In your opinion, what is the relationship between stringing and uterine prolapse? Most likely, you have heard the saying that “roping is not suitable for women and causes the uterus to prolapse”; Is this sentence true?!
If you haven’t heard this sentence about jumping rope, you have undoubtedly been asked if it is not true and you were not aware of the harms of jumping rope.
In the continuation of this article, we will check the correctness of this issue together to see if there is a connection between rope pulling and uterine prolapse. But first, it is necessary to give information about uterine prolapse, so that you can answer the question whether it is dangerous for women to rope or not? In general, what are the benefits and harms of rope for women? So be sure to stay with us until the end of this article.
What is uterine prolapse and what are the symptoms of uterine prolapse?
To tell you the truth, cord pulling and uterine prolapse is an old myth and rumor. You won’t get prolapsed by jumping rope or any other exercise. How to be sure? We will tell you further.
Uterine prolapse or the same Uterus prolapse It happens when the muscles or killer robots inside the pelvis become loose and cannot keep the uterus in its original position. If the muscles inside the pelvis are weak or relaxed, one of the things that may happen to women is uterine prolapse or Prolapse be
In this case, the uterus will move out of its normal state and enter the birth canal (vagina). Of course, uterine prolapse generally has two conditions:
- Complete uterine prolapse
- Partial uterine prolapse
As it is clear from the names of the two states, complete prolapse is when only a part of the uterus is prolapsed, and complete prolapse is when the entire tissue of the uterus hangs and maybe even a part of it comes out of the vagina.
What are the symptoms of uterine prolapse?
- constipation
- Vaginal bleeding
- Part of the uterus coming out of the vagina
- Trouble and restlessness in marital relations
- Having the feeling of constantly sitting on the ball
- Difficulty urinating or frequent urinary infections
- Feeling of heaviness or the presence of a foreign body in the pelvis
tip: Be careful that if you have a prolapsed uterus, your symptoms will increase when you stand or walk due to the gravity of the earth and you will feel more discomfort than before. The best solution is to do regular and purposeful exercise. A program designed based on your personal characteristics. Right now, you can get your program from vitamin trainers.
The cause of the relaxation of the muscles that support the uterus
Many factors play a role in the atrophy of the muscles inside the pelvis, but the main cause of this problem is aging and the loss of muscle consistency inside the pelvis.
On the other hand, damage to the muscles of the uterus during the birth of a baby, multiple births or giving birth to heavy children (more than 4 kg), obesity, lifting very heavy objects, chronic and severe coughs, very intense physical activities and chronic constipation or accidents It causes more pressure on the muscles inside the pelvis and will significantly increase the probability of uterine prolapse.
Although genetics cannot be completely ignored in this case, according to research, 99% of women who go to the doctor due to uterine prolapse have at least one or two of the above. This disease is treated in two ways, according to the opinion of the doctor and the patient, surgical treatment or treatment with non-surgical methods is chosen.
Does stringing cause uterine prolapse? What is the relationship between rope pulling and uterine prolapse?
Rope pulling and uterine prolapse are not related and rope pulling does not cause uterine prolapse. It is as wrong to think that a woman will have a prolapsed uterus by pulling a rope, as it is to think that our eyes will fall out by running. The uterus inside the body is not free for any healthy woman who wants to move out of its natural place by exercising or jumping rope.
But as mentioned in the above cases, intense sports activity can be one of the causes of uterine prolapse. So, if you are a healthy woman who does not have any problems with your pelvic floor and internal muscles, feel free to exercise and jump rope and forget all the superstitions and rumors about jumping rope and uterine prolapse.
But if you have already had a problem with uterine relaxation, you should not go for extreme sports and jumping, such as jumping rope. Jumping rope, if it is done for a long time and with high intensity, may not be able to relax the muscles of the pelvic area, but without a doubt, jumping up and down can increase the rate of prolapse of the affected person’s uterus and make it worse.
Medical studies about the harms of jumping rope for women have shown that jumping rope during period or pregnancy undoubtedly has a negative effect on pelvic muscles and uterine prolapse.
Should women give up jumping rope?
No, stringing alone cannot cause uterine prolapse, and there is no such thing as stringing complications for healthy people. Only if you have one of the mentioned symptoms of uterine prolapse, you should be a little more careful and rope with less intensity and for a shorter period of time. Jumping rope has many benefits that you will miss out on if you remove the rope altogether.
Can those with prolapsed uterus jump rope?
If you suffer from a prolapsed uterus, we generally recommend that you avoid jumping rope as this type of exercise can aggravate your problem.
The relationship between cording and uterine prolapse should be carefully investigated. If you are a woman who has suffered from uterine prolapse and the specialist has advised you to do certain exercises and sports; Those exercises should be done carefully and with the guidance of an expert so that your uterine prolapse does not become more severe. Also, you should always avoid sports and activities that may put too much pressure on your uterus.
So the most important thing is to consult a gynecologist and a professional trainer to determine the right exercises and sports for your specific situation.
Which exercise helps to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and improve uterine prolapse?
Yes, you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to prevent sagging in old age. Pelvic area exercise is the same as Kegel exercise, which regular practice can prevent pelvic area muscles from relaxing.
Doctors always advise all women to regularly participate in sports programs to prevent problems such as uterine prolapse to have a stronger and healthier body.
Also, having an appropriate weight and treating diseases that increase pressure in the pelvis (such as severe coughs or chronic constipation) are effective in preventing this disease.
final word
If you don’t have a prolapsed uterus, feel free to exercise and jump rope. In this case, you don’t need to worry about rumors such as cord pulling and uterine prolapse.
Keep in mind that in general, overdoing any exercise can cause problems even for the healthiest person on earth. We recommend that you avoid jumping rope during pregnancy or menstruation, and if you have a prolapsed uterus, you must be very careful when doing any kind of exercise.
Source: thequad – burnlab