What is Kickboxing Exercise? What are the benefits? What equipment and equipment are needed to do this exercise? Kickboxing is a type of martial arts that has a lot of fans. Kickboxing, as its name implies, includes cakes, kick (foot kicks) and boxing means fist (hand kicks); So the sport is beyond boxing.
This exercise is useful and useful for enhancing fitness and physical strength as well as fitness. In this post you will be fully familiar with kickboxing and its benefits and you will answer all your questions about this sport.
What is Kickboxing Exercise?
Kickboxing is a martial arts that became popular in the world since the 1980s. The kickboxing strand, as its name implies, includes cakes, namely kick (foot kicks) and boxing means fist (hand kicks). The sport first formed in Japan and expanded to the whole world. Kickboxing exercise can be done to train self -defense, fitness and build a stronger and better body or prepare for competition and competition.
The fight is usually done in the boxing ring, and athletes start with boxing gloves, gum protectors and linen. The time of fighting varies depending on the type of race. But usually in three two -minute rounds with a minute of rest between each round.
The difference between boxing and kickboxing
Cake and boxing are both martial arts in the ring, but the permissible blows and rules of each race are different. The most important difference is that boxing only includes hand and fist blows; But in the kickbox, foot blows are also used.

What age is kickboxing?
You can start this exercise whenever you are interested in kickboxing and have no age. But since the kickboxing is a great exercise to teach discipline and enhance physical strength, even kids can start kickboxes and learn the basics of this beautiful martial arts. Provided they practice in a professional class and with a carbod coach.
Contrary to the appearance of kickboxing, which looks violent, it is a very moral and humane exercise. In this sport, your child learns to evacuate his or her anger in the classroom, and the basic principle of human relationships to resolve conflicts is that everyday conflicts must be resolved by dialogue.
Your child may be very interested in this sport and even want to participate in professional competitions, which was the best choice. If your child is not interested in professional struggles and competitions, don’t force him or her, to practice in the classroom and get his body.
Benefits of kickboxing
Kickboxing is a combination of other martial arts such as karate, hair and boxing; So it has the benefits of these sports. This beautiful exercise has many benefits for both the health of the body and the spirit of any age, which we will name a few of them.
1. Cardiovascular health
Kickbox is a high -pressure aerobic exercise, and even 6 hours of kickbox training per week increases the maximum oxygen intake (VO2max).
VO2Max is an indicator for measuring the maximum oxygen you can use during physical activity; This index indicates your cardiovascular endurance. The higher the oxygen, the more efficient your body is.
2. Increased muscle strength and balance
In all studies to examine the benefits of kickbox, participants saw an increase in muscle strength in their upper and lower muscles. The reason for this is that the kickbox is a high -intensity exercise. Even a small study that examined the effects of cake -boxing on people with MS showed that cake -based exercise has improved both muscle strength and muscle nerve coordination and patient balance.
1. Weight loss
It is not clear to anyone that regular exercise can help manage your weight. Kickboxing is an aerobic -power exercise that burns relatively high calories and can help you lose weight. Research shows that cakes (professional and even amaters) have more muscle mass and less body fat percentage.
Assuming your weight is 5 kg, you can burn about 2 calories within 2 minutes of kickbox, which is remarkable.

