Australian Global Talent Visa (858) One of the newest methods Immigration to Australia is Another name for this visa is Australian elite visa or Brilliant talent visa is This visa is designed for elites and experts, who must have skills and expertise in the fields of science, sports, art or in a specific field and have achieved international achievements and significant successes in order to obtain a talent visa.
In this article from the Migration Magazine, we will mention all the necessary information for obtaining a visa, the validity period of the visa, the advantages and disadvantages of the visa, the necessary documents, the conditions of the representative, the procedures for obtaining the visa, etc.
What is Australia’s Global Talent 858 visa?
By introducing the talent visa on November 4, 2019, Australia has accepted many elites so that these people can contribute to the progress and development of the country’s economy. In the past, the talent visa had 2 subclasses called visa 124 and 858, and now these two subclasses have been merged and changed to the 858 Australian visa, and by obtaining this visa, you will be able to obtain permanent residence.

Important points for obtaining a visa:
- You must be referred by a person or company in Australia who is active in your profession and skills.
- If you know someone, you must have obtained permanent residence in Australia or be considered as a citizen of this country.
- Elite people who have a very strong resume and help the progress of this country are accepted.
- You should be recognized in your profession for at least 2 years.
- The number of capacity mentioned in 2021-2022 for the admission of elites by the Immigration Department 15,000 people It is fixed.
Quoted from
The success rate for this Visa is currently 99.5%
Applicants must meet a high standard and show an exceptional track record of professional achievement. This may include senior roles, patents, professional awards and international publications memberships.The success rate for this visa is currently 99.5%.
Applicants must be of a high standard and demonstrate an exceptional record of professional achievement. This may include senior roles, patents, professional awards and membership in international publications.
List of required courses
Specialists and elites must have skills and proficiency in the 10 fields mentioned below to succeed in obtaining the 858 visa. These 10 disciplines are very important for this country and have been compiled in consultation with a large number of organizations and institutions.
The 10 required and important disciplines are::
- Resources
- Agriculture (Agri-food and AgTech)
- Energy
- Health (Health industries)
- Defense, advanced manufacturing and space
- circular economy
- Digital technology (DigiTech)
- Infrastructure and tourism
- Financial technology (Financial services and FinTech)
- Education
If it is found that you have high proficiency in one of these fields or you have a position in one of these fields in a company, you will qualify for this visa. The highest priority among the applicants are those who have these three conditions: have work and academic experience in one of the mentioned jobs, have graduated with a doctorate in the last three years, and will defend their doctorate thesis in the next 6 months, and Finally, you have found a job offer in Australia where the average salary of your job post is higher than the average salary.
Because it can be a bit difficult to find an Australian job offer, if you can prove that the income you are currently receiving is the same, you will not need a job offer.
The reason for specifying specific jobs for this visa is to attract people whose skills and expertise are in line with the job needs of Australia. Therefore, although a person may be an expert in a field, if this expertise is not needed by the country of Australia, he cannot apply for the 858 elite Australian visa.
Conditions for obtaining Australian Talent 858 visa

Requirements for obtaining a visa are:
- You must prove to the Australian immigration office that you have obtained a doctorate degree in the last 3 years or will obtain this degree in the next 6 months.
- If you do not have a PhD, you must prove to the immigration office that you have an annual income of $158,500.
- You must have a special and outstanding reputation in the fields of art, sports, academics, etc. (in the 10 fields and fields mentioned above) and have achieved achievements at the international level.
- You must have a company or person as your representative and receive a letter of support from this country.
- You should find a suitable job in this country in the field of your expertise and skills and contribute to the progress and development of the country’s economy, society, culture, etc.
- The age of elites or experts must be between 18 and 55 years.
- A person must have an academic background in several fields of study.
- Obtaining international and national achievements and awards in the field of your profession and skills
- Presentation of international articles
representative conditions
As we mentioned above, one of the important conditions for obtaining a Global Talent visa is to have a representative in your field of work (person or organization). It is better to know that if your knowledge has a high reputation and is a famous person in this country, it is in your favor.
- If your representative is a person, you must have obtained permanent residence in this country or be considered as a citizen of this country.
- Be recognized by a well-known organization or company in the field of your profession and activity. (like the ACS organization)
- The introducing person must prove to the government of this country what is the reason for accepting and introducing you in his own career field.
- Your representative is not a sponsor and only introduces you.
- Your representative should review all of your accomplishments and achievements.
- If your conditions are approved, the representative must fill in form 1000 (Nomination).
accompanying conditions
According to international law, spouses and children under the age of 18 are considered companions. By obtaining this Australian talent visa, you can bring your family members to this country. Of course, in case of special circumstances, you can sponsor your parents and the cost of bringing family members is separate.
