How familiar are you with hip bridge movements? If trainers and bodybuilders want to introduce you to a great movement to highlight and shape your butt, have no doubt that the butt bridge or hip thrust will be one of their first recommendations.
In addition to shaping the hips, these exercises also strengthen other muscles and doing it is beneficial for the body. To learn about the types of hip bridge movements and how to do them correctly, I suggest you stay with us until the end of this article.
How to do hip bridge movement?
It is not so difficult to perform hip bridge exercises or the bridge exercise; First, lie on the floor or sports mat and proceed in the following order:
- Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground;
- Place the hands beside the body, so that the palms are facing the ceiling;
- A few minutes remain in the bridge movement and then release your body.
If you want your hip bridge movements to be effective; You should pay attention to the following points.
- The pressure to lift the hips should not be from the sole of the heel. You should try to use your hip and thigh muscles for this.
- You don’t need to raise your body too much and make a bridge over the lake during hip bridge movements! This will put a lot of pressure on your back. Raise your hips so that your hips, knees and waist are in one line.
What are the benefits of hip bridge movement?
Hip bridge movement has many benefits and can increase the beauty of your body and your physical strength. In this part of the article, we mention some of the benefits of bridge exercise. Of course, buttock bridge works effectively if it is included in a suitable and targeted exercise program.
1. Highlighting the hips
The squat movement is often known as a miracle for highlighting the buttocks, but the hip bridge movements for shaping and highlighting the buttocks should not be neglected.
By engaging the hamstrings, glutes and quadriceps at the same time, this movement can be one of the other amazing movements that you add to your exercise program to shape your hips.
2. Strengthening the core muscles
The hip bridge movement, in addition to the hip muscles, when you pull your hips up and try to keep them in the same position, it will involve your other muscles, including the abdominal and side muscles, and strengthen them as well.
3. Stretching the chest and shoulders
Another benefit of hip bridge movements that you may not have thought of is the stretching of the chest and shoulder muscles. When you pull up to bridge your body, the chest, arms, and shoulders are among the first areas to stretch.
4. Strengthening the back muscles
When you do hip bridges and raise your hips, you need help from your back muscles to maintain balance and stability. This will make you feel at ease about back pain in the future and strengthen your back muscles.
How to perform various hip bridge movements
There are different types of hip bridge movements and other than hips and thighs, it can involve different muscles well. In this part, we introduce and teach the most important hip bridge movements.
Hip bridge on the floor
- To perform the butt bridge exercise in the standard form without weights, first lie on the floor;
- Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet flat on the ground;
- Put your hands next to your body;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your hips and pelvis, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- After a 2-second pause, come down and repeat the movement.
Dumbbell hip bridge
- Choose a dumbbell in the right weight and lie on the floor;
- Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet flat on the ground;
- Place the dumbbell on the lower part of the abdomen and control the dumbbell with your hand;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your hips and pelvis, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- After a 2-second pause, come down and repeat the movement.
Barbell hip bridge
This butt bridge exercise is suitable for professionals who haven’t been practicing for a while and their hip and back muscles have become stronger. If you are a beginner, you may get injured while doing this exercise.
- Choose a barbell bar with appropriate weights and lie on the floor;
- Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet flat on the ground;
- Place the barbell on the lower abdomen;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your hips and pelvis, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- After a 2-second pause, come down and repeat the movement.
Hip bridge with ball
- First, lie on the floor, place your feet on the ball (the ball should be against the wall so that it does not move);
- Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet on the ball;
- Put your hands next to your body;
- Raise your hips and pelvis by pressing the heel to the ball, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow, to do this form, you must also take help from your shoulders to maintain balance;
- After a 2 second pause, come down and run again.
Hip bridge with plate
- Choose a suitable weight plate and lie on the floor;
- Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet flat on the ground;
- Place the weight plate on the lower abdomen and hold it with your hand;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your hips and pelvis, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- After a 2 second pause, come down and run again.
Single leg hip bridge
This exercise of hip bridge movements is a bit difficult and you can do this exercise after mastering the simple hip bridge.
- Lie on the floor (no dumbbells or weights are used);
- Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet flat on the ground;
- Place your hands on the floor, lift one leg and keep it up;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your other leg, be careful that your back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- After a 2-second pause, come down and perform the movement again;
- Repeat the same exercise for the opposite leg.
