Oman is an Arab country and one of Iran’s water neighbors. This country, which is managed by the monarchy system, has hosted many immigrants in the past years. In this article to introduce Oman We will pay and get to know the culture of the people of this country more. If the intention Immigrate to Oman Do not miss this article.
Where is Oman?
Oman is one of Iran’s southern neighbors and politically and culturally, it has many points in common with our country. The short distance and similar culture have caused many tourists and immigrants to move between these two countries.
In the past years, the quality of life in Oman has grown a lot, and for this reason, the requests for immigration with Study visawork visas, investment visas, etc. have increased to this country.
Flag of Oman It is designed with three colors red, white and green. The white color of this flag is a sign of peace and the green color refers to the northern mountains of this Arab-speaking country. Finally, the color red is a sign of the dead of this country in historical and ancient wars.
The national coat of arms of Oman is also engraved in the upper left corner, which is a symbol of honor and masculinity.
Omani currency Rial is that in various sites and sources with viewd OMR is shown. Oman’s phone number is +986. It is interesting to know that the life expectancy index in this country is estimated to be around 75 years, which is a record among West Asian countries.
The state of Oman for life (religion-population-language-capital)
If we want the situation Oman for work and life first, we should get acquainted with the cultural characteristics and economic conditions of this country. The official language of Oman It is Arabic, but many people in this country are able to speak or at least understand English. The population of Oman There are a little more than 5 million people and Muscat city has been chosen as the capital of this country.

Islam as the main Religion in Oman Is known. Almost all the people of this country are Muslims, and for this reason, the hijab law is observed in Oman. Of course, tourists and travelers can have more freedom, but most people voluntarily adhere to the laws of Islam and hijab.
The Arab and Islamic race caused it Culture and customs of Oman It should be understandable and acceptable for us Iranians. Over the past years, I have seen many cases Immigration through marriage in Oman we have been Due to the cultural proximity of Iran and Oman, it is possible for Iranians to communicate and marry with Omani citizens.
Geography of Oman (Major cities)

As seen in the picture above, Oman is located in the neighborhood of Yemen, UAE and Saudi Arabia. Due to the Map of OmanThis country is also connected with Iran through the Oman Sea.
Muscat is the most important city of Oman. from the other Important cities of Oman We can mention Salalah, Bushar, Mutrah, Sohar, etc. The area of this country is about 310 thousand square kilometers. In fact, the area of this country is smaller than some provinces of Iran.
Muscat, Dhofar, Esti, Barimi are among the important provinces of this country. One of the important features of Oman is its long coastline. These beaches have provided many commercial and tourist capacities for the Oman government.

So far we understand Where is Oman? And what is its geographical location? The weather of Oman Like other Arab countries, the region is hot and humid. Due to “Oman’s political structure” and the country’s very friendly relations with its neighbors, Omani people easily travel to the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and many other countries in the region.
History of Oman
Oman is one of the oldest countries in the region. Signs have been found in the ancient monuments of this country that show that people lived in this country 100 thousand years ago. The first signs of human civilization date back to 14 thousand years ago. As a result, Oman is considered one of the most important historical regions in the Asian continent and even the world.
Perhaps the most important event in the contemporary history of this country is the war with the Portuguese and the expulsion of European forces from the territory of Oman. You may have seen various historical monuments of the presence of the Portuguese in the south of Iran.

Sultan Qaboos is the most famous and popular King of Oman is considered. He died in 2020. Sultan Qaboos was able to turn Oman into a developing and wealthy country.
Now this country has a very advanced and efficient infrastructure that provides the basis for development in the coming years. From a political point of view, Oman is considered one of the most effective countries in the region and plays a key role in international mediation.
The best tourist areas and places to visit in Oman
Oman has many tourist areas and places to visit. The Sultan Qaboos Mosque and the National Museum of Oman are among the major cultural and tourist centers of this country, which show well the Arabic and Islamic culture of this country. Among other tourist centers, we can mention Matrah Bazaar, Turtle Beach, Muscat Royal Opera Hall and Musandam Peninsula.

Oman It is full of beautiful beaches and historical monuments. The texture of houses in many provinces of this country is still traditional and there are many old mansions in Oman.
In addition to natural and ancient monuments, many entertainment centers and luxurious properties have been built over the past years. It is enough to walk a little in the streets of Muscat, and some eye-catching skyscrapers will attract your attention. If we want, from a tourist point of view The future of Oman we must say that this country will be one of the tourism hubs in the coming years.
Is Oman suitable for immigration?

Maybe if a simple look at “Oman on the mapLet’s imagine that we are facing a hot, humid and traditional region, but in the past years the situation has changed in general. now Economy of Oman It is one of the most powerful economic systems in the region and attracts more foreign capital day by day.
On the other hand, Oman has been very successful in attracting educated and efficient immigrants. The famous universities of this country host many students and professors from different countries every year. As a result, Oman’s scientific level is constantly improving. This issue will definitely cause the growth and development of this Arab country.
In addition to immigration, investment and education, the government of Oman has also provided conditions for immigration to this country with a work visa. If we compare the income in Oman with the salaries of our country and some other countries in the region, we will notice the high level of income in this country. For this reason, many engineers, doctors, technicians and even skilled and semi-skilled workers have migrated to Oman for employment in the past years.
final word; The country of Oman in general at a glance
Oman is one of the most advanced Arab countries. This country is a suitable destination for Iranian immigrants. It is possible to immigrate to Oman for education, work, investment, etc. Oman is a Muslim and Arabic-speaking country and has a hot and humid climate. Due to the high speed of development in this country, many job and educational opportunities have been provided for immigrants. So, if you intend to immigrate, be sure to check the immigration conditions of Oman.