What is the cause of persistent headache?
It can be said that headache is known as a complication that every person has faced with this phenomenon at least several times during his life and it has annoyed and affected him very much, and this has caused him to suffer from this complication. It is considered as one of the most common diseases among people. In some cases, it is possible that this disease is mild or without serious risk for the patient, in which case he can cure it by doing some simple tasks at home or by drinking some tea or consuming Some painkillers will treat it and eliminate it.
But also pay attention to this point that in some cases it is possible that these headaches are caused in a more severe form and usually it is also possible that it may continue to annoy and affect the patient for a long time, even notice In some cases, it is possible that these headaches remain in the patient’s body for a long time, which in this case can indicate the presence of more serious diseases in the patient’s body, which is better in this case. The patient must visit a related doctor to treat this condition and be under his observation and treatment.
Today, we have prepared an article for you in Alamo, which fully examines this issue under the title, What is the cause of constant headaches on the right and left side of the head, forehead and eyes? and we hope that you will enjoy reading this article.
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The cause of constant headache on the right side of the head
In general, doctors divide headaches into two general categories, primary and secondary, and in this regard, it should be said that primary headaches occur by themselves and do not require any other conditions to occur, but about Secondary headaches are a different matter and it is possible that these headaches may occur due to the occurrence of other underlying problems and diseases in a person and affect him in both cases, both in primary and secondary headaches. They can cause pain in the right side of the head become a person and cause pain in this area for the sick person. Among the causes of these pains in the right side of the head, we have mentioned a number of them for you, such as:
1. Migraine, which manifests itself as primary headaches on the right side of the head by causing pain in this area and causes pain in this area for the patient.
Note that migraine itself can be accompanied by other symptoms such as: 1. Nasal congestion, nausea or vomiting, pain in the neck area, and sensitivity to light, smell, and sounds for the sick person.
2. Headaches that occur in clusters and in most cases are felt only on the right side of the patient’s head and are sharper and more intense. Normally, these headaches can It can show itself in the temple area or around the eyes, and it appears in men more than women. Note that in some cases these cluster headaches on the right side of the head can last for three hours and annoy the person very much.
3. Some headaches can exist continuously or continuously, and these headaches, which are also known as hemicrania, attack women in most cases and can be continuous and every day for The person appeared and caused pains in the right side of his head. Of course, note that hemicrania is also rare.
4. Creating tension or stress and anxieties are another main factors that cause headaches in the right side of the person’s head, which can cause pain in this area from the right side of the person’s head.
5. Fatigue can also cause pain in the right side of the head.
6. In some cases, with the occurrence of some allergies, a person can feel pain in the right side of his head.
7. The use of some drugs, especially painkillers, can also cause headaches in the right side of the head.
8. The occurrence of infections in the body, especially sinus infections, causes pain in the right side of the patient’s head and in this way annoys and upsets him.
9. Headaches called cervicogenic headache, which usually occurs unilaterally on the right side of the person’s head and progresses from the neck to the front of the head, and with the stiffness and tightening of the neck muscles and pain in the shoulder and arms. The person’s right hand is also accompanied and it usually becomes more intense or even worse with shaking the neck.
10. In some cases, hemicranial headaches can occur as an attack, and usually they attack the right side of the person’s head, and these attacks may be short-term but severe. and it can happen up to 5 times a day and it has been continuous from 2 to 30 minutes.
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The cause of persistent headache on the left side of the head
Headaches in the left side of the head can occur for many different reasons and cause pain in the left side of the head for the sick person, which we will discuss here about some of the reasons that cause such pain in this The area of the head for hearing people, we mention such as:
1. Migraine headaches that occur on the left side of the patient’s head, and in addition to the left side of the head, also include other areas such as the eye and temple on the left side of the body, and they appear more in women than in men.
2. Headaches that occur as a result of exposure to stressful situations and can cause pain in the left side of the head for the patient.