1. Self -confidence and self -esteem
Sports and martial arts are very relevant to improving self -esteem and self -esteem. Self -esteem plays an important role in the cake, and many clubs emphasize confidence as part of the exercise. As soon as you practice regularly, see your progress and see what capabilities and powers you have achieved, your self -esteem and self -esteem will increase.
1. Better sleep
Physical activity improves sleep, especially if you have sleep disorders, you should start exercising. Kickboxing also has a effect and improves both quality and sleep.
Insomnia increases the risk of diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Sleep improves your mood and ability to think and increase your energy level.
1. Improving mental health
Martial arts, including kickboxing, have a lot to do with your mental health and a sense of happiness. Cakeboxing includes aerobic and anaerobic exercises that both have a positive effect on mood. Kickbox improves your mood by increasing joyful hormones and making changes to the part of the brain that can improve stress, anxiety, and depression, making you a happier and calmer man.
Disadvantages of kickboxing
Every sport will be traumatic when performed in a non -standard and unprofessional form. In the case of kickboxing, in addition to this, you should note that this is a martial arts, so you should expect some risks! Here are some of the disadvantages of kickboxing, which you should consider before you start.
The risk of injury is high!
Kickboxing includes severe movements such as kicks, fists and quick foot movement that as someone who kicks, if you do not perform the movements correctly, can lead to injuries such as vein, muscle stretching and even fracture. On the other hand, when you fight, you may have a strong blow and if you do not care about defending well, you will be harmed by these blows; Damage such as bone fracture and head trauma.
Common kickboxes include nasal fractures, jaw, eyebrow bones, knee damage, shoulders and even ribs.

Equipment and classes are expensive!
Kickboxing often requires specialized equipment such as gloves and shoes; In addition, professional classes are costly. Especially if you are going to work professionally and for the championship and championship, you have to spend a lot of money.
Very high!
The nature of kickboxing is high, you have no rest for a moment and you either have to hit or have to defend. This high -pressure nature can be too hard for beginners or people with heart problems such as heart problems. Exercise is also so hard to discourage you.
Does kickboxing cause weight loss and weight loss?
Yes, kickboxing can be a very effective way to lose weight. Kickbox is a high -intensity exercise with a variety of aerobic exercises and strengths that have both significant calories and muscle mass that increases the body’s metabolism.
You can burn up to 2 calories at each kickbox session. In addition, kickboxing improves cardiovascular health and reduces stress that indirectly helps to lose weight. However, if your goal is weight loss, you should accompany this exercise with a healthy diet.
Which muscles do we have to strengthen for kickboxing?
To perform well in kickbox, you need to strengthen several muscle groups because it is a full wind exercise and needs your entire body muscles.
- The muscles between the trunkA: The muscles between the trunk, such as the abdominal and waist muscles, must be well trained both to produce power and kicks and to maintain a rapid balance and rotation.
- The lower trunk muscles: You use a lot of legs in kickboxing, so obviously your lower trunk muscles, such as quadriceps, hamstring, hips and calfs, so you can hit and defend very well and defend.
- The upper muscles: The shoulder muscles and arms that are strong, your fists are dead. You need strong fists in the kickbox, and many of the champions end the race with a strong fist. Remember that the neck and back muscles should be strong to absorb the impact well and keep the position of the fist well.
To strengthen these muscles and achieve the result you suggest using the proper kickbox bodybuilding program that phytamine coaches can design for.
The necessary equipment and kickboxing clothing
Here’s a name for kickboxing sports equipment, all of which are necessary for your health and for participating in the race; Of course, if you’ve just started, you can get cheap equipment and buy expensive and professional equipment later when you are professional.
- Kickboxing gloves: To protect your hands and wrists against blows.
- Hand band: To protect the joints and bones of the hand.
- Gum protector: To protect the teeth and jaw against blows.
- Helmet: To protect the head against blows.
- Leg shield: To protect the leg against foot blows. (There are some matches)
- Testicular protection: To protect sensitive organs. (For gentlemen)
- Kickboxing shorts: Special shorts that do not take freedom of movement from you.
- T -shirt or stabilization: Comfortable and comfortable clothing that absorbs sweat.
- Kickboxing shoes: Lightweight and flexible shoes that have good adhesion to the ground.
Final speech
Kickboxing is a popular martial arts exercise with two main moves including fists and kicks. This exercise increases strength and fitness and will increase your confidence. In this post we said about kickboxing and its benefits, we determined the difference with boxing and finally introduced the equipment needed for this sport.
Resources: Webmd – Sias – Healthline