Procedures for obtaining Canadian permanent residence through the investment program in Alberta
Applicants who intend to invest by buying or starting a business in Alberta must go through the following steps:
- Send the expression of interest form (E.O.I) to Alberta Immigration Office
First of all, investment applicants in Alberta must prepare and complete an Expression of Interest form. Submitting this form means expressing your desire to do business in Alberta. Applicants must enter some of their information such as work experience, age, marital status, language certificate and other items in this form. After entering this information, they must send the expression of interest form along with documents such as a business plan and identification documents to the Alberta Immigration Office.
- Scoring the expression of interest form
The Alberta Immigration Office will give points to applicants within 30 days after submitting the expression of interest form. The method of scoring the expression of interest form is different in different sub-groups of the investment program in Alberta, and each of these four sub-groups has considered different points for different criteria, which were discussed in the previous sections.
In the next phase, Alberta Immigration will send an email inviting applicants who have obtained the highest scores to submit their complete application along with supporting documents for their desired subcategory. Applying for subcategories of investment programs in Alberta costs $500 to $3,500, which is non-refundable. Also, applicants will have 90 days to submit their application from the date of receiving the confirmation email of the expression of interest form.
- Signing an agreement with the Alberta Immigration Department
If the Alberta Immigration Department agrees to the applicant’s application for investment through the action method, a document called the Implementation Agreement will be emailed to him, which he must sign and send back to the Alberta Immigration Department. This agreement is a contract between the applicant and the Alberta Immigration Department, which includes his obligations to the province of Alberta to set up a business, and the details of the business are also stated in it.
- Submit a work permit application
After signing the executive agreement by the applicant, a letter of support will be issued to him by the Alberta Immigration Department. After receiving this document, the applicant can apply for a work permit to the Canadian Federal Immigration Service (IRCC). The validity period of this work permit is usually two years.
- Entering the province of Alberta and starting a business
After issuing a work permit, applicants can enter Canada with all their family members and start their own business. Applicants have until the expiration of their work permit (two years) to start a business. But it is recommended that they start a business immediately after entering Canada and determining their place of residence.
Because they have to send a report of their business progress to Alberta Immigration every 6 months. Otherwise, the possibility that they will qualify for permanent residency at the end of this two-year period will decrease.
- Obtain a certificate of engagement from the province of Alberta
Usually, after one year of starting a business, applicants will be eligible to receive a provincial nomination certificate. Receiving this certificate depends on the implementation of the obligations presented in the executive agreement.
In addition, the applicant must submit a final report on the status of the business they have set up to Alberta Immigration. After the review of this report and execution of the executive agreement, the applicant can receive the Alberta nomination certificate.
- Applying for permanent residence
The applicant can apply for permanent residence for himself and all family members to the Canadian Federal Immigration Service (IRCC) by receiving the nomination certificate of Alberta province. At this stage, the Federal Immigration Department will notify the applicant of the required additional documents. Issuing a permanent residence usually takes about 6 months, which can be shorter or longer depending on the conditions.