Botox injection One of the most popular methods in the field of beauty is that it is used to reduce facial wrinkles, reduce sweating and bad body odor, and so on. There are different brands in the market today at different prices. For this reason, one of the major concerns that often occupies people’s minds is about choosing the best brands and pricing each. In this article, we are going to talk about the price of Botox while introducing the popular Botox brands.
Introducing Botox Duston Botox Dysston
If looking for Botox injection in Karaj You are, Botox Duston It can be a great choice. The brand is absorbed very quickly after the injection and creates stability. It can be said that after 5 days the result of Botox Duston injection is determined on the skin. Botox Duston can be used for various problems such as reducing aging symptoms and reducing sweating in the palms.
There has been no serious and serious complication for Botox Duston so far, and this brand can be considered one of the best types of Botox for any skin and age. Botox Duston is a product of Alborz’s safe vaccine company that meets EP and USP standards. The brand’s brilliant record in obtaining customer satisfaction has shown that Duston has been able to succeed in the field of competition with foreign brands.
Botox Duston Price
Cost of Botox Injection One of the most important concerns of people is when using this type of beauty service. The Duston brand is an Iranian brand and is cost -effective; That’s why choosing is a cost -effective. The price of Botox Duston starts from approximately $ 5,000 and varies depending on the required volume. The high shelf life and the cost -effective cost make Duston the choice of many people.
The price of Botox Duston for women is approximately 1/4 and for men about 1/2/2. You need to have a pre -injection consultation with your doctor for more information and more accurate cost estimation. Those who are looking for Botox at a cost -effective cost can choose Duston.
Introducing Botox Poor
The portfolio brand is another successful Iranian brand that has led to a brilliant record of its performance. Clinical results resulting from Botox injection Can be seen very quickly and without a specific complication; On the other hand, the results have a high durability and the person will not need to be injected repeatedly at short periods of time. Poor with high satisfaction has shown that it can be a good option to compete with foreign products.
The portfolio brand has an official approval from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and is currently one of the most prestigious Iranian brands. If you are looking for an affordable and quality option, the port can be a good choice for you.
Price of Botox Poor
The portfolio brand has tried to introduce high quality and affordable product. The price of this brand may vary depending on the type of packaging (2 units or 2 units) as well as the place of purchase. The price of 2 -unit Botox is approximately between 1/2/2/2/2/2 and with a 2 -unit packaging between 1/2/2/2/2/2. Note that depending on the volume required and gender, the cost of Botox injection will vary. Approximately, the price of Botox injection is 1/4/5 for women and for men 1/5/5. This brand can also be considered as one of the good quality brands of the market.
Introducing Botox Nabota Nabota
Other familiar names in the Botox field are Nabota. This product is originally originally produced and marketed by South Korea’s Daton Pharmaceutical Company. Botox Nabota Like other brands, it can be effective in removing fine lines, reducing aging symptoms and reducing body sweating. To use this brand, you need to choose and inject the original type so that you do not get involved in certain side effects.
Like others, the brand is made of a bacterium called botulinum toxin type A. Injecting this toxin into the muscles, preventing their contraction, thus eliminating wrinkles and wrinkles. Note that Botox injection of any brand is not a permanent procedure and needs to be renewed; But the durability of different brands is slightly different, so you will need to be injected again anyway.
Price of Botox Nabota
Botox Nabota is also a good price and can be one of the good options for injection. The price of Botox Nabota’s injection for women is 1/5/5 and for men 1/5/5. The brand of Nabota is a good option for those looking for a foreign brand at a reasonable price but does not want to sacrifice quality.
Introducing Dysport Brand
Disport brand is a European brand that has a lot of fans. Dysport is a product of Galldma company located in Switzerland. The company is a brilliant and well -known brand that has many products in different fields. Botox Dysport The market is available in the form of 2 units and 2 units.
Given that Dysport is a foreign brand, its price is slightly higher than other brands introduced and is more expensive. Dysport can be a great option for reducing body sweating as well as removing fine wrinkles and coarse facial wrinkles.
Disport brand price
If you are looking for a high -quality foreign brand, Dysport will be a great choice for you. The brand is especially suggested to those who have not achieved the desired result from other brands and are looking for a reliable external Botox. The price of Botox Dysport Injection It is approximately 1/4, but depending on the volume required, the cost may be slightly different.
Last word
It is better to get better than Botox, make your choice out of the famous brands. In this post we introduced some high quality Botox brands and mentioned the cost of using each. By reading this article you can make a more informed choice. Note that the announced prices are limited and may vary slightly depending on the volume required and the type of problem.