Hip bridge holding the bridge
- First lie on the ground;
- Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet flat on the ground;
- Put your hands next to your body;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your hips and pelvis, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- Hold yourself in this position for at least 7 seconds;
- Then go down and repeat the movement after 2 seconds of rest.
Hip bridge with elastic
This exercise is similar to the hip bridge movement; With the difference that an elastic band is thrown around the leg and after lifting the waist from the ground, it becomes a little different.
- Choose a band with suitable resistance, put it around your leg and lie on the floor;
- Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet flat on the ground;
- Put your hands next to your body;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your hips and pelvis, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- Now move your knees apart and feel the stretch in your outer thigh muscles;
- After a 2-second pause, come down and repeat the movement.
Hip bridge walking leg
- This movement is one of the hip bridge movements, performed without weights, and its starting form is simple like the hip bridge, that is, first you have to lie on the ground;
- Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet flat on the ground;
- put the hands beside the body;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your hips and pelvis, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- Now slowly come forward with your feet and walk back (walk) while still keeping your waist high and taking help from your shoulders for balance;
- After a few steps back and forth, come down and repeat the movement.
Frog hip bridge
- This movement is performed without weights and its starting form is as simple as the hip bridge, that is, first you have to lie on the floor;
- Bend the knees and put the soles of the feet flat on the ground, stick the soles of the feet together;
- put the hands beside the body;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your hips and pelvis, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- Now, slowly move your knees apart and with the same form (i.e. soles of the feet together and knees apart) do your bridge movement, i.e. go up and down;
- Come down and perform the move again.
Hip bridge device
This movement is similar to the butt bridge with a barbell, except that there is a machine for the exercise and you don’t need to control the barbell on your body.
tip: The weight should be according to your ability and not more.
- Adjust the machine to the appropriate weight and sit on the bench;
- Place the weight of the device on the lower part of the abdomen;
- Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet flat on the floor, bring your hips to the floor;
- By pressing the heel to the ground, lift your hips and pelvis, be careful that the back is in a straight line and not hollow;
- After a few seconds of pause, come down and repeat the movement.
Duration and number of appropriate repetitions of the hip bridge movement
Hip bridge exercises can help you with almost any athletic goal you have in mind. This movement can be effective for growth and gaining volume, for strengthening muscles and for improving the range of motion and in general for all purposes. What is decisive in this is your nutrition as well as your training system. Below we will tell you how and in what order you should do the hip bridge for different purposes.
- To increase strength: Do three to five sets of five to eight repetitions with a heavy weight.
- To grow muscle mass: Do three to five sets of 8 to 12 repetitions with moderate to heavy weights.
- for endurance: Do two to three sets of 15-20 repetitions with moderate weight.
Each repetition should last at least 4 seconds, but be sure to consult your trainer and proceed according to the expert’s opinion. If you include the simple type of this movement that we taught above in your exercise program; It is better to consider the number of sets to be 3 to 4 sets and repeat the number of movements in each set 15 to 25 times.
tip: Of course, this movement alone cannot make your hips stand out and look good. For faster results, we suggest incorporating this movement into a complete exercise program.
How many calories does hip bridge movement burn?
Maybe the calorie burning of these movements is not as much as aerobic movements, but the amount will not be low either. Approximately, performing this exercise will burn 100 calories every 10 minutes. Of course, this is provided that your muscles are fully contracted during the movement and you perform the movement correctly.
Why should we use weights in hip bridge movement?
Hip bridge with weights or dumbbells is a very effective exercise to strengthen the lower body muscles. It primarily targets the gluteus maximus muscle, but it also involves the hamstrings and back muscles. When you use dumbbells or weights in this movement, the exercise will be more challenging and will lead to more growth and increase in strength of your muscles.
Using dumbbells increases the body’s resistance and challenges the muscles to work harder, which leads to increased activation and muscle growth. A strong gluteal muscle group not only improves a person’s physical appearance, but also plays an important role in daily activities such as walking, running, and climbing stairs.
final word
One of the most effective exercises for highlighting and shaping the buttock is to perform a variety of buttock bridge movements. Of course, this exercise must be performed within a complete exercise program to be effective, and doing it alone does not have much effect. In this article, we talked about the benefits of hip bridge movements and taught how to perform different types of back bridge movements.
Source: inspireusafoundation – barbend