What is the relationship between sex and obesity? Can marriage really be the culprit of obesity and weight gain? The fact that a person is sexually active in his life together and has regular sex, undoubtedly has many benefits for him.
By following a pattern and a regular schedule in married life, heart health, sleep quality improvement and stress reduction can be guaranteed. Most importantly, blood circulation speeds up significantly.
With all these benefits, why do many women and men think that after starting a life together and having sex, they gain weight and get the so-called belly and sides? In this article, we examine all these things together to see if there is a connection between sex and obesity.
What is the relationship between sex and obesity?
No; Sex and obesity have nothing to do with each other. The only thing it could be related to is an imbalance of sex hormones that can cause you to gain weight. Although this hormonal imbalance has nothing to do with your sexual activity; It depends on other things. Things like lifestyle and hormonal disorders.
This is a common myth, but it is completely wrong! Just talking about marriage or sex will neither make you fat nor thin; But marriage brings a big change in people's lifestyle. Large changes may cause weight changes in people.
Whatever the reason for your obesity, it needs a proper and targeted exercise diet plan. You can consult with vitamin trainers and get your own personal plan.
Does not being satisfied in sex cause obesity and big belly?
No; There is no direct scientific link between sexual dissatisfaction and obesity. But it is possible that as a result of failure in sexual intercourse (not reaching orgasm), a person may experience stress and mental pressure and gradually become bulimic and gain weight.
Does pouring sperm in the vagina cause obesity?
Definitely, no. Only if the woman becomes pregnant, she will be overweight. (weight changes during pregnancy); But if the woman does not get pregnant, this event has no effect on her weight.
Does eating sperm make a woman fat?
No, a typical 3.5ml ejaculate is only about 5 calories. Therefore, it will not have any effect on a person's weight and obesity.
Is eating sperm good for women's health?
No; It has no health benefits and does not lead to weight gain or pregnancy; But many sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted through oral sex or even eating semen. Therefore, we recommend that you avoid this.
Getting to know the nutritional content of sperm
Male semen is primarily composed of water, enzymes, proteins and fructose. These substances are necessary for the survival and nutrition of sperm. However, they do not have enough calories to cause weight gain in women.
It is important to note that the nutritional content of sperm can vary depending on a man's diet and lifestyle. Men who eat a diet high in processed foods and saturated fat may have lower quality sperm and less nutritional value.
On the other hand, men who eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and lean proteins may have healthier sperm with higher nutritional content.
What is the relationship between sperm and obesity hormones?
Sperm does not affect women's hormonal levels in a way that leads to weight gain. In fact, the hormones in semen are not biologically active and cannot affect the hormonal balance of a woman's body.
What factors lead to obesity in women?
Be sure that semen does not cause weight gain in women, some of the factors that can cause obesity and overweight in women and men are:
- Insufficient movement
- Improper diet
- Taking some medications
- Hormonal imbalance
Why is the hormonal balance messed up?
Many factors play a role in hormone imbalance, for example, this problem may be related to genetics, stress, nutrition, lifestyle, and even other hormones in your blood.
Of course, it goes without saying that toxins and chemicals can act like estrogen in the body as soon as they enter the body. Unexpected obesity can be related to hormonal imbalances related to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), early or high menopause, and low sex hormones – estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, or DHEA (androgens).
Learn more about sex hormones
Now that we are relieved that there is no connection between sex and obesity, it is better to know sex hormones more precisely and find the reason for our overweight.
- DHEA: It is considered as a precursor or primary hormone for the secretion of male and female sex hormones, and if this hormone is low in your body, the work of your other sex hormones will also be disturbed, and as a result, it will lead to obesity.
- Estrogen: In fact, it consists of three other microhormones, estrone, estradiol, and estriol, which of course are also known by the codes E2, E1, and E3. This hormone is secreted first from the ovaries and then from the adrenal glands. On the other hand, estrogen has many functions in the body. For example, the increase of estrogen in the blood causes the accumulation of fat around the abdomen, waist and thighs.
- Progesterone: It has a function very similar to estrogen and leads to sexual maturity and prepares women's bodies for pregnancy. A drop in progesterone can cause estrogen to become more rebellious and store fat in places on your body you never thought possible.
Symptoms of hormonal imbalance
It will be extremely useful to check your hormone levels with regular tests; But if you haven't had the opportunity to do this yet, the symptoms we introduce below indicate problems and hormonal imbalance:
- Constipation
- vaginal dryness
- Reduced concentration
- sleep problems
- Pain in the breasts
- Night sweats
- Decreased libido
- Dry skin and hair
- Sudden mood swings
- Depression/Excessive enthusiasm
- Weight loss, especially around the waist and thighs
- Shortening or lengthening of the length of the menstrual period by 2 or 4 days
Does sex or masturbation lead to weight loss?
No, none of them have any effect on weight. Sex and obesity and thinness have nothing to do with each other. This myth comes from the fact that sex and masturbation cause energy consumption and calorie burning. In fact, the amount of calories burned during sex is directly related to the duration and intensity of your relationship. But in general, this calorie burning is not enough to cause a person to lose weight.
final word
Sex and obesity have nothing to do with each other. Having a relationship neither makes you fat nor makes you thin. People's lifestyles usually change with marriage, which can lead to weight changes.
The only thing you can find in common between sex and obesity is hormonal problems. We have explained about the types of sex hormones and the symptoms of sexual problems in this article. If you see one of the symptoms, it is better to put your mind at ease by testing the level of hormones.
Source: timesofindia.indiatimes – allohealth