From the New York Times true stories column, to the cover of Amazon Prime.

If you still haven't chosen the movie you want to watch on Valentine's night, “Modern Love” and its non-continuous episodes are for you. This series can be like reading a collection of romantic and attractive stories; Like a bright star in the despair of this modern world, it will shine on you and make you hope for love again. The stories of this miniseries are based on real stories published in the New York Times and have been filmed by popular directors. In this article, we introduce this series.

From a column of facts to a picture frame.
When John Carney, the director of the successful film Begin again, decided to recreate the stories of the New York Times newspaper, he did not expect that these stories would receive so much attention; But when the first season was well received, the production of the second season was also on Amazon Prime's agenda, and like the first season, a list of popular stars was provided to play in this series. The idea of modern love is taken from the column stories of the same name. stories that have nothing to do with fairy tales and classic romances; They have come out of the hearts of today's people, and one of them will definitely find a place in another's heart.
If you are looking for a movie that is romantic, gives you hope, makes you laugh and most importantly, belongs to the real world, we recommend you to choose the episodes of this series. This is you and this introduction of some episodes!

Concierge in the role of eternal protection
Gusmin and Maggie have a strange and unusual relationship. Maggie is a lonely, single woman in busy New York trying to find her way in life, and Gusmin, as the doorman of the building she lives in, is Maggie's bodyguard and protector against men who don't deserve her love. Gusmin is a perfect friend for Maggie. Maggie sometimes has no help in this world; Except Gosmin, who stands by the door and recognizes from thirty meters away whether Maggie is in danger or not!
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The episode “When the doorman is your main man” is the first episode of the Modern Love series, which at the beginning of the broadcast with this episode, was able to attract many audiences to the main idea of this series.

A stranger on a Dublin train
The third part of the second season of Modern Love is the story of “Stranger on the Dublin Train”; A story that makes you hope for a fateful moment.
If during a short train trip, during a charming and simple yet deep conversation, you realize that your arm is the missing half of the promise, be sure to get his Instagram account or at least his contact number! Because no one knows about the next pandemic. This is the mistake that Paula and Michael make and decide to return to their meeting place in a romantic way, only on a specified date, and continue dating; But Corona and quarantine will destroy all their plans.

Accept me as I am, whoever I am!
Living with mental disorders is hard work; Communicating with these work disorders is more difficult! Lexi likes to socialize with many people, deliver her projects in the best possible way and spend her days in the best possible way; But bipolar disorder stands in front of him to destroy his plans and make it impossible to love and be loved. But can't find a way to deal with this hornless giant?
Starring Anna Hathaway and directed by the show's original creator, John Carney, the third episode of the first season examines the plight of people who are rarely seen; They do not have a voice to express themselves and generally hide behind closed doors. John Carney reminds with this episode that love is for everyone; Especially those who are trapped behind closed doors.

Hugs again, with open hearts and eyes
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Love has difficulties that can never be predicted and everyone's difficulty is specific to their love story. But sometimes this difficulty is not the way to pass unopened knots. Elizabeth and Van have once reached the end of their love story; They are separated and now their only communication factor is their two small children. Nevertheless, they decide to walk again, but a medical diagnosis affects their decision. Is it possible to stay in love despite a tragedy like cancer?
The last part of the second season of Modern Love tells about a way that has many ups and downs; But it can be overcome with all the difficulties.

The angel of love in the form of a fanatical journalist
Joshua has designed a dating app that is different from all its competitors in the market and has the highest success rate in bringing lovers together. But when journalist Julie asks about his personal experience of love, Joshua tells a story that unlike his app, he was not successful at all! Of course, Joshua tells his story against two conditions; The first is that it is not published and the second is that Julie herself tells her untold story.
Julie is Joshua's love angel who has a camera and a pen to write instead of a camera. The second episode of the first season tells of broken hearts trying to get back on their feet but still carrying their wounds.

In the hospital, an honest moment
Sometimes, just at the moment when you think everything is ruined and lost and you take a deep breath because there is nothing you can do anymore, the world puts its events together in such a way that you stand in the right place without any extra effort! To see the story of such a moment, you should refer to the fifth episode of the first season.
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Basically, there's never a good time to break your drinking glass and have a massive bleed; But this is definitely not anyone's predetermined plan. Rob, now has to spend the whole night alone in the hospital; But he doesn't even think that Yasmin, his one-night acquaintance, will stay by his side and in this difficult night, they will lay down next to him and grow tall together.

Ninth slide
There are different opinions from the critics of Modern Love series. Some people believe that this series, contrary to the teasers and its appearance, did not present an accurate picture of love. But is there an accurate picture of love? However, due to the great popularity of this series, countries such as India, Holland and Korea have also started producing their own version of this series.
Modern love tells the story of loves that happen before our eyes and we are not aware of them. Stories that give hope to life.