study, there is evidence that shows that if strength and endurance exercises are used in combination, they can be useful in the treatment of anxiety and depression.
According to the researchers, there is now evidence that alternative therapies can be used instead of conventional treatment methods. These methods can improve people's health aspects, on the other hand, the health benefits related to sports and strength exercises have also been determined in advance. These exercises create a training reaction in the body by creating a repetitive force with a weight.
However, the potential effects of strength training and possible psychobiological mechanisms on the treatment of anxiety and depression symptoms have not been sufficiently studied. Previous studies conducted in this field on a small population sample show that strength training can actually treat the symptoms and disorders of anxiety and depression and reduce the disorders themselves.
In general, strength exercises using some common mechanisms with aerobic exercises will create positive effects on a person's mood. Therefore, a combination of strength and aerobic exercises can be used to treat problematic psychological symptoms. According to the researchers, the obtained results are a starting point for evaluating the benefits of these exercises in clinical samples. At present, all conventional treatments do not have a definite and permanent result, and for this reason, it is possible that treatments centered on strength exercises and their mechanisms can replace these treatments, and mood treatments can also be performed through them.