Required documents to obtain Australia’s Global Talent 858 visa
In order to obtain a Global Talent Australia visa, you must collect a number of required documents. Translate your documents into English with and to Australian Immigration ( ) deliver. The documents required to obtain a visa are as follows:
- Valid passport
- Birth certificate and national card
- Providing a health certificate
- Biometric test
- Presentation of educational qualifications
- Marriage certificate (if married)
- Payment of visa fees
- Certificate of no bad background
- Documents based on the confirmation of your skills and city
- Letter of approval from government and private institutions
- Documents to prove finding a job in your desired field of work
- A letter of support from a person or company if your talent is approved
- IELTS language certificate with a minimum score of 4.5 (if you do not have a certificate, you must pay $4,890 to participate in language classes.)
The cost of obtaining a Global Talent 858 Australia visa
One of the important issues for people who intend to immigrate to Australia through the Global Talent visa is the costs. It should be noted that in addition to the cost of obtaining a visa, you must also pay the cost of accommodation, living costs, food costs, etc. Of course, the cost of living varies according to the quality of life and the number of family members, place of residence, etc.
- Main applicant: 4,180 Australian dollars
- Companion over 18: AU$2,095
- Children under 18: AU$1,045
- Fee for no language qualification: 4,890 Australian dollars
Advantages of Australian talent visa
Australia is one of the most popular destinations for immigrants. This country has many facilities and advantages such as high quality of life, social welfare, security, advanced economy, etc.
- Obtaining permanent residence and passport
- Obtaining Australian citizenship and enjoying the rights of citizens (after 4 years)
- A short period of time to obtain a visa
- The possibility of studying and working full time
- The possibility of free education for children
- Benefits of health insurance
- No need for a language certificate
- The possibility of getting a loan to buy a house
- The possibility of sponsorship for family members
Disadvantages of Australian elite visa
Along with the numerous advantages of the Australian talent visa, some people may face some disadvantages and challenges. Australia’s Talent Visa, specifically the Global Talent Visa program, is designed to attract highly skilled people to Australia in specific sectors. These challenges include:
- If you immigrated to this country with a tourist visa, then you cannot apply for an elite visa.
- If you have obtained a 491 or 191 visa, then at least 3 years must have passed since the date of your visa in order to apply for a talent visa.
1. High competition
Applicants are competitive for talent visa applications. Because it targets top talent from around the world. During this program, applicants must demonstrate exceptional skills and achievements, which makes eligibility challenging for some.
2. Eligibility Criteria
The requirements to get the elite Global Talent 858 visa may be somewhat tough. Applicants must have an international track record of exceptional achievement in their field, which is complex and difficult to prove for some candidates.
3. Subjective evaluation
Definitely, the thinking of each candidate evaluation agent is different from another. As a result, since the evaluation of mental elites is done, the final result is different depending on the evaluation judge. At times, this mindset can lead to inconsistencies in program results.
4. Long processing time
Processing time for a talent visa can be long, which may delay your plans to relocate or find employment in Australia. Applicants may be hesitant to do the right thing during this waiting period.
5. Application fee
Applying for a talent visa can be expensive due to application fees, document collection fees and possible legal fees if an immigration candidate is selected.
6. No guaranteed permanent residence
While a talent visa can lead to permanent residency, it does not guarantee it. Applicants must still meet the personal requirements and eligibility requirements.
Procedures for obtaining Australia 858 talent visa
In order to obtain a Global Talent visa, you must complete the following process correctly and completely in order to succeed in obtaining a visa. If you intend to hire an Australian immigration lawyer to increase your chances, you must complete form 956.
First you have to Global Talent visa page of Australian Immigration website Go and register the information and documents of yourself and your knowledge that we will mention for you in the following on the site.
- Job resume, required job documents, annual income
- Explanation about your desired achievement and career and proof of your talent (approximately 300 to 700 words)
- Presentation of educational qualifications
- Explanation of your contribution to the progress of this country
- Mention the specifications and explanations about the referrer (submission of form 1000, the level of reputation of the referrer, job, number, etc.)
- Introducing the Recommendation Letter
- Completing the EOI form and registering the initial application
If your documents and conditions are approved, you will receive a global talent unique identifier code from the website of the Immigration Department. After receiving the code, you must now submit the necessary documents for obtaining a visa on the site and then proceed to register for obtaining a visa.
The time required to obtain a visa and the validity of the 858 Australian talent visa
In order to obtain a visa, your documents and file must be checked, and due to the fact that the status of the files is not clear, a specific period of time cannot be determined.
If your documents and file are complete, it may take 1 to 4 months for your visa to be issued. One type of Australian talent visa Permanent residence visa and the validity period of this visa is unlimited and with this visa you have successfully obtained residence and you are considered among the citizens of this country.
Final speech of Migraha magazine
Based on the above, we conclude that in order to obtain the 858 visa for Australia, you must have skills and expertise in one of the fields of art, science, sports or in a specific field and be considered among the elite people of your country and have achieved significant achievements.
By obtaining this visa, you can get permanent residence in this country. It should be noted that one of the important conditions for obtaining a visa is to have an Australian representative in your field of expertise.