How to do yoga at home? Yoga is an excellent exercise for the body and mind, it can bring about a wonderful and wonderful change in your mind and body.
It doesn’t matter if you do yoga at home or at the gym. It is important to experience this sport in the space of your choice and to do it correctly; Even with beginner yoga at home, you can lose weight and reduce stress.
In this article, we will tell you how to start yoga exercises at home. What do you need and where do you start? Be sure to read this article to the end; Because we want to provide the most complete yoga training at home.
How should beginners start yoga?
Practicing yoga at home allows you to help your body and mind without the hassle of commuting and increase your vitality and health. To start practicing yoga at home, read and follow the following carefully.
Prepare the necessary yoga equipment at home!
Now that you want to start this sport, you need to have enough information about the equipment needed for yoga. Yoga has many equipments such as mats, bands, bricks and special clothes. Of course, don’t worry, you don’t need all of these. Just provide these things first:
- a hand of comfortable and cotton clothes; Your clothes can be made of natural fibers.
- Consider a clean and tidy space for your exercise.
- Have a soft underlay, we suggest that you treat yourself to a mat or strap as you progress.
Provide a suitable space for yoga!
You don’t need a big space to do yoga, it’s enough to dedicate a small space, at least two square meters. But this space must be clean, quiet and completely organized; Even if you can’t, for example, dedicate a room to this task, mark the space related to yoga and keep this area always quiet, tidy and clean.
You can decorate this space with your favorite candles and decorations. If you need to play video, make the necessary arrangements to play it.
Find your style in yoga!
If you are pregnant, have joint or spinal pain, or have balance problems, we recommend that you use yoga specific to your condition and do not use general yoga exercises and movements that are available on the Internet.
You know your workout isn’t supposed to be too hard or too easy. But it should be suitable for you. The implication of this statement is that yoga exercises should be challenging yet tailored to your abilities.
Get help from the trainer or from the training video!
If you are familiar with the movements of this wonderful sport, then your work will be very easy. Of course, there is no problem otherwise.
Search the internet for several beginner yoga classes available at home. For example, you can start yoga at home with the video below.
Combine yoga movements at home with music!
For a pleasant and satisfying workout, we suggest playing one of the following music and listening to it while doing the yoga moves (which we have listed below).
Download yoga songs
Go to the basic yoga movements at home!
This sport has different types, each of which includes different movements with a specific purpose. It is better to start with a few basic movements and gradually progress in these movements. Be sure you will love this sport at home.
Introduction of beginner movements to start yoga at home
Follow these 5 steps to get started. Let your body tell you how much and how far it wants to move. If that amount is what makes you feel good, then stick with it and enjoy it. Remember to start your yoga practice at home by downloading yoga songs (without words).
1. The child’s condition
- Benefits of doing this move: Sensation of deep stretching from the neck to the spine and pelvis
- Prohibition of doing this move: If you are pregnant, have high blood pressure or have difficulty bending your knees; don’t do it
- Focus on performing this movement: Do this movement by focusing on releasing the muscles of the back and spine.
2. Cobra movement
- Benefits of doing movement: Strengthening the loin fillet
- Prohibition of movement: Do not do this exercise if you have pain or injuries related to the spine or neck.
3. downward dog
- Benefits of doing movement: To relieve back pain
- Prohibition of movement: If you have back pain or high blood pressure or are pregnant, do not do this exercise.
4. tree movement
- Benefits of doing movement: Strengthening balance, correcting posture and increasing mid-body strength.
- Prohibition of movement: If you have a certain medical condition or suffer from low blood pressure or imbalance, this move is not for you.
5. body movement
- Benefits of doing this move: Increasing concentration, improving blood circulation, reducing mental and physical fatigue, calming nerves, reducing asthma, constipation, diabetes, digestion and insomnia.
- Prohibition of doing this move: Doing this yoga movement at home is good and suitable for everyone.
Yoga training at home for weight loss
Although yoga at home is a multifaceted and physical sport; But its mission was never to lose weight and burn calories, as we know, the nature of yoga is not aerobic or strength.
