In the future, propellerless fans will replace rotating propellers in wind turbines. Soon this technology can be widely used in all turbines.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, currently all wind turbines are equipped with rotating propellers, which can be completely replaced with new fans in the future.
A startup in Scotland called Carrick Technologies has made a revolutionary design in the field of renewable energy. This company has designed honeycomb-type wind turbines without propellers that can be placed on the roofs of urban buildings in the future and can be integrated into existing structures. In this innovation, there is an airship that can oscillate independently if exposed to the kinetic energy of the wind. Mechanical oscillations will be converted into energy and will be used efficiently even when the wind is low.
Aerofoil is a special design on the wing of an airplane or some industrial blades such as propellers, which will create a lifting force based on Bernoulli's principle when moving in a fluid such as air or water. In fact, the plane flies because of the fishbone shape of its wing section. Currently, traditional turbines have significant maintenance costs and the need to provide land in them has caused them to face logistical and financial challenges. While the honeycomb turbines manufactured by Catterik Company can be used in a sustainable and cost-effective manner while being placed in urban environments. This technology will eliminate the limitations of conventional cameras through wind power generation. In the tests conducted on this technology, its prototype was able to operate for more than 80 hours during 51 tests and was very successful by producing 41.1 watts of power at a speed of 10.2 meters per second.