Cramps or muscle spasms after exercise are a painful yet somewhat pleasurable experience! But sometimes this muscle cramping and muscle dryness may be prolonged and unpleasant, and this issue causes some people to fear and worry about exercise.
There are several reasons why you might experience muscle cramps after a workout. This cramping is completely normal in most cases and does not indicate a serious or serious condition. In this article, we will talk about all the issues related to muscle cramp and its treatment methods.
What are muscle cramps?
Cramps in the body occur after a hard workout (even during the workout) due to the high excitability of the muscle nerve. Although any muscle group can suffer from cramps, this pain is usually experienced in the leg muscles such as the thighs and calves.
If the contraction and tremor of the muscle is visible, it is called fasciculation, and if it is invisible, it is called fibrillation. Also, if this pain is very painful and long, it means that he has a muscle spasm. The main cause of muscle cramping after training is related to doing hard and new exercises, and fatigue has a great effect. The muscle groups that are most affected are:
- the arms
- back muscles
- Shoulders (deltoid)
- back of leg (twin)
- hamstring
- front of the thigh (quadriceps)
- Sometimes chest and abdominal muscles
Cause of muscle cramps
During exercise, our muscle fibers get tired and often the electrolyte balance of the cells is disturbed by excessive sweating. If you have just started training, your body will get tired much sooner and after training, the symptoms of this fatigue will show itself with cramps.
However, exercise is supposed to be a challenge for the muscles and a little soreness and cramping is normal. Lack of water, minerals such as calcium and magnesium or vitamin D can disrupt the normal function of muscles and lead to contraction and cramps. Factors such as Exaggeration in training, severe stretching of muscles or not warming up It can also cause muscle spasms, muscle cramps and pain, which is better to prevent by balancing exercises.

Symptoms and muscle cramps after exercise
Not all muscle spasms are painful, but some can cause pain. You may feel the muscle jump or twitch on its own, which usually only lasts a few seconds. Some people may even be able to see muscle tremors.
Sometimes, you may feel that the whole muscle is seized and you cannot move it at all, this feeling usually happens in the legs and can be quite painful. The muscle may feel sore and uncomfortable when touched.
Cramps after exercise can vary in intensity and duration. These muscle cramps may feel like a mild tingle or a lot of pain. Cramps can last from a few seconds to 15 minutes.
Muscle spasms may occur during exercise, immediately after, or up to several hours later. It may last for several days and be so much that you cannot move your arms and legs easily. But there is usually nothing to worry about. The important thing is that these cramps should resolve on their own without medical intervention.
Causes of muscle cramps after exercise
There are several reasons why exercise may cause muscle cramps and pain. In the previous parts, we briefly talked about the causes of muscle cramps. In this section, we introduce the main causes of muscle cramps and spasms.
1. Not warming up the muscles
Pre-workout stretching exercises prepare the muscle fibers for exercise so that they contract more easily. Gentle stretching exercises are essential as part of the warm-up before exercise.
2. muscle fatigue
Overtraining can cause muscle fatigue, which disrupts normal nerve activity and causes muscle contractions. A sudden change, intensity or training program can also tire the muscles; Because your body is still not used to this new activity.

3. Dehydration and lack of minerals
Exercise, especially in hot weather, can cause dehydration. When you sweat, you lose both water and essential minerals. Fluid deficiency and electrolyte imbalance can cause muscle spasms.
4. High caffeine consumption
Most athletes use stimulants like coffee or green tea a lot. But you should know that excessive consumption of caffeine and other stimulants can cause muscle cramps in any part of the body. Nicotine in cigarettes and other tobacco products can also cause muscle cramps, especially in the legs.
Leg cramps after exercise
Leg pain and cramps after exercise are very common and normal! Especially if your sport is new and challenging. This pain, which is called DOMS (Delayed Muscle Soreness), occurs due to microdamage to muscle membranes and inflammation of these membranes.
When you start a new sport, change your workout routine, use heavier weights and dumbbells, or train harder than your body is used to, the strain and stress on the muscles can cause these small injuries. This process, although a bit hard and painful, is a natural part of the process of training and rebuilding muscles.
The inflammatory response that follows an injury helps repair and rebuild muscle tissue, ultimately resulting in stronger leg muscles. So, while cramping after exercise can be uncomfortable, it's a sign that the body is adapting to the new workout and getting stronger. By the way, most bodybuilders and athletes like the pain and cramping of the leg muscles after lower body exercise and enjoy these mild pains; Because it is a sign of a serious practice!
Prevention of muscle cramps
Although muscle cramps during exercise are inevitable; But it can be prevented with measures that we will explain about.
1. Get enough sleep!
Most people need six to eight hours of sleep each night to stay healthy. Sleep helps the body recover after training and calms your nerves.
2. Manage your stress!
Try relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga at home, or tai chi to reduce stress in your life. If your stress is high, talking to a therapist can also help.

