If you have droopy eyes or your upper eyelid is slightly droopy, it could be a sign ptosis or drooping of the eyelid be Ptosis may be due to; Nerve damage, stroke, aging or medical disorders occur. But to what extent With drooping eyelid or ptosis, its types and its causes and treatment Are you familiar?
This condition is called unilateral ptosis when it affects one eye and bilateral ptosis when it affects both eyes. A droopy upper eyelid blocks or greatly reduces vision, depending on the degree of pupil obstruction.
In this part of the beauty, health and makeup education series from Vaghtemod media (vaghtemod.ir) to Complete examination of drooping eyelid, its causes, symptoms and treatment methods we paid
What is drooping eyelid or ptosis?
According to my.clevelandclinic, When the upper eyelid droops, blepharoptosis or ptosis of the upper eyelid occurs and can affect the health and beauty of the eye.. drooping eyelid make doctors According to its causeThey can be treated with surgery.
Reasons that cause drooping eyelids; It includes genetics, ageing, and injury to the eyes, which we have explained in detail below.
In cases where Ptosis did not affect the vision of the eyeit is possible No treatment is necessary but In cases where the pupil covers the eye and reduces vision; Treatment is essential.
Drooping eyelids in most cases do not lead to illness and can be easily controlled.
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What is the cause of eyelid droop or ptosis and why does it occur?
according to the health report, upper and lower eyelids; They act to protect the eye from damage. Also, they control the amount of light that reaches the eyes and help to spread the tear film and prevent the eyes from drying out.
Several factors cause ptosis. In this part of the series of the eye of the fashion media, we have fully explained some of the common causes of drooping eyelids.
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Congenital ptosis
Some babies are born with ptosis. It is better for the parents to visit a specialist doctor as soon as possible so that the baby can be treated as soon as possible. Drooping eyelid in children causes lazy eye or amblyopia, blurred vision or astigmatism and strabismus or eye deviation.. It can also change the shape and model of the eye.

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Neurological problems are one of the causes of ptosis
Nerve problem caused by eyelid injury; It affects the brain and nervous system and causes drooping of the eyelid. Horner’s syndrome is a rare syndrome that occurs when there is some kind of interference with the nerves of the eye. The causes of Horner’s syndrome include tumors, trauma to the spinal cord, lesions in the brain, and growths in the lymph nodes.
Sometimes the cause of this type of syndrome is unknown, which is called idiopathic.

In general, Horner’s syndrome causes the pupil to shrink and the eyelid to droop. Neurological problems caused by uncontrolled diet and high blood pressure also lead to ptosis and its treatment is important.
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Muscular diseases cause eyelid droop or ptosis
Three muscles control the movement of the eyelid The most important of which are the lifting muscles. Anything that affects the eye muscles affects the function of the eyelid. Ophthalmic muscular dystrophy (OPMD) is a rare disease that affects the eye muscles and causes ptosis.
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) is another disease that affects both eyes. This disease causes the loss of muscle function in eye and eyelid movement and causes drooping of the eyelid.
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Drooping eyelid due to aging
One of the most common causes of drooping eyelids is aging. Earth’s gravity and aging cause skin sagging and even lead to ptosis. Sometimes excess skin hangs on the eyelid and blocks the vision.
Drooping eyelid caused by old age is not dangerous and if you wish, you can use cosmetic surgeries for treatment.

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Ptosis caused by eye surgery
All types of eye surgeries have progressed so much that they do not have many side effects. However, after cataract, corneal, LASIK, glaucoma or glaucoma surgery, some people experience droopy eyelids.
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Myasthenia gravis disease, one of the causes of drooping eyelids
Myasthenia gravis is a rare autoimmune disease that affects the way muscles and nerves communicate, leading to muscle weakness. Eyelid drooping is one of the early symptoms of this disease.
In myasthenia gravis, antibodies that normally fight viruses prevent muscle cells from receiving messages sent by nerve cells.
Myasthenia gravis affects other areas of the body in addition to drooping eyelids. So far, there is no cure for this disease, but lifestyle changes and medication can control muscle weakness.
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Cancer is one of the causes of drooping eyelids
Cancers that develop inside the eye do not affect the eyelid. However, cancer outside or around the eye affects the muscles that raise and lower the eyelid and can lead to drooping of the eyelid. Ptosis is rarely a complication of metastatic cancer such as breast and lung cancer.
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What are the signs and symptoms of eyelid droop?
According to healthline, the main symptom of ptosis is that one or both upper eyelids droop. In some cases, this affects your vision. If your eyes are dry or watery, it is a symptom of droopy eyelids.
In the photo below, you can see 6 signs of ptosis or eyelid drooping.