Of course, there are several styles of yoga and a series of yoga movements that are very active and dynamic and can help you burn calories while doing yoga and go on the path to weight loss.
Repeat these simple exercises daily for 5 sets, it may seem simple, but it is very hard and will increase your heart rate, and because it is done with body weight, it is also considered a strength exercise.
Hello to the sun
It is necessary to do at least 10 salutations to the sun. You can increase the intensity of the exercise by holding certain poses in sun salutations for longer or doing them at a faster pace to burn more calories doing yoga at home.
How to move
- Stand up while raising your arms above your head and take a deep breath;
- As you bend forward like bowing in prayer, exhale and open your hands;
- then reach the hands to the ground (completely attach the chest to the knees);
- Take your legs back and get into a plank position;
- Be in the plank position for a deep inhale and exhale, and then lie completely on the ground, get into the cobra movement position;
- quickly gather the legs and come forward;
- Stand up again and repeat this yoga movement from the beginning.
This yoga practice at home involves your whole body, especially your mid-body and will help reduce stress.
How to move
- Sit on the floor and put your feet together and in front of you;
- Bend your knees and lift your legs off the floor like in the picture, only the hips are on the floor;
- Extend the arms in front of you so that they are parallel to the floor;
- If you can, straighten your legs while keeping your upper body straight;
- Hold this position for 30 seconds;
- Repeat at least five times and don’t forget to inhale and exhale deeply.
Plank is one of the bodybuilding exercises as well as yoga that involves the whole body well and even if it is done back to back, it will have an aerobic aspect. Therefore, to lose weight with yoga, repeat this exercise for 10 minutes.
How to move
- Get into a plank position, keeping your body in a straight line;
- Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds (20 seconds if it is difficult for you);
- Then place your knees on the floor and rest for 5 seconds;
- Repeat this exercise for 10 minutes and do not forget to breathe deeply.
5 yoga exercises to relax
Now we will teach you some yoga movements at home that you can use to relieve stress and bad feelings. Do not neglect these simple yoga movements to increase your relaxation and well-being.
1. cat – cow
How to move
- To perform this yoga movement at home, just get on all fours and feet on the floor;
- The palms should be under the shoulders;
- While inhaling, tuck your back in and lift your chest and head;
- As you exhale, round your back, feeling like you’re stretching like a cat;
- Repeat this movement with deep breaths for 10 times.
2. the butterfly
How to move
- Place the soles of your feet together (if you can touch the soles of your feet together) and allow your knees to flare outward;
- Sit comfortably but straight and feel the stretch of your spine and breathe deeply;
- As you exhale, bend your head and back forward to feel the stretch in your lower back and pelvis;
- Repeat this movement for 5 to 10 deep breaths.
3. waterfall
How to move
- Lie on your back. If you have a hollow back, place a small pillow at the bottom of your back and under your hips;
- Take a deep breath and raise your legs, the soles of your feet facing up towards the sky;
- Stay in this position and take 10 deep breaths.
4. Bridge
How to move
- To perform this yoga movement at home, lie on your back as shown in the picture and bring the soles of your feet to the floor;
- Take a deep breath and perform the bridge movement, you must lift your pelvis and hips without slouching;
- Hold this position for about 10 deep breaths.
5. Prostrated
How to move
- kneel on the mat, put your knees together and lie on the floor in a prostrate position;
- stretch the hands forward, put the head between the arms and on the floor, the forehead should be on the floor;
- Feel the full stretch in the back of your leg and back;
- Stay in this position for 10 deep breaths.
6. Final move
To end your yoga practice at home, sit comfortably and close your eyes slowly. Take a few deep breaths before you open your eyes.
final word
In order to know how to do yoga at home, it is necessary to know this sport to some extent. Yoga can be a great exercise for stress reduction and fitness. In this article, we have explained the step-by-step guide for teaching yoga at home. You can start exercising today.
References: nytimes-vogue