3. In some cases, creating an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to headaches, especially in the left side of the head, which can also be attributed to alcohol consumption, lack of sleep, and reduced sleep time during the day. Or not eating meals during the day or low blood sugar, he also mentioned that these things can play an important role in the occurrence of such headaches in the left side of the person’s head.
4. Infections or allergies that lead to blocked sinuses or sinus headaches in the sick person can also lead to headaches in the left side of the person’s head.
5. A blow to the head can also cause such pains in this area of the body.
6. Using a mobile phone for a long time or staring at a computer monitor or TV screen for a long time can also lead to eye fatigue and headaches on the left side of the person’s head.
7. In some cases, people who consume caffeine on a daily basis and depend on its daily consumption, sudden withdrawal of caffeine can cause headaches in the left side of the head for these people.
8. Dehydration can also play an important role in the occurrence of such headaches, especially in hot seasons like summer.
9. Brain tumor is known to be one of the most dangerous factors in the occurrence of headaches in the left side of the head for people.
10. The occurrence of a stroke can also play a role in causing such headaches in this area of the head.
11. An increase in blood pressure can also cause headaches in the left side of the head for the sick person.
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Cause of constant forehead and eye headache
In some cases, some people complain of constant headaches in their forehead and eyes and look for ways to treat and eliminate these pains in order to eliminate these pains in this area first. It is necessary to find the cause of these pains and then proceed to the basic treatment of these pains under the supervision of a doctor. We point out that they have a continuous effect Like:
1. In some cases, looking at the monitor screen or mobile phone for a long time can lead to eye fatigue and cause constant pain in the eye area for people.
2. Being in stressful or anxiety-provoking situations as well as being in stressful situations can lead to pain in this area for the patient.
3. Creating sinus infections that cause congestion or pressure in the sinus area can also cause pain in the forehead area for people.
4. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, especially red wine, can also be effective in causing pain in the forehead area.
5. In some cases, high blood pressure in people can be another reason for these pains in this area of the patient’s body.
6. The creation or emergence of bacterial or viral infections have also played an important role in causing such pains in people’s bodies.
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The cause of headache above the head and eyes
Another pain in the head area that is considered annoying for people is pain in the area above the head and eyes. to be impressed that among these reasons, we mention some of the most important ones, such as:
1. Creating a migraine that causes pain in the upper head and eyes and is also associated with sensitivity to light and sounds for the sick person.
2. Creating excessive stress and anxiety or being in these situations can cause such pains in people due to the occurrence of high mental pressure in a person.
3. Not eating or not eating enough food during meals and causing hunger in people can have an important and significant effect on the occurrence of such pains in this area of the body because it causes a sudden drop in blood sugar in the body. people and the sudden drop in blood sugar also shows itself in this way in the body.
4. Creating pressure on the muscles of the neck and shoulders, as well as creating pressure or tension on the muscles of the neck or head can cause pain in this area of the body for people.
5. Sinusitis is another important cause of pain in the upper head and eyes.
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In which part of the head is a headache dangerous?
Another important question that may have occupied your mind since the beginning of this content is that which part of the head can be considered dangerous, and in this regard it should be said that:
1. Headaches caused by a blow to the head are considered one of the most important headaches, whether these blows are slow and gentle or hard and severe, and Any part of the head causing pain is considered dangerous and important, and in case of these pains, you should immediately go to the doctor and be under his care and diagnosis.
2. If your headache is accompanied by vision problems, they can be dangerous and indicate more serious problems in your body.
3. Headaches that are caused by false brain tumor and are accompanied by severe pain in the head that originates from behind the eyes.
4. Headaches caused by inflammation or contractions of blood vessels are known as vascular headaches, and in case of such headaches, you should go to a doctor and undergo his basic diagnosis and treatment.
5. Headaches that occur severely in people over 50 years of age and are more than normal are known and considered as dangerous headaches.
last word
We hope that what is the cause of constant headaches on the right and left side of the head, forehead and eyes? We have collected it, have enough fun and share it with your friends and acquaintances if you wish.