3. Limit your caffeine intake!
Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages or eating caffeinated foods. These foods and drinks may increase or worsen muscle cramps and spasms.
4. Have a proper diet!
A balanced and varied diet can provide a variety of essential vitamins and minerals for muscle health. Your diet plan should include fresh fruits and vegetables to provide your body with enough water and minerals. Whole grains provide your body with the necessary carbohydrates for energy. Also, get enough protein. As much as possible, get the protein your body needs from the main sources such as chicken and eggs.
5. Quit smoking!
Quitting smoking is always a good idea. Nicotine is a mild stimulant that affects your central nervous system and reduces muscle spasms. Quitting smoking also helps reduce the risk of other serious health problems.
6. Change your medications!
If you use stimulants like amphetamines, talk to your doctor and tell them that you are suffering from muscle spasms and dryness. If possible, your doctor will prescribe another drug that does not cause muscle spasms.
tip: If these solutions do not relieve muscle pain and stiffness, be sure to contact your doctor.
Treatment of muscle cramps at home
No specific treatment is necessary for muscle cramps. Cramps go away on their own after a few days without any treatment. But if these pains bother you, we will introduce solutions for you.
1. Adequate rest
If your muscles are tight, do not exercise again the next day. A gentle walk is fine, but this is cardio or aerobic exercise that should not be done if you are in pain. It is necessary to rest the next day and get enough sleep.
2. Hot shower
A warm shower improves blood circulation in muscles and relaxes tight muscles. If pain and cramping bother you after exercise, stay in the shower or tub for five minutes, this will significantly reduce the pain and cramping; A warm shower is like a pain reliever, it removes fatigue and muscle cramps.
3. Painful and tight muscle massage
Gentle massage of a painful and stiff muscle increases blood circulation and lymph flow to the tissues, increases blood supply to the muscles, soothes the nerves and accelerates the recovery of the muscles and eliminates the pain by itself. or greatly reduces it.
tip: It is necessary to do this slowly, do not press the muscle and if it increases the pain, stop the massage.

4. cooling the body
One of the main causes of body pain after exercise is not cooling down. If you stop training suddenly, lactic acid will accumulate in the muscles and you will experience severe pain after training.
5. Drink enough water
If your body is dehydrated, you may experience body pain and muscle cramps. Be sure to drink enough water, drink enough water before training and during the day, drink water whenever you feel thirsty during training, and drink water after training to compensate for sweating.
6. Use of muscle adhesive or kinesiotype
Kinzo tape can be used to help reduce pain and muscle spasms that may occur after an injury. Sticking this tape can reduce pain nerve signals to the brain and improve muscle pain and spasm.

7. going to the doctor
If your pain and muscle cramps become worse and more severe, you need to take this issue seriously and talk to your doctor. Visiting a doctor is especially important if cramping is accompanied by other symptoms; Such as weakness and paralysis, numbness or loss of sense of touch, severe and constant pain with swelling, nausea and dark urine.
If muscle spasms are part of a neurological health condition, the person usually experiences other symptoms. Symptoms such as:
- numb
- slow movements
- diplopia
- sleep problems
- Severe muscle weakness
- Paralysis and severe disability
- Tingling sensation
- Pain in the back and spine, neck or head
Treatment of thigh muscle cramps after exercise
The treatment of thigh cramps after exercise is usually done in several ways, all of which are aimed at reducing pain, speeding up the repair process (recovery), and improving the flexibility and muscle strength of the thigh and lower body muscles. rest And avoiding activities that cause pain intensity is the first step of recovery; However, we don't mean absolute rest or just sleep!
Sleeping too much makes your body stiff. Resting here means taking a warm shower and not exercising for at least 48 hours. If your thigh muscle is inflamed after a very hard workout, you can use an ice pack for the first 2 days (put the ice pack on your leg for 20 minutes each time), this can help reduce inflammation and pain. After two days, heat therapy using hot packs or a warm water bath can help relax the muscles and improve blood circulation. Also, gentle massage will help relieve pain and relieve cramps.
In addition to the above, nutrition is very important and bold. Maintaining proper hydration (drinking enough water) and consuming nutrient-rich foods are very important to repair muscle tissue.
How to start exercise after thigh cramping?
After the initial cramping and pain subsides, gentle stretching exercises such as walking or cycling, yoga, or light swimming can help restore flexibility and range of motion. Note that all these cases were for simple muscle pain and cramping that can be relieved with these methods; But if your thigh muscles have sharp and severe pain and do not relax in any way, consult a doctor.
final word
In this article about vitamin, we first explained what muscle cramps are and which muscle groups are most affected? Then we talked about the symptoms and muscle cramps after exercise and introduced the strategies to prevent and treat muscle spasms.
Source: medicalnewstoday