Should I do HIIT or go to aerobics to burn fat and lose weight? Honestly, we have to say that these days no one does aerobics or runs for long hours to burn fat and lose weight! Rather, he goes to hit movements and instead of spending a lot of time on exercise, he increases the intensity of his training.
If you also want to lose weight and burn fat and are looking for an effective method, I suggest you try HIIT exercises. Heat or the same interval gives you the most calories burned in the shortest time.
But what is the interval and what are its rules? In this article about vitamin, we will tell you all the secrets of fat-burning and slimming interval exercises.
What is meant by hit training or “high intensity interval”?
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as the name suggests, is a Very intense and periodic aerobic exercise routine (intermittent) which has a high calorie burn and increases cardiovascular capacity. In heat training, you have a period (one set) of high-intensity aerobic exercise, you sweat profusely, your heart rate rises, and then you have a short rest period that includes activity.
A very simple example of heat training is this: you jump rope for 60 seconds, then you have 20 seconds of brisk walking, which counts as your rest, then you do 60 seconds of standing, then you have 20 seconds of brisk walking again, which is your rest. It counts. This routine is repeated for another 3 sets (5 sets in total). As you can see, heat training is very challenging.

For HIIT exercises, you can use any type of cardiovascular exercise, including running, jumping rope, kneeling, butterfly, etc. More professional athletes also use strength training for their heat routines, such as burpees, jumping squats, box jumps, crow feathers, thrusters, etc.
What are the benefits of heat training?
Heat training is both extremely challenging and exciting! Also, the nature of HIT training is very practical and smart: it saves time, engages the whole body and stimulates muscle building. For this reason, the Hit training system is very popular. In the following, we mention some of the most important benefits of heat exercises.
1. High fat burning
Studies show that heat training burns 30% more calories than regular training. But it’s not just during the workout that you burn calories, but your calorie burn continues for hours after you’re done (due to the high-pressure nature of these workouts). Interestingly, this amount of calorie burning is achieved in a short period of time.
2. Help build muscle
HIIT can also help build muscle. Of course, the mission of heat training is not to build muscle, and the increase in muscle mass is only in the muscles that are used the most, such as the lower body muscles. Also, due to the high pressure of these exercises, the endurance of the muscles increases.
3. Improving the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system
Your heart is a big muscle, and the stronger it is, the easier it is to pump blood throughout the body, and it doesn’t have to work as hard for each beat. The only way to strengthen the heart muscle is through aerobic exercise, and heat training is an example of high-intensity aerobic exercise. By strengthening the heart muscle and improving blood circulation, heat exercises help to reduce blood pressure and reduce the possibility of heart diseases.
4. Improving mood and increasing vitality
Due to the release of happy hormones during exercise and the fact that all your energy is drained during the heat session, you will definitely feel very good and happy after the heat training, and your stress will be much less.
5. Applicable at any time and place
Gone are the days when we didn’t have enough time to exercise. Interval training is very easy to do anywhere: in the gym, at home, in the hotel, and even in the park. Leave a maximum of 30 minutes of your time to perform heat exercises.

6. No need for sports equipment
Do you not have dumbbells and sports equipment? It is not a problem. Intervals only use your body weight because the focus is on getting your heart rate up and keeping it up. Heat causes excellent muscle building and muscle preservation by increasing fat burning and calorie burning.
You can get your exercise program from vitamin trainers and start your training earlier to take advantage of the benefits of heat training.
How do interval training increase fat burning?
Your body continues to burn calories after intense HIT workouts, and the amount of calories it burns is more than the amount of calories burned by light sports such as walking and jogging.
Heat training increases the two main types of hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine (which play an essential role in fat burning). These two hormones are responsible for the transport of lipolytics (factors that break down fats).
One of the HIIT exercises is Tabata, which consists of 20 seconds of intense movements followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight rounds per workout. These exercises are difficult, but if you get used to it, you can easily increase your fat burning ability.
What people are forbidden to exercise hit?
Before starting heat or interval exercises, you must consult with experts and trainers and have a good sports background, because the high intensity of these exercises is not suitable for all people.
The interval training style is prohibited for pregnant women or those who are overweight, as well as people with cardiovascular disease, joint problems, and back disc problems. Otherwise, you can try Heat Sports.
How to start practicing hit?
Now that we have talked about the benefits of heat training, you must have decided to start this training system! In the following, we bring a guide for starting hit exercises.
* Start your training with the movements you know!
A hit training routine consists of several different movements that are repeated in sequence. If you are a beginner, choose exercises that you are familiar with and can do correctly. For example, if you ride a bicycle, one of your exercises should be a bicycle. But if you have never ridden a bike before, do not come to this exercise.
* Go to simple and low-pressure exercises to start!
The nature of heat training is to be very heavy and high pressure. But this training intensity can be adjusted for beginners. It is very obvious that the exercises should be at your level of physical fitness so that you do not get injured. Adjusting the heat training in the beginning means that:
- Do not work more than one or two sessions per heat week.
- Include as much rest time in your training routine as you have training time. (For example, squat for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds).
- Over time, you can increase the intensity and duration of the exercise.
* Enjoy the hit, not suffer!
You exercise to develop your body and soul; So it’s natural that exercise is a tough challenge and you don’t always enjoy it. But it doesn’t have to be so hard that it becomes annoying.
Since heat training is of high intensity, it is natural to demand a lot of effort and feel tired; But feeling severe pain, severe shortness of breath or dizziness is a sign of a problem and the exercise should be stopped. Exercising too hard can damage muscles, joints, or tendons. So always be careful to keep the level of training at the level of your ability and do not expect very strange exercises.
Examples of hit or interval exercises
In the following, we introduce and teach the most common and best HIIT exercises. With these exercises, you can jump higher, run faster and perform movements with better efficiency.
1. Dumbbell front squat and heel touch
2. Walking on hands and swimming squats
3. Plank jack and butterfly
4. Plank jack and touching the head of the knee
5. Diagonal jump in swimming mode and periodic touching of hands
6. Squat and standing diagonal
7. Crunch and star jump
8. Single-leg single-bend dumbbell climbing
Some important points about performing hit exercises
Hit exercises are stressful and challenging, and you should pay attention to the following points to get the best results and avoid any injuries.
- Before training Warm up: Before starting heat exercises, be sure to do 10 minutes of general warm-up and 5 minutes of specialized warm-up. Warming up before heat exercises is very necessary and should not be neglected under any circumstances.
- After training Cool: Warming up is just as important as cooling down. After finishing the exercise, cool down your body for 5 to 10 minutes. Light and gentle stretching movements prevent muscle pains tomorrow.
- Pay attention to the intensity of your training: The goal is to train slowly and according to your body conditions, and gradually increase the intensity of the training; Don’t suddenly come to very hard and stressful training and want to make up for a few years of inactivity in a few hit sessions! Give your body time to gradually adapt to this type of training.
- Get enough rest: Heat training is designed for one or two sessions per week, each heat training session requires enough rest and you need to give your body time to repair itself.
- Stay hydrated: Be sure to drink enough water before, during and after exercise. Dehydration makes you tired and causes muscle cramps and decreases your performance.
- Get in touch with the coach: The trainer will teach you how to perform the movements correctly and also design a detailed training program according to your physical condition and abilities according to your goal (weight loss, strength gain, endurance improvement, etc.).
- Listen to your body: If you experience shortness of breath or chest pain during interval training, be sure to pay attention to it and slowly cool down your body (be careful not to stop training suddenly, because it can be troublesome).
One of the effective methods and fast ways to get fit and burn fat is to do high-intensity exercises or heats or intervals. Interval consists of high-intensity and explosive exercises with a short rest between each set. Hit moves are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to consult your doctor and trainer to do it.
In this article, we have introduced heat (interval) exercises in detail. We talked about its different features and tips and we have brought different types of interval exercises.
Sources: healthline – acefitness –