Is supplements allowed for adolescents? If yes, what supplements are suitable for people under the age of eighteen and what are the supplements for them?
Adolescence is a sensitive age and you need to be more careful about your health and growth. You may think about supplementation for your purpose (weight loss, obesity, muscle building, strength increase). We recommend that you read it to the end before making your decision and get to know the best and worst supplement for teens!
Introducing supplements for people under the age of 5
Adolescents under the age of 5 can take medicinal supplements (such as vitamins) but do not need to take bodybuilding supplements. Bodybuilding supplements (such as protein powders, creatine, pre -workout supplements, etc.) have been made for adult athletes and bodybuilders and have not been thoroughly studied for their safety and impact on adolescents; In particular, energy supplements or supplements that contain high levels of caffeine and other stimuli can be harmful to adolescents.
A teenager should not pursue bodybuilding in a very professional and heavy way, to the extent that it needs certain supplements; Rather, he must pursue bodybuilding exercise in principle and to the extent that his body needs to be nourished.

The best supplements for boy teens
In general, if teenage boys have a balanced and sufficient diet, they do not need to be supplemented. However, taking multiple supplements can be helpful for adolescents. We name these supplements below, but consult your physician or professional trainer before taking it.
- Multiwitamine: Multiwitamine for adolescent boys can compensate for their nutritional deficiencies and provide the essential vitamins and minerals they need for their growth and maturity.
- Vitamin D: The US Academy of Pediatrics recommends consuming 5 units of vitamin D daily for adolescents. If a teenager cannot get this amount of vitamin D through food (under the supervision of a physician), it can take it as a supplement. This vitamin is essential for bone health and immune function.
- Calcium: Calcium is very important for making strong bones and the need for adolescents for calcium is very high; So if your doctor recommends, be sure to take a calcium supplement.
- Omega 3 fatty acids: Omega -3 fatty acids help to grow brain and can be obtained through fish oil supplements or plant sources.
- Group B vitamins: These vitamins help to grow, metabolize, healthy brain function and even improve mood.
The best supplements for girls’ teens
The best thing to do is to have adolescent girls to meet their nutritional needs through a diet; But here are some supplements that are useful and useful for girls.
- Iron: Girls aged 2 to 5 should receive 2 mg of iron daily. Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells and the transmission of oxygen in the body, and is especially important for girls whose menstrual habits have begun.
- Vitamin C: The recommended daily rate for adolescent girls is 5 mg. This vitamin helps strengthen the immune system and skin health.
- MagnesiumA: It is useful for bone and muscles health and can also be involved in reducing anxiety and depression.
- Vitamin D supplements, Group B and omega -3 fatty acids: These are required for both girls and boys.
Multiwitamines for adolescent girls, which contain iron, calcium and vitamin D, are very useful; However, we recommend consulting your doctor for them.
Is supplements harm to teens?
If you mean bodybuilding supplements; Yes, this type of supplement is not recommended for adolescents under the age of 5 and can have the risk and damage to their health and growth.
The first thing is to know that there is not enough research on the long -term effects of bodybuilding supplements on adolescents. These supplements were originally made for adults who have rejected the puberty period; Therefore, there was no research on their effect on the body of a growing teenager.
Some of these products may also contain impurities and unauthorized additives that are even unhealthy and dangerous for adults. Taking such supplements can cause problems such as kidney damage, heart disease and liver problems.
Finally to be to Hormonal supplements such as steroids are definitely prohibited for a teenager. Adolescents should not take advantage of such supplements at all, as they severely disrupt the natural production of hormones and their body growth.
Weight gain supplements for adolescents
If you are a teenager as a teenager and lean, you should first check the cause of your weight loss. If there is no specific reason, the doctor or nutrition expert can start multivitamin supplements. We still emphasize, however, that the first priority is with a healthy diet. Fitamine experts can help you for your adolescent weight gain diet. Here are some useful supplements for low -weight adolescents:
- Multivitamins
- Vitamin D.
- Iron
- Adolescent Protein Supplements (a type of protein supplement dedicated to adolescents)

The best supplements for adolescent bodybuilding
If you are a teenager working in bodybuilding, you should prioritize your diet. Although adolescents are not recommended for bodybuilding supplements, it is permissible to consult a physician or professional trainer.
Supplements for muscle building
First, be sure to consult a doctor or nutrition expert. If your doctor’s permission, such supplements can help build muscle in adolescents:
- His protein
- Casein
- Multivitamin
- Omega -3 fatty acids
- Vitamin D.
Supplements for fat burning
There is no better way to burn fat than calorie and exercise. You need to increase the amount of protein in your diet and get less sugar and fat. We also recommend that you exercise more and build more muscles to increase your metabolism.
But never go for weight loss supplements and pills, which can unfortunately have serious and durable side effects for adolescents.
Final speech
Teens and people under the age of 5 can take medicinal supplements (such as vitamins), but they do not need to take bodybuilding supplements.
As a teenager, you need to focus on getting the nutrients you need from the diet. But if you can’t meet your needs in some cases, it is okay to take a supplement under the supervision of a professional physician or trainer. In this post we introduced a variety of supplements for male and female teenagers, as well as several supplements for bodybuilding and weight gain.
Sources: Kidshealth – LloydSparmacy