In ptosis, the main areas affected are around the eyes and you may experience pain, making you look tired.
Some people with severe ptosis have to tilt their head back to see around them.
Other symptoms of drooping eyelid; It includes eye fatigue, difficulty keeping the eyes open, headache, vision problems, lazy eye, eye deviation, double vision, blurred vision, and forehead pain..
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Teaching how to diagnose ptosis
Your doctor will ask about your medical history, symptoms, and whether you have had any recent health problems or other injuries. They may perform a slit-lamp exam to allow a trusted source to take a closer look at the eyes with the help of light..
Another examination that is used to detect drooping eyelids. Tensilon test is The doctor may inject Tensilon into one of the veins and ask you to cross your legs or stand or sit a few times.
in the method of detecting ptosis or eyelid droop; The doctor will monitor the patient to see if Tensilon improves muscle strength. This test helps the doctor to understand that myasthenia gravis has caused eyelid droop.
The ophthalmologist measures the amount of eyelid droop by measuring the distance between the center of the pupil and the edge of the upper eyelid. They will test the strength and function of the levator muscle.
If the ophthalmologist thinks that an underlying disease is causing the ptosis, he will order a blood test. They may refer the patient to a neurologist.
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Know the methods of treating drooping eyelids
Treatment of eyelid droop depends on the cause and severity of ptosis. If it is a result of aging or something you were born with, your doctor may suggest that you do nothing because it is not harmful to your health. In the continuation of this series of skin educational materials, we discussed various methods of treating ptosis.
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Surgery to treat ptosis or ptosis
If the drooping eyelid blocks vision, you will need medical treatment, which may include surgery. During surgery, the levator muscle is tightened; This raises the eyelid to the desired position. For children with ptosis, doctors recommend surgery to prevent lazy eye (amblyopia)..
Complications of drooping eyelid surgery include dry eyes, scratched cornea and hematoma.
Although surgeons place the eyelid at the appropriate height, it is better to be evaluated by an oculoplastic surgeon to avoid damage to the eye. Another surgery is slinging, in which the frontal muscles are used to lift the eyelid.
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Ptosis stick or glue and eyelid drooping treatment
Ptosis glue or cane involves adding an attachment to the eyeglass frame. This glue or stick prevents the eyelid from drooping by keeping the eyelid in place. This method is a non-surgical option to treat drooping eyelids. Ptosis crutches are available in adjustable and reinforced versions.
Adjustable canes are attached to one side of the frame, while reinforced canes are attached to both sides of the frame. This model of ptosis canes can be installed on all glasses, but they work best on metal frames.
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Non-surgical treatments for droopy eyelids
non-surgical methods to treat ptosis or ptosis; It includes eye drops, medicine and special glasses to strengthen the eyes. Drug doses affect the levator muscle and cause drooping eyelids. It is important that these drugs are prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

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How to prevent ptosis or drooping eyelids
It is difficult to prevent the development of drooping eyelids or ptosis! Especially if it is congenital. If ptosis is due to acquired causes such as aging that weakens the eyelid muscles, it cannot be prevented.
However, avoid using special eye lenses and excessive rubbing of the eyes and prevent eye muscle and nerve damage.
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What is the cause of drooping eyelids after botox?
Botulinum toxin, present in Botox injection, causes paralysis and is used in various cases such as underarm Botox. If done correctly, this injection prevents muscle contractions that cause aging lines such as forehead wrinkles and frown lines.
If these muscles can’t contract, age lines are less visible and give the face a smoother and younger appearance.
Sometimes, when Botox is injected, it will spread to other areas and cause the eyelid to droop. If you are doing botox, go to the best specialist.
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What is the cause of eyelid droop or ptosis and why does it occur?
Several factors such as neurological problems, smoking, etc. cause ptosis. In this part of the series of eye material of the time of fashion, we have fully explained some of the common causes of drooping